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Are We Finishers?

[S.S.F. | Nero]

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Please note this thread was originally posted just after beating Dallas and before beating Philly....curious to see if any of the original respondents have revised their position.

I was worried that we had essentially played "just well enough" versus the Saints, Cards, and Cowboys. Looks like we played "just bad enough" versus the Rams...


IMHO, No. We are NOT finishers.

We've eeked out two of our three wins (albeit against two other powerful and talented teams) and won by 1 score in the other.

After the Philly test, we will get a very good reading on what this team is made of.

We should absolutely throttle the Rams, Browns, and Lions. But we won't do that if we don't start finishing teams off when we have the chance. My idea of finishing a team off is being up by 2 scores in the 4th and adding a 3rd score.

If we're still playing these types of teams (STL, CLE, DET) close, then we are not as good as we'd like to think.

Eliminating penalties, especially those that erase TD's is a great place to start.

Does anyone else think we don't have that finisher mentality yet? Is this due to 4 years of grind it out, play not to lose, Gibbs football?

Can Zorn reverse that?

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Why can't people be happy with wins. We were not even supposed to win 2 of the three games.

The Giants barely beat the Bungles, and they are ranked #1.

Be happy with this, we haven't even played near to our potential yet, good things are up ahead soon

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I think we're definetely developing that finisher mentality. From the coaches down to the players. We've had a little bit of trouble executing it the past couple of games, but that was because of penalties, not because of a lack of the mindset or guts to finish these games off. Also remember in the Dallas game, one of Dallas' TDs (2nd one I think) came because of a holding call on C. Rogers after we'd forced the Dallas offense of the field on 3rd down. That should have only been 3 points, not 7, and we lost another 7 points on the Rabach penalties. Zorn is definetely aggressive, he has that finishing drive. We'll get it right (w/o penalties) soon.

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You'll see it by sunday night. We'll win big. We are too much for them.

Your not one of these people that if we win the all of the rest of our games are gonna say, "yeah, well let's just wait and see if their good in the playoffs?" For God's sake man, smile. Look at the positives. We owned Dallas last week. It wasn't as close as it looked.

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Yes we had to come back against a very good offensive team in New Orleans, but our offense outscored them 29 (would have been 30, no need for 2) to 17.

We had the clinching TD against the Cards 31-17, and it should have counted and assessed on the kickoff.

We led Dallass by 26-17 with 2 minutes left. If not for a bogus holding call, we would have been leading 30-17.

So, I think we're not quite finishing, but at least we're learning how and getting the wins.

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One could also argue that by being: down 9 going into the 4th against the Saints, and scoring 14 answered to win 29-24; tied at 17 going into the 4th, and again scoring the only points of the last quarter to beat the Cards by 7; and then going into Dallas, and holding the ball for what, 10 minutes and change in the final quarter, scoring twice and going up 2 scores before we dropped into prevent, that this team is FINISHING games rather strongly.


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Sorry but we have dominated the 4th quarter this year. The Cowboys were the first team that has scored in the 4th quarter against us and we basically gave them that.

1. Against the Saints we had the ball three times and scored twice with the only non-score being when time ran out. They finished with punt, punt, punt, interception. That is finishing.

2. Against the Cardinals we finished TD, missed FG, end of game while they finished interception, punt, punt.

3. Against the Cowboys we shoved it down their throats and there wasn't a thing they could do about it. We held the ball for all but 2:12 seconds in the 4th quarter and scored points on 6 of our last 7 possessions (not including the kneel-down).

We just played 4 of the better offensive teams in football. I'm not sure I understand the concern.

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last time i checked... the last 3 wins ended with us kneeling it down to let the clock tick down...

there are no lucky missed field goals that goes our way or blown 4th QTR leads my friend.

this is the NFL... not college football. i hope you dont expect us to beat teams like the Cowboys and Eagles by 14pts. . .

wins are wins. and as a fan, yes, i prefer big wins, but i think these close games do a lot of good for a teams character... just not the fans.

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;5627707']IMHO' date=' No. We are [u']NOT[/u] finishers.

We've eeked out two of our three wins (albeit against two other powerful and talented teams) and won by 1 score in the other.

After the Philly test, we will get a very good reading on what this team is made of.

We should absolutely throttle the Rams, Browns, and Lions. But we won't do that if we don't start finishing teams off when we have the chance. My idea of finishing a team off is being up by 2 scores in the 4th and adding a 3rd score.

If we're still playing these types of teams (STL, CLE, DET) close, then we are not as good as we'd like to think.

Eliminating penalties, especially those that erase TD's is a great place to start.

Does anyone else think we don't have that finisher mentality yet? Is this due to 4 years of grind it out, play not to lose, Gibbs football?

Can Zorn reverse that?

How many points have we given up in the 4th?

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When you are kneeling down to end the game which was done in all 3 wins, then you are a finisher. Doesn't matter if you are a finisher on offense, defense, or special teams. When you don't need to fight back into the game with little time left and you can kneel, you are definitely a finisher.

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A win is a win is win. Whether it is coming back in the 4th quarter or being up by 3 points and kneeling to kill the clock. And we've only played 4 games against very good teams. I guarantee after the eagirls game one of the next 3 games will be a blowout and be what you would say is a "finisher". But i could care less how they finish as long as there is a W in our column im cool.

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Just because the final score wasn't as big as you wanted it to be doesn't mean the team can't "finish" or whatever other cliche word you want to attach. Pretty sure we came back against NO and finished them off. Pretty sure we finished AZ off with an INT. Pretty sure we finished Dallas off by kneeling.

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;5627707']IMHO' date=' No. We are [u']NOT[/u] finishers.

We've eeked out two of our three wins (albeit against two other powerful and talented teams) and won by 1 score in the other.


Can Zorn reverse that?

"Eeking" out wins is what we did against the Cardinals last year. It's what most teams did against US last year (Giants at home, Dallas on the road, Bucs, Green Bay, and Buffalo). We've been as dominant a team in the 4th Quarter than any team in the NFL, plain and simple. You can't be 'eeking' out wins and be dominant in the 4th at the same time. That's a total contradiction.

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Why can't people be happy with wins. We were not even supposed to win 2 of the three games.

The Giants barely beat the Bungles, and they are ranked #1.

Be happy with this, we haven't even played near to our potential yet, good things are up ahead soon

1 week between games, ES, ideally, should only operate like 8 hours a day, we are given way too much time to overthink our team success and failures.

I invite everyone to come chill in the tailgate between tuesday-saturday, fun stuff over there

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