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Kenya declares National Holiday in light of Obama win

Big Weirdo

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Why keeast? These people have literally nothing going for them. Now, a kenyan American just got elected to be the next leader of the free world. I'm happy they have something to cheer for.

Because he's not from Kenya. His dad is from Kenya. Should England, Scotland, and Ireland declare national holidays as well since that is Obama's mother's ancestory?

That's fine though. It just seems over-the-top to me if Obama is not even from that country and never lived there.

And actually, they do have something to cheer about, the fact that they are now going to get a buttload of money poured into their region's AIDS relief organizations and government.

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Because he's not from Kenya. His dad is from Kenya. Should England, Scotland, and Ireland declare national holidays as well since that is Obama's mother's ancestory?

That's fine though. It just seems over-the-top to me if Obama is not even from that country and never lived there.

And actually, they do have something to cheer about, the fact that they are now going to get a buttload of money poured into their region's AIDS relief organizations and government.

Are you kidding? He campaigned there for Odinga. They all know him as Uncle Barry from America. :silly:
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And actually, they do have something to cheer about, the fact that they are now going to get a buttload of money poured into their region's AIDS relief organizations and government.

Yeah, but this is a good thing right? Not to be funny, but this is one of main issues that President Bush gets praised on.

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He knows, this is how he starts his game.....in thread after thread after thread...... :yawnee:

A game? :laugh:

Is there something wrong with asking questions?

It would be one thing if he was born on a military base in Kenya or if his dad didn't disown him, but seriously why?

Did Odinga declare the holiday?

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That's awesome. I've been to Kenya before, all around it actually, and they are some of the friendliest people I've ever met. Always smiling and saying hello.

My mom and dad were in the Peace Corps in Kenya back when they were in their early to mid 20s. So when I was like 14, me and my dad went on a walking safari in the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania. One of the most amazing trips I've ever been on. We then went to Kenya and visited the villages that he and my mom taught at back in the late 60s. It was amazing, my dad even found the house that he used to live in. He was real happy. He was one of the biggest financial supporters in the Obama campaign. Actually, he was Obama's international funds chairman(my dad lives in Geneva). He is now in line to get a position in Obama's cabinet somewhere, as in an ambassadorship. He is looking to become the ambassador of Kenya, and he speaks Swahili. So that's pretty cool.

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That's awesome. I've been to Kenya before, all around it actually, and they are some of the friendliest people I've ever met. Always smiling and saying hello.

My mom and dad were in the Peace Corps in Kenya back when they were in their early to mid 20s. So when I was like 14, me and my dad went on a walking safari in the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania. One of the most amazing trips I've ever been on. We then went to Kenya and visited the villages that he and my mom taught at back in the late 60s. It was amazing, my dad even found the house that he used to live in. He was real happy. He was one of the biggest financial supporters in the Obama campaign. Actually, he was Obama's international funds chairman(my dad lives in Geneva). He is now in line to get a position in Obama's cabinet somewhere, as in an ambassadorship. He is looking to become the ambassador of Kenya, and he speaks Swahili. So that's pretty cool.

Very cool!

Good luck to your father!

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