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Mr. Snyder


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I for one thought this was thread worthy. I mentioned this in another forum that I was at the game a hour and a half early. Well the first person that I saw on the field was Snyder himself. Now I live a hour away from Detroit so I know pretty much know everything about the Lions.:( Well the Lions owner doesn't show up for every game. Hell he has a home in Florida for the winter. All he cares about is money not winning and it shows. My point is we always talk **** about Snyder. So I thought it would be nice to give the guy props. He hired Zorn he loves this team and he wants to win. He never misses a game and to me that shows a lot. So in other words this Buds for you Snyder.:cheers:

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I've been part of the "Hate Snyder" group for a number of years, but I've been rather impressed with him lately. I think he's moved past his free agency, quick fix days and has figured out that it takes time for a football team to mature. He knows a team must mature into greatness and that it won't just happen over night.

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I don't think the question with Snyder has ever been desire to win, I think it's always been the decisions that he's made. Being too hands on, making stupid personnel decisions, and not trusting football people to do football jobs.

I honestly believe that Joe Gibbs really taught Snyder how to be a better owner. Snyder even said it, and it seems to be playing out.

Now with a little more patience, and just trusting the football people, the organization seems to be on the right path. Hopefully Zorn continues to prove that he's a pretty good coach, and can stick around for a while.

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I've never been a Snyder basher although a few of his moves have kinda pissed me off. But for the most part alot of his "failed" signings over the years seemed like a good move at the time! And we've seen a maturity level develope between him & Vinnie over the past couple years that seems to hint that they might have it figured out.... Thanks Danny Boy......My Hat's off to you.... :applause::applause:

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Ive never understood all the Snyder bashing on here myself. Living out in SD and seeing the Spanos's in action would give you an idea of what a bad owner is. SD might lose the team still, b/c the city doesnt want to build another stadium, and the Spanos's just want to cheap out at every turn.

Snyder cares about the team, cares about the area, and isnt afraid to spend some coin when the team needs it. No one is perfect, but he seems to have learned from Gibbs...what more could you want from an owner?

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every time i see a jerry jones or al davis i hit my knees and thank dear Jesus in heaven for Snyder! Joe like always has made the people around him better at thiewr role and better people that is why Joe Gibbs deserves a spot in the Hall of Fame of Life not just Canton.

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I have bashed Snyder over the years for some of the crap he did...but the way he and this organization stepped up when Sean was murdered...that gave the man a clean slate with me.

I have always admired the way the Rooneys run the Steelers and when they hired Mike Tomlin and I saw what he did in just his first year I wondered, "When we going to get our own Mike Tomlin? Someone who is not a big name coach and is out to prove that they deserve this job!" I think we got a keeper in Coach Zorn.

Mr. Snyder...thank you.

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I want to like Snyder.. I really do.

I want to believe he has learned from past mistakes.

But.. After his annual "I`ve matured as an owner " speech.

He attempted to trade two first round picks for Ocho Stinko.. :doh:


PS~ Horton is awesome!


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It's amazing to me how, as fans, we set the bar for ownership so low as "wanting to win." I believe a better measure of management is actually winning and since Snyder has owned the Redskins they have a losing record.

What Snyder is successful at is exploiting the passion of the fans. He may love the Redskins but it’s apparent to me that what he really loves, is money.

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