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Anyone still unsure about making the trip to SF...check out these prices!!!


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The stadium is not huge like FedEx, so it will be a good view from pretty wherever. The only place I recommend not to sit is the South Endzone,(or whichever one is opposite the jumbotron) The Sun is a killer right there. You will be cold and still get a sun burn, hahaha and the glare off the jumbotron sucks.

Anywhere else though is fine.

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It used to be the stadium for the SF giants, who now play in ATT park closer to downtown. Candlestick is going byebye pretty soon for the 49ers - I think they may be moving to Santa Clara in the South Bay. I personally dont like candlestick. Its really cold most of the time and it is smack dab in the hood.

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I'm actually going to be in California that weekend, for a surprise birthday party for my grandfather.

Too bad Temecula is right near San Diego. If it was right near San Francisco, I would totally be there........

You should do the next best thing to going to the game then. Go to Winston's.:cheers:

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I'll be at the game...where are the ES's gonna be tailgaiting? BTW...i had tickets on the Redskins side of the field 40 yard line, two rows behind the bench that i bought on craigslist from a guy for 120 a piece. This was in 04...took alot of pics of Sean Taylor!

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I was thinking of starting this thread but thought I'd wait a bit. lol :)

I have a close friend who has season tickets that I'll probably score for nothing. We should get a huge tailgate party going. Hopefully the game will be a great send off for the Skins into the post season.

I'm down! I live right across the bay in the Alameda, there's no way i'm missing this game. GF got me tix for my bday which is the day after. Much tasty beer should be consumed. HTTR!


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In 2004, Our tailgate was the Official/Unofficial extremeskins tailgate. I believe this was before Chewbaca started up redskinsroadtrips......

There was a bunch of us from Extremeskins there.....



Sebowski(his friend but I forgot his name)


We took a group pic about 30mins before game time and it had about 100 people in it even though the original group was bigger but some people went inside before we could get everyone gathered for the group pic.

Someone brought one of the Hogfest banners, Someone also brought yellow police tape marked "Fed Ex Field" and we sectioned off our tailgate....hahaha

Our tailgate was so huge that a bunch of 49ers fans took notice and tried to crash the party, but they were cool about it, especially since both our teams were pretty awful that year.

I don't want to start giving out too many details YET, because with a couple of months still to go, things could change.

I will definately be there, I will definately be tailgaiting, I will have at least one BBQ grill going with plenty of extra charcoal in case everyone wants to bring something to throw on the grill. I believe last time I bought a bunch of flank steak, tortillas bell peppers etc and made grilled fajitas. I might do the same or just say "screw the veggies" and make a bunch of meat, kinda depends on my personal funds around that time (Christmas expenses).

If anyone wants to nail this down with me and make it more "official" we can do that too.

All I remember is when we were trying to direct people to the tailgate last time, I remember telling people that once you are on 101 south(for those going in that direction) you come to a point where it says "3com park next 3 exits" and I told everyone to use the 3rd and final exit.......

Amazingly enough just about EVERYONE found me.

I think what makes it easy is that when you go early, you have a clear view of the few cars in the parking lot. So you pull in and can clearly see Redskins decorations hanging all over the place. Even Redskins fans that knew nothing about extremeskins, saw our Redskins stuff and just parked by us cause they wanted to be a part of the group which was fine by me.

Maybe this year I will look on the 49ers website for parking lot sections and once I get into the actual parking lot I will drive to a certain section and lettered poll so everyone knows EXACTLY where to go.

I am driving a burgandy van and will have the hatchback open with a Redskins Flag hung up on the hatchback!!!

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