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MSNBC: ATF disrupts plot to assasinate Obama

Toe Jam

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I would still like to know if these two, outside of having a shotgun, did anything outside of thinking and talking?

Talking about shooting somebody is not illegal.

Talking about assassinating a President is illegal. For instance if someone did that on a message board the FBI would be on that person faster than a fly on ****.

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WASHINGTON - A plot by skinheads to assassinate Barack Obama and kill dozens of other African Americans has been foiled, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said Monday.

A senior ATF official told NBC News that two Neo-Nazi skinheads were arrested and charged in a mass murder plot.

In court records unsealed Monday, agents said they disrupted plans that included robbing a gun store and targeting an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school.

The two men were arrested in Crockett County, Tenn., and have already made a court appearance.

My wife and I watched some of the Robert Kennedy movie and we both looked at each other and thought this would be a possibility. It would be a very sad day if this were to happen.

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Can't believe no one has posted this...unless I missed it?

Skinheads held over Obama death plot

By Deborah Charles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two white supremacist skinheads were arrested in Tennessee over plans to go on a killing spree and eventually shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, court documents showed on Monday.

Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman were charged in a criminal complaint with making threats against a presidential candidate, illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun and conspiracy to rob a gun dealer.

The plot did not appear to be very advanced or sophisticated, the court documents showed.

"We're unsure of their ability or if they have the wherewithal to carry out any of their threats," said a source close to the investigation.

Obama would be the first black president in U.S. history if he defeats Republican John McCain in the November 4 election. Concerns about Obama's safety led the Secret Service to provide round-the-clock protection from early in his campaign.

The suspects met over the Internet about a month ago, said an affidavit filed by Brian Weaks, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

"The individuals began discussing going on a 'killing spree' that included killing 88 people and beheading 14 African Americans," Weaks said in the affidavit.

The men stole guns from family members and also had a sawed-off shotgun. They planned to target a predominately black school, going state to state while robbing individuals and continuing to kill people, Weaks said in the affidavit.

Full article: http://www.reuters.com/article/wtMostRead/idUSTRE49Q7KJ20081027

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I sadly give the guy a six month life expectancy when he gets elected tops...

When someone gives him the old double tap to the dome this entire house of cards will fall...

Then we will all get to experience true terror.

This is my biggest fear about the upcoming election.

I hope and pray nether one of these examples will happen.

If Obama wins and some knucklehead like these 2 losers do indeed assassinate Obama, we will have a race war in this country.

If McCain wins and wins by a very slim margin, people might think that the election was rigged, we just might have rioting in the streets and a possible race war.

It is not looking good for the good ole USA right now.

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I guess some people weren't sure where I'd stand on something like this, so let me just say it sickens and saddens me that there are people like this still out there. I'm glad their plot was foiled before it began to unfold, and will continue to pray for a day when this mentality is eradicated all together.

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I guess some people weren't sure where I'd stand on something like this, so let me just say it sickens and saddens me that there are people like this still out there. I'm glad their plot was foiled before it began to unfold, and will continue to pray for a day when this mentality is eradicated all together.

Of course we know where you stand on this, you dumbass.

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Yeah Zoony Im not my normal cartoon hijinx zombie third person fun time self am I? Its been a tough period for my family and all... lost my cousin in Iraq about a month ago.

I missed this the first time around. I'm sorry for you and your family. :( Take care of yourself.

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