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True Blood (HBO)- Season 1


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I'm watching hoping it will get better and it isn't. I was hoping for some type of horror genre show and it's mainly a show about relationships. It's bascially a love story with vampires thrown in. It's slowly wearing on me.

However, the last two nights we got to see anna paquin boobies :)

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They haven't showed a werewolf yet, but where there is one the other is usually around.

What is that the Abot and Costello rule?

He's absolute hate for the vampire, and the sounding like a dog when he sleeps kinda points to it.

but that's just it. He doesn't hate them. He tolerates them, or did until one took his girl.

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I thought it was Sam, the guy that owns the bar, that was running naked when the two guys on the fishing boat saw him?

I just watched the show again, it was Sam that was running naked in the woods when the guys on the boat saw him.

Thanks for the correction, I must have missed that. I though the cagun dude, who has shown super speed before, got caught in the burning vampire house adn had to evacuate without his clothes and was running home.....

Same makes more sense and also would seem to leand credibility to the ware wolf line of thought....

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Be kind, it's my first foray into the Tailgate.

I really like the show. Unfortunately my wife has read all the series' books, so I keep hearing about what should happen and what is going to happen and what didn't happen in the books at all.

From what I gathered, these vamps are very picky about turning people b/c pre-Great Revelation, they wanted to remain secret. It sounded like the main reason for turning was to increase 'your' numbers, b/c in the books the vampire factions are fighting and offing each other like mad.

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I have been on the "Sam's a lycanthrop" bandwagon for a while, but I have a feeling that the director's setting the viewer up for some serious misdirection. That last hint with Merlotte running through the woods nakes was just a little too obvious. I need to get a hold of those Sookie Stackhouse novels that the show is based on.

Overall it's a great show. The only difficult thing is having to watch how much of an idiot Jason is. He should have been dead when he took his field trip to the Vamp club.

speaking of Jason and V, I have a problem with that.

When he took the hole vile of V in the cop car, the only thing that happened to him was he got a raging hard on that he couldn't control.

But now that he is taking one drop at a time he is tripping like he's on acid.

I don't get it? If he took a whole damn vile of the stuff wouldn't it have a more serious effect than what taking viagra would?

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speaking of Jason and V, I have a problem with that.

When he took the hole vile of V in the cop car, the only thing that happened to him was he got a raging hard on that he couldn't control.

But now that he is taking one drop at a time he is tripping like he's on acid.

I don't get it? If he took a whole damn vile of the stuff wouldn't it have a more serious effect than what taking viagra would?

That issue right there has probably kept it from being one of my favorite shows. From what I've gathered from the Wiki write up on the novels, the story is going to go a few places that will keep me interested but no one should expect to take anything profound or amazing away from this series.

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Wasn't a big fan of the latest episode. Show seems to be turning into some sort of soap opera, but with vampires. Too many relationships going on.

If this keeps up i'm going to lose interest.

Sam and the black chick.

Jason and the crazy girl with the V addiction.

Sookey and Bill, which I can understand as being part of the story.

The red headed waitress and the cajun, not sure why their relationship is important?

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Not a werewolf per se, but a shape shifter. It seems like Sam can change into the dog at will, whereas a werewolf has no control over his change.

I'm going to sound like a dork here but.....

This is starting to remind me of a Harry Potter movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

We knew it was Renee last week.

I guess we'll find out more next season about Tara's benefactor. But obviously she's someone out of Sam's past.

That was Lafayette(Tara's cousin) dead in the cop's car. Too bad too because he was a great character.

Yeah, knew it was Renee last week, but did anyone know before that? It was random.

Good call on Lafayette being dead in the cop's car. Didn't necessarily know that "feeding on" someone killed them. Thought the vampire could take the blood without killing them.

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Yeah, knew it was Renee last week, but did anyone know before that? It was random.

Good call on Lafayette being dead in the cop's car. Didn't necessarily know that "feeding on" someone killed them. Thought the vampire could take the blood without killing them.

Well, he may not have died from the feeding necessarily. He knew Vampires were going to come after him, so it probably wasn't Bill. Could have been his new "daughter" or one of the others getting revenge for the one that died.

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Well, he may not have died from the feeding necessarily. He knew Vampires were going to come after him, so it probably wasn't Bill. Could have been his new "daughter" or one of the others getting revenge for the one that died.

That's what I was thinking. I'd be very surprised if it was him that Bill fed on. I think Bill's comment about feeding was just a little misdirection.

Can't wait for next season though.

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  • 6 months later...

I got the first season on DVD after hearing how great it was from numerous sources.

I really enjoyed it- Vampires and rednecks, whats not to love? However, my only minor complaint is Sookie. I just want to reach thru the tv and smack her.

Actually, I have another minor complaint- Renee was one of my favorite characters on the show. Dissapointed to see him killed off


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