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When/How did you become a member of ES?


Who do you pull for, the 'Pukes or the Vagiants?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you pull for, the 'Pukes or the Vagiants?

    • Best scenario for the 'Skins, even if that means seeing Jerrah celebrate on the sidelines.
    • I enjoy nothing more than seeing TO in tears. We control our own destiny with the Vagiants.

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what was your handle over there? I posted there for several years b/f I came here
Me three (remember Amar Singh?). Moved from WaPo to CPND for a while, it was on CPND I heard about this site. I actually lurked a few months before joining, but was not here for the birth like some of these guys.
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My brother has been a member on here for several years and would always talk about the Redskins football news being discussed on this site. At that time, I was content checking the news on Redskins.com and getting the updates from my brother and dad.

When I moved down here to attend school, it was the first time I was not living in a house with someone who knew at least SOMETHING about football, whether that be my brother and dad at home, or my uncle and cousins I lived with while attending college back east. There was always someone around to have a decent conversation with. But when I moved down here, I moved into a situation where my 2 roommates didn't know jack about sports, much less football. It got pretty lonely watching the games by myself and trying to call home only to get a busy signal because my dad or brother was on the phone to someone else discussing the game.

The final straw was ST's death. I cried a lot during that first week after his death and tried to talk with my dad and brother about it as we all tried to cope with the tragedy and seek some resolution. However, they were about the only ones I could talk to...everyone else including my roommates thought I was bat**** insane for being so upset about about the death of someone I'd never met. They didn't understand how much the Redskins contributed to many of my good memories of my childhood, how the Redskins have created a strong and unique bond between my brother, father, and I, and how the Redskins are truly an integral part of my life. It's not just football, it's the Redskins.

That was the tipping point in convincing me to sign up on ES. I wanted to have some sort of link with the Redskins community beyond just reading the reports on Redskins.com. And I wanted to be able to enter an environment where other people were feeling the same sort of hurt about ST's death as myself, where I could read through other peoples' account of how ST affected their lives and how sad they were about his death...I could read through these thoughts and realize I wasn't totally off my rocker and I wasn't alone in my hurt over ST's death.

And as they say, the rest is history...especially when I found the tailgate....

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what was your handle over there? I posted there for several years b/f I came here

Same name 'Youngestson' my maternal grandfather's name for me. The English version is a little more memorable then the Vietnamese version which I'm not sure I can still spell.

I don't knoww if I remember you or not. Were you Zoony over there as well?

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I joined in Sep 2006. I just googled "Redskins" one evening after reading some boring email and this site was in the top "matches". So I clicked on it...looked around and joined almost immediately. Been around ever since. I like it. A little piece of heaven in a dark and dangerous cyber world..:silly:

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This has been the only name. I am member #26.

I posted on the AOL boards under a gazillion names, sometimes using my realname.

I found the sportingnews board either in 97 or 98 and also posted there. Some of the users there decided to create this site; which is how I found out about this site. So, when the launched in June 2000; I was there.

I picked Rdskns2000 because I full of hope. Thinking a new century and new decade would return us to glory. Well, we know that didn't happen.

That is cool. I was on AOL too, back when they first started. I chose the user name and email MarkE@aol.com because I heard Bill Gates used BillG@microsoft.com. 18104940animgifsmileybiye3.gif. I used AOL's access to usenet to get on the alt.sports.football.pro.wash-redskins newsgroup. I was happy there from 1999 to 2005, even though it was completely unmoderated. I eventually became a member here because of Tarhog's and Blade's Redskins database, which allowed search methods that were unmatched anywhere on the internet. Unfortunately, we lost that with the merge.
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I used to post at HailRedskins. There were a few know-it-alls that just got unbearable. I got tired of reading threads where these guys would take either side of an issue just to argue, and then insult whomever they were up against. And then they started insulting ES and I figured if they didn't like it...

Good for you guys, huh? :cheers:

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Joined in December of 2005...the first season I went to every home game and that last game in Philly. I'd been creeping around for a while, I think I found this place from Redskins.com cause I used to live there but I'd run out of articles to read so I started coming here.

I'm not gunna lie, it was really intimidating coming here, and I wouldn't post anywhere except for game threads for a while.

And I just went back to find one of my first posts and it's from the Packers game in 2005 and everyone is complaining about how much Moss sucks and how he's overrated hahah silly fans. :doh:

But yeah, started coming here and for some reason I just can't leave. I need you Redskin fans who actually understand how I feel when we win and lose or make a great play or a horrible play. I just don't feel so alone in my Redskin addiction anymore. :D:D

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my brother (a cowboy fan by the way) told me about some skins website with this cartoon makin fun of kellen winsow jr. and the poston brothers and how funny it was (Going Poston). so i go to it, and it had me rollin. i watched it a bunch of times a day for a long time. then i noticed that it had a bunch of videos, so i wanted to watch them all. after that, i notice all types of articles and discussions, and people sayin all types of crazy redskins stuff that i could relate to. you know that stuff that people call you crazy for and say "you love the redskins that much?" well i read a bunch of things like that here. to read more i had to join, so i did.

so bang, we haven't been formally introduced. i'm mel25 and i'm here because of your cartoons sir. thank you for your good work.

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I would read Redskins.com quite a bit, but never was much interested in the message board. Didn't think I'd like it. :silly:

Then I met a bunch of you at the Seattle Playoff tailgate last January. I thought it was so cool that so many Redskins fans, from around the country kept in touch and talked football. I don't have too many football friends locally, and recently met one Redskins fan via ES.

Part of my addiction also stems from my knee surgery in May. I was home for 3 weeks and nothing to do except lurk/post on ES.

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goldenster95 and dfbovey (i think they still post here sometimes) were members of the espn boards that i frequented in '03-'04...they often spoke of this place, i'd visit, but the layout didn't agree with me at first.

then i got into bang's cartoons. i must have shown "hoedown" to 100 people...then it got archived here (es used to host his stuff), and since it was archived, i had to join to access it. so i joined. then i read, a lot...for a long time, about a year. i didn't start posting until 2005.

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