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Request: A Canton-sized ovation for Taylor's family Sunday.


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As I understand it, Seans family will be in attendance for the pregame ceremony of Sean's induction into the Redskin Ring of Fame. As hard as it is to deal with the loss of our favorite safety, it is even more difficult for Sean's family.

We lost a tremendous football player. They lost a tremendous son, brother, grandson, husband, and father. Those are just a small amount of titles that Sean possessed. His presence was felt all around and will be missed by all. I just feel for his family.

I hereby request that Taylor's family receive a standing ovation the size of Art's in Canton.

Let's show his family that we are behind them as they continue to try and find a way to cope with this loss.

Pedro, Jackie, Jackie, Donna, amongst a few others I am sure, deserve nothing less, IMO.

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wish i could be there in person... so much i checked train tickets to DC today, but $200 each way was little too rich for my blood (plane was twice that). Be loud and long... The standing Ovation for Monk was incredible thing to witness and be a part of. I would love to see it topped.

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Good post! I'm sure that the fans at the game will give Sean's family tremendous love and support. You're right that the ovation should be at least as long and loud as the one that Art got.

PG, since it didn't work out for me to attend the game with you, will you please give a few cheers on my behalf? I'll probably be applauding them and cheering at my computer screen while watching the live stream, but the family obviously won't feel that support.

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Well, I might have sometimes been disappointed with our fans and their actions before and during some of the nationally televised games, I have no doubt that everyone will come through and represent our fanbase's love of ST this Sunday. I will be watching the ceremony from home and can only hope our fanbase can live up to their billing as some of the best fans in football and show ST's family how much we love and miss ST and will do what we can to ensure that his daughter will be taken care of.

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PG, since it didn't work out for me to attend the game with you, will you please give a few cheers on my behalf?

I was priviledge enough to attend Canton and was in the crowd during Art's 4 minute ovation. I will sure be loud and proud in section 450 showing the respect that Taylors family deserves! I'll certainly give tons of cheers for the folks who can not attend this game. Much like I did at the HOF ceremony! :)

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Well, a large number Redskins fans will be too busy seeing how many beers they can shotgun before entering the stadium, missing half of the first quarter.

While I do think this is the case during most games. It wasn't an issue for the Bills game last year. And I don't forsee this being an issue this Sunday.

Some things are much bigger than football. This Sunday is one of them. I fully expect Redskin nation to be in their seats in time for the ceremony. :cheers:

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While I do think this is the case during most games. It wasn't an issue for the Bills game last year. And I don't forsee this being an issue this Sunday.

Some things are much bigger than football. This Sunday is one of them. I fully expect Redskin nation to be in their seats in time for the ceremony. :cheers:

I really hope so. You're right, the majority was filled for the Bills game.

Sean's family deserves this moment.

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I won't be at the game, but i'll cheer so loud that my neighbors will wonder what is wrong with that kid in Apartment 1!

even after a year has passed reading all these threads gets me a little choked up and red-eyed, feels like (God-forbid) i lost my blood-related brother.:(

Let's rip these Giants apart, here's to a good game to honor our dear departed friend and his family, win or lose (hopefully the former)


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It's appropriate to give Sean a standing ovation, not his still-grieving family.

Why do you think the grieving family shouldn't get a standing ovation? It's a way to say that we admire and respect your father/brother/son immensely and that means we support you (the family). Most of Redskins Nation would love to scoop little Jackie in their arms and give her a huge hug (if she would want that).

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