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Would You Decriminalize Pot?


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They still effect the chemistry of the brain in such a way as to create a reduced capacity to feel or to think completely coherently. That's the problem I have with them. I will use them when absolutely necessary and they're definitely my preference over Percocet and its cousins, which I won't touch under ANY circumstances (for multiple reasons).
Could you please post a source that states that tylenol, "effect the chemistry of the brain in such a way as to create a reduced capacity to feel or to think completely coherently"?

The only negative side effects that I've seen in studdies of tylenol relate to overdosing over time in relation to liver problems. nothing about effects on the mind.

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I'd legalize pot.

As pot is less harmful then alcohol it only makes sense that it have the same status.

But only pot gets outright legalization.

All other drugs get decriminalized though.

We don't lock up alcoholics. We shouldn't lock up any addicts. Period. It's a medical issue. Not a criminal one.

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I'd legalize pot.

As pot is less harmful then alcohol it only makes sense that it have the same status.

But only pot gets outright legalization.

All other drugs get decriminalized though.

We don't lock up alcoholics. We shouldn't lock up any addicts. Period. It's a medical issue. Not a criminal one.

I agree about addicts needing to be in rehab and not prison,but those who distribute things like cocaine/crack/heroine need to be tossed in jail.

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I agree about addicts needing to be in rehab and not prison,but those who distribute things like cocaine/crack/heroine need to be tossed in jail.

I'd treat it the same as those who illegally distribute alcohol. Well, somewhat harsher as they wouldn't have the same legal status as alcohol.

But giving a 19-year-old kid 12 years for conspiracy to sell crack (for example) is something else that needs to come to an end.

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NO. I would not decriminalize it.

That's why I will be voting AGAINST Question #2 on the Massachusetts ballot next Tuesday, which would decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and simply confiscate it and fine anyone found with less than one ounce of the substance.

You're the type of person that really makes me want to break something beautiful. You advocate throwing some guy in jail for having a bag, hell, even a joint....even if it was used responsibly in his OWN DOMAIN, because he doesn't adhere to your psycho-babble ideals of sobriety? Oh look, there goes a painting on my wall. I liked that one.

Seriously man. It's a plant that grows in nature, not something cooked up in a suspect trailer in Indiana.

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I wouldn't becuase just like booze, people will abuse it and do wrong things with it.

If we legalize it, would anyone of you want to fly on a plane where a pilot has smoked some??

The problem with legalizing it, is that people aren't smart enough on a whole to use it responsibly, and thus that puts the rest of us at risk.

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I wouldn't becuase just like booze, people will abuse it and do wrong things with it.

If we legalize it, would anyone of you want to fly on a plane where a pilot has smoked some??

The problem with legalizing it, is that people aren't smart enough on a whole to use it responsibly, and thus that puts the rest of us at risk.

So we should make booze illegal then?

But this is what you do: when people do abuse it, and when they do do stupid **** on it, you punish them for it. Just like now if someone does some dumb **** with alcohol.

Not that complicated.

And I've gotta post this:


Like the 10th time I've done so. Great vid.

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I can't think of what it was my father's doctors put him on after his chemo, but I know it wasn't Marinol. He'd specifically told his doctors he didn't want any part of it because of its connection to marijuana.

:whoknows: That's pretty, uhm, strange.

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As someone who went to jail because his roommate was selling pot to other people our age. Just legalize the ****, I haven't smoked in over a year. I never will again probably, but it just doesn't make sense that you can do multiple years in prison for selling pot. It's not PCP, it's not crack, it's not heroine. You can still go outside and do whatever. You can go to class, you can go to work. It's much harder, but I've seen people do both successfully. You can't do that drunk or messed up on any other drug. I don't think I've seen an episode of the show Intervention with someone who smoked pot. There's a damn good reason for that...

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Holy good gravy, people, when will you realize that arguing with MSF will never achieve anything?

As for the actual question - you bet your sweet ass I would. And I've smoked once in my whole life. Didn't enjoy it. But the War on Drugs is a black hole for government money, and a huge part of that black hole is our inane policy on marijuana.

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As someone who went to jail because his roommate was selling pot to other people our age. Just legalize the ****, I haven't smoked in over a year. I never will again probably, but it just doesn't make sense that you can do multiple years in prison for selling pot. It's not PCP, it's not crack, it's not heroine. You can still go outside and do whatever. You can go to class, you can go to work. It's much harder, but I've seen people do both successfully. You can't do that drunk or messed up on any other drug. I don't think I've seen an episode of the show Intervention with someone who smoked pot. There's a damn good reason for that...

Had a friend that was shot in the head and killed for a quarter pound of pot. I'd bet he'd rather have done a couple years in prison. Don't really mean to make light of your situation. Just pointing out that there are worse things.

And many people function all day with a "buzz" on every kind of drug there is. Including alcohol. You can also get too screwed up to function on any of them, including pot.

I agree, in theory, that if alcohol is legal, then pot might as well be too. But what would be better, and healthier for us all, is that they all be illegal. Since none are necessary, except for medical possibilities.

That's why I say no.

Reality is for people who can't handle drugs.;)

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Could you please post a source that states that tylenol, "effect the chemistry of the brain in such a way as to create a reduced capacity to feel or to think completely coherently"?

The only negative side effects that I've seen in studdies of tylenol relate to overdosing over time in relation to liver problems. nothing about effects on the mind.

Are you telling me that Advil/Tylenol/Aspirin/etc... don't reduce pain for you? If they don't I'd suggest stopping using them. To do that they effect brain chemistry if I understand things properly. Numbing the ability of the brain to feel pain. Even that slight numbness to feeling is an issue in my mind. I have no interest in ANY product that creates an altered mental state and avoid as many of them as I can as much as is humanly possible.

You're the type of person that really makes me want to break something beautiful. You advocate throwing some guy in jail for having a bag, hell, even a joint....even if it was used responsibly in his OWN DOMAIN, because he doesn't adhere to your psycho-babble ideals of sobriety? Oh look, there goes a painting on my wall. I liked that one.

Actually I advocate a much more permanent remedy than jail time for anyone caught with this crap, but that's just me. If that makes you want to break things, sorry to hear that. I'd suggest putting me on IGNORE in that case because you're probably not going to like much of anything I say.

:whoknows: That's pretty, uhm, strange.

I'm sure you think so. Some of us value our souls more than our bodies.

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If you're worried about your soul, then talk to God about it. There's no need to worry about your soul b/c of weed though.

I completely and totally disagree. In my mind the act of allowing oneself to enter into an altered mental state, especially through the use of illegal substances, speaks directly to the morality of the individual and therefore the likely eternal damnation of the soul; which in my belief structure deals with much more than simply spiritual issues. Obviously you disagree, which is fine. You should be used to disagreeing with me by now. :)

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So we should make booze illegal then?

But this is what you do: when people do abuse it, and when they do do stupid **** on it, you punish them for it. Just like now if someone does some dumb **** with alcohol.

Not that complicated.

And I've gotta post this:


Like the 10th time I've done so. Great vid.

I hear you man. How can you abuse weed? Thats why you don't hear about people going on bud induced killing sprees or running over people while high. If anything it kicks in your sixth sense in whatever you are doing. It needs to be legalized now.

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As someone who turned his college roommate in to the school for possession of that crap (and got him expelled), maybe you should have thought of THAT as an idea before the cops came through the door.

The most sucker move ever on extreme skins. The very definition of the word Hater. Like someone said you need a hit of the finest of the fine. Your soul will be okay. God wont judge you for it

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