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Are We Finishers?

[S.S.F. | Nero]

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Lest we forget, in the Dallas game we pooch punted immediately after the half which gave them great field position, resulting in the TO score. Dont think we'll be doing that again. So, the score would possibly be different if they didn't have the short field. We dominated. We WILL do it again Sunday.

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I also believe a win is a win but I believe the OP is trying to say he would like it not to be such close games near the end.

I think that is the next step for the team and Zorn to take. They need to keep a high-octane offense going well into the 3rd quarter. No matter the score. Keep JC throwing if he's in a rhythm. I'm not saying be dumb and go deep if we are only up by 7 and there's 4 minutes left. But run up the score early and have a 21 point buffer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Let's redux this thing.

We played p!ss-poor against three subpar teams...losing to one and barely beating two others. We finally play a good team and we get exposed.

Look, I'm happier than anyone that we're gonna be 6-3...I thought we'd be 3-6 at this point at the beginning of the season. But, we're not as good as everyone is hyping us up to be. I think we need to realize this...

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  • 1 month later...

Well well well.......

Here we stand, at the dirtbirds training complex.....

ES looks sweet on the flat screen TV's that the Ravens supplied for our wonderful ES viewing pleasure.

Woo hoo!!!!!!!

Great win vs. the other dirtbirds...... let's finish out with a smoking of the 69ers.

Hopefully next year we can learn to finish.


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I think if anything this season proved that the Skins don't have the horses to be finishers.

This team blew it's wad by week seven, and has regressed since then taking steps back in almost every offensive category and some defensive. The defense only woke up after a valient coaching effort from Blache to show videos of the D actually getting it done because without that the Eagles crush the Skins on Sunday.

To finish means to play well late in the year, something this team failed to do so NO, the Skins are not good finishers yet.

Maybe next year;).

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