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POLL: Sign Deangelo Hall? Yes or No


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Where else would he thrive more so than here? We have a great system in place, with a hardass defensive coordinator who won't take any **** and a tremendous amount of leadership throughout the defense. We are a team that is devoid of defensive playmakers (in terms of turnovers), and we have gotten zilch from the punt return game. He plays great in press coverage, is one of the fastest players in the NFL, and has good hands for a corner. And did I forget that he is just 24?

This is an absurdly high reward, relatively low risk move, essentially in that we can cut him at any time, and if we do so, he knows that he'll have trouble finding further employment in the league. And if he does work out, we will have arguably the deepest secondary in the league. Springs and Smoot miss too much time, and let's hope that we aren't counting on Leigh Torrence (or god forbid Justin Tryon) come December.

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I think it's something to consider. Springs can't stay healthy, and is probably in his last year as a Skin. Smoot is nowhere near the corner he was when he left. So with that in mind where does that leave us? It leaves us with Tryon who is Trying (pun intended) to get used to playing in the NFL. Hall would come to us without having to spend a draft pick, we have a much stronger locker room than the Raiders or Falcons, so Hall coming in and causing trouble is unlikely. I'm also sure there would be something in his contract about him causing trouble being tied to bonuses. If Hall plays to his potential he could be awesome and it's possible we could get him for way under market value for a top/mid teir CB. I think he's worth the risk.

Quoted so you guys can see one of the few smart posts in this thread.

There is little risk in signing him. Also, read what his EX-teammates in CHokeland said about him. Doesn't seem like a bad teamate at all, really.

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Springs is done and Smoot can't tackle like Springs. OUr run defense suffers and Smoot's coverage skills have seemed to decline. Carlos brick hands Rogers and Deangelo I need to redeem myself Hall are both young, physical and could develop into a top tandem. Hall being local means he will be held more accountable for his actions, our coaching staff doesn't put up with much BS on the defensive side.

I think it might could maybe should work.

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They shouldn't break the bank to get him but if he's available something reasonable, hell yeah. Plus he's only 24 years old. 4.2 or 4.3 speed just doesn't grow on trees. I think Hall needs to just work on being a sudent of the game. He has the natural ability. Springs can then work in some at safety on a rotation basis.

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No. Why try to pull a Jerry Jones and bring in someone who can't behave only to have the league ban him ....

Hall supposedly is a cancer.

No need to rehabilitate him ...

Leave him alone.

Bring people to the team that want to play, have control of their lives, won't bring down the team.

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