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I can't tell if a movie is good or bad


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I'll go watch a movie and think it's wonderful, and then I'll get home and check rotten tomatoes and see it got a horrible rating. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?
Just go with what YOU like. That is all that matters (as BM619 said).

Although I will admit that I have been guilty of letting things others have said about movies influence me and my opinion.

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I'll go watch a movie and think it's wonderful, and then I'll get home and check rotten tomatoes and see it got a horrible rating. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

I don't listen to reviewers on movies, rarely do I agree with what they say and what's more is that if I disagree with them and don't like a movie that I'm "supposed" to like or like a movie that I'm "not supposed" to like it still doesn't change my opinion of the movie one bit. If you like a movie then ignore the critics, after all it is said that "critics are those who watch a battle from the hillside and then afterward go down and kill the survivors."

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I don't know what constitutes a good movie according to critics, it's a mystery to me

Most of them went to some sort of film school and as such look for all the film school stuff in a movie; if its true that those who can do, and those who can't teach then it is also true that those who can't teach become critics.

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A lot of those people look at things like camera angles and the artsy undertones of movies. If they don't have it, they suck according to them. I have a lot of friends who are movie elitists and swear by the imdb website's top 250

Personally, I think movies should be for entertainment value.

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That's the reason I never read reviews before I see a movie. After I see it and have formed a opinion. Then I like to go to Rotten Tomatoes and other sites and read reviews. Just to see if they agree with me. On Rotten Tomatoes. Critics gave Eagle Eye (which I love) 27% while the RT community gave it 67%. That's a pretty big difference. Eagle Eye made nearly $100 Million. So, which would the producers rather have? Love from the critics? Or big numbers from the box office? I think we all know the answer to that question.

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As a kid, I played tons of street football, but never played in an organized league. It didn't stop me from becoming a Redskins fan and enjoying the games. Still, the more I learned about the sport, I found, the more I enjoyed watching it.

For me, it was the same way with films. The more I learned, the better time I had at the movies, because there was that much more about a film that I could appreciate. Just like a coach watching game film, I can watch a great feature more than once, see something new each time, go deeper and deeper, never get bored, and also never have to watch the cinema's equivalent of the Lions vs. the Bengals.

I started off just reading a bunch of different movie reviews until I found a critic who I usually agreed with. Then, if in doubt, I just trusted his judgment about what films to see. Then I read a couple of books. I read American Cinematographer magazine, especially if they did a story about a film I liked.

Now, years later, I still don't know jack compared to Tarantino, but I can appreciate what he's intending, how he achieved it, and I still never have to watch the Rams vs. the Chiefs. :cheers:

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