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POLL: Sign Deangelo Hall? Yes or No


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I haven't seen a poll go up on this topic so lets see where everyone stands on this issue now that we are officially in the running for Hall.

I think there are two ways to look at this...


Bring him in for the rest of the season. I think with strong veteran leaders like London Fletcher, Shawn Springs and Cornelius Griffin you have guys in place that won't hesitate to put a guy like Hall in his place. At just 24 years old he still has alot of good football left ahead and could help immediately with our inept return game.


Why risk messing up good team chemistry. He hasn't been playing as well as he did earlier in his career. Risk/reward may be too high.

Personally I say bring him in.

Let's see where everyone stands. :cheers:

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We need depth and Hall is way better than Tryon or Torrence so I say yeah! Sign him up. Short term for cheap!

Plus he won't be screwing up with London Fletcher controlling the D. He'll keep him in check. Dude is a great player, well not great, he's ok, just needs a good team. And he's only 24. Give him a shot.

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i really dont see a huge risk with bringin him in. The worst that happens is that we cut him and dont lose anything. No draft picks wasted and if it doesnt work out o well. On the other hand we get a guy with great potential who is already better than tryon and torrence so he can help now. He is only 24 so theres a chance that he will mature and grow out of his selfish ways and than we might be getting a future pro bowl corner for the next 10 years or so. Most likely that wont happen but thats a chance i would take for the little risk

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At first I was against it. The more I thought about it, I realized that he might not necessarily be the best fit as a number 1 corner, but as a nickel back he could be a playmaker. He also has elite return ability and could help in that facet as well.

So before I was a no, now I'm a yes.

*EDIT* However, if he tries to moan and get number 21, we cut him on the spot. Who's with me?

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He's 24? I would've guessed at least 25. Actually he'll turn 25 in 10 days.

We do need help at CB, but consider this.

1) He's real expensive, and our salary cap situation isn't the best.

2) Is he really that good? I don't know about that, I've seen him get burned often.

3) Dude has character issues.

So I say no.

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I think it's something to consider. Springs can't stay healthy, and is probably in his last year as a Skin. Smoot is nowhere near the corner he was when he left. So with that in mind where does that leave us? It leaves us with Tryon who is Trying (pun intended) to get used to playing in the NFL. Hall would come to us without having to spend a draft pick, we have a much stronger locker room than the Raiders or Falcons, so Hall coming in and causing trouble is unlikely. I'm also sure there would be something in his contract about him causing trouble being tied to bonuses. If Hall plays to his potential he could be awesome and it's possible we could get him for way under market value for a top/mid teir CB. I think he's worth the risk.

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Hall does gamble on routes often. Atleast he has hands good enough to make picks. He has also never had a safety like landry playing over him. Springs can't stay healthy and smoot as a number 2 and leigh torrence as the nickel isn't intimidating. I can't see us being able to keep springs and hall going in to next year though.

If we can get him at a good price I'm not against signing him. I'm more concerned what he'll do to our cap than what he'll bring to our team.

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