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Gender Roles & the Role of Gender in Society


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Considering this year’s primaries and Presidential race have included two very prominent women the concepts of Gender Roles and the Role of Gender in Society have been thrust into the limelight of our society and the media more than usual. In my mind it’s a two-fold issue, and one that we’ve danced around for several months (at least). At this point let’s cut through the bologna and tackle them head-on.

I. Gender Roles

Is there, and/or should there be a defined and accepted role for each gender in our society? If so, what is it and/or what should it be? Does it need to be re-defined or created? How should it be enforced? If not, why?

II. The Role of Gender

Separate from Gender Roles themselves, what should the role of gender be in society? Should it be a non-issue? Should it be used to exclude individuals from groups, job opportunities, etc…?

Obviously this is likely to be a heated topic with lots of potential for emotional responses. Let's try to keep this focused on the topic, not the individuals; and all act our ages, not our shoe sizes.

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I. there will always be gender roles. Women will most likely always be percieved and defined by being Mothers first and foremost. Where as Men will most likely always be percieved and defined by how they provide for their family.

Gender should never be used to discriminate against women in teh workplace or in any type of Job. When it comes to mental tasks, gender should play no part in who is chosen for these tasks. There is no difference found in teh level of intellect between men and women. It really is an outdated view that men are more suitable to jobs than women.

because of sexism my mother has been denied a promotion on countless occasions evne though she is the far more qualified and competent candidate. men as a whole fear strong women who will not lay down for them. It is pretty bad in our society, especially at the highest levels of management.

However, change occurs between generations and so i beleive that in 25 to 50 years we will have had far more progress in creating equality in the workplace and in society in general.

P.S. Women's sports are awful.

good day.

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In my mind there currently IS NOT, but there definitely SHOULD BE a set of pre-determined and societally accepted roles for each gender.

The definitions for these roles has existed in this country in the past. I would call them the "traditional" roles of Men and women. They are different roles, but they are both equally important to society running properly in my mind. The Man's role is to be the head of the household, to be the breadwinner for the family, in charge of defining the way the household will run. The Husband. The Father. On the other hand it is the woman's role to make the household run. To raise the children inside the framework laid out by her husband. To support and nurture him and their children.

I do definitly believe that Gender has a significant role to play in society. Both genders have their strengths and weaknesses. Why we fail to accept, acknowledge, and work within that framework has boggled my mind for most of my life.

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In my mind there currently IS NOT, but there definitely SHOULD BE a set of pre-determined and societally accepted roles for each gender.

The definitions for these roles has existed in this country in the past. I would call them the "traditional" roles of Men and women. They are different roles, but they are both equally important to society running properly in my mind. The Man's role is to be the head of the household, to be the breadwinner for the family, in charge of defining the way the household will run. The Husband. The Father. On the other hand it is the woman's role to make the household run. To raise the children inside the framework laid out by her husband. To support and nurture him and their children.

I do definitly believe that Gender has a significant role to play in society. Both genders have their strengths and weaknesses. Why we fail to accept, acknowledge, and work within that framework has boggled my mind for most of my life.

i understand where you are coming from. The most tradional of societies i.e. hunter-gatherer societies have been run like that for millenia. However in the increasingly more service-based economies of today, there need not be this domination of men in the workforce. Most jobs could be filled by either gender.

I disagree with your notion of how the household should be run. I do not think it matters that Men be the head of the Household, even though most are purely because of their imposing presence on their family's lives. Basically you have set up a system in which women are inferior to men, maybe you have not intended that to be the case but it most certainly is. I think its both the job of the mother and the father to raise the children.

And maybe you are concerned with children being left at home after school or going off to daycare and being taken care of by some other person but i assure you that studies have been done saying that there is not much difference between the care of the mother and the care of a qualified caretaker as long as the environment is stimulating. In many cases it helps the child to develop by exposure to other people and decreasing the separation anxiety felt by those who are solely dependent on their mothers or fathers. It is the way most asian families are set up. the children are taken care of by everyone. There is also a very popular African addage, which I believe in, that "it takes a village to raise a child".

Maybe your system works, however i think it would undo much of the social progress we have made in teh equality of men and women. I beleive that, while there will always be gender roles, it should not have any part in restraining and containing women in an imaginary box in which they cannot move forward and acheive what they wish to achieve with their lives. I also understand that many women choose to be a stay-at-home mom and i have no qualms with that but i do believe it is teh CHOICE that is necessary herre.

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MSF you need to seek counseling for your issues.

It's not going to happen so you may as well give up on it, keeastman. I've been down that road of quackery in the past and there's nothing there for me. As one of them said when I was 10... "The only way he'll ever change is if he sees a reason to, and he certainly does not at this time." Nor do I now, or will I ever.

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I understand where you are coming from. The most tradional of societies i.e. hunter-gatherer societies have been run like that for millenia. However in the increasingly more service-based economies of today, there need not be this domination of men in the workforce. Most jobs could be filled by either gender.

I don't disagree that most jobs COULD be filled be Men or women. I really feel it's more a matter of which SHOULD be filled by each. Which jobs are each gender MOST qualified to fill.

I disagree with your notion of how the household should be run. I do not think it matters that Men be the head of the Household, even though most are purely because of their imposing presence on their family's lives. Basically you have set up a system in which women are inferior to men, maybe you have not intended that to be the case but it most certainly is. I think its both the job of the mother and the father to raise the children.

Yes, that is exactly what I have set up. It is also how I feel society should be run. With the Men in charge. It is the job of both parents to raise the child, but in different areas of responsibility so far as I'm concerned.

And maybe you are concerned with children being left at home after school or going off to daycare and being taken care of by some other person but i assure you that studies have been done saying that there is not much difference between the care of the mother and the care of a qualified caretaker as long as the environment is stimulating. In many cases it helps the child to develop by exposure to other people and decreasing the separation anxiety felt by those who are solely dependent on their mothers or fathers. It is the way most asian families are set up. the children are taken care of by everyone. There is also a very popular African addage, which I believe in, that "it takes a village to raise a child".

I have a hard time believing, especially in today's day and age that children can be properly raised through the "village" concept. If I were to have children (very unlikely) they would be homeschooled in order to ensure that they were not poisoned by the lunacy that the public schools and entities now teach.

Maybe your system works, however i think it would undo much of the social progress we have made in teh equality of men and women. I beleive that, while there will always be gender roles, it should not have any part in restraining and containing women in an imaginary box in which they cannot move forward and acheive what they wish to achieve with their lives. I also understand that many women choose to be a stay-at-home mom and i have no qualms with that but i do believe it is the CHOICE that is necessary here.

That's the difference. I am NOT in favor of, nor have I ever been in favor of that "social progress" you seem to be so interested in. I believe in society as a STATIC concept, not as an evolving one.

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I have a hard time believing, especially in today's day and age that children can be properly raised through the "village" concept. If I were to have children (very unlikely) they would be homeschooled in order to ensure that they were not poisoned by the lunacy that the public schools and entities now teach.

I believe in society as a STATIC concept, not as an evolving one.

I think this is where you have been lost in time. How can you possibly believe in society as a static concept when it changes every SINGLE day. if your views are based on this belief, well then you seriously need to live in a cave.

Society will always evolve, mostly for the better.


Children can be raised in this "village" concept. i was, i was raised by my whole family - 1st cousins, 2nd cousins. It works and often times the children are very well raised and have high self-esteem and a good slef concept.

The ''village'' concept i bring up provides children with a much needed social support system that rarely, if ever, fails to take care of them.

The ability to go out side the home and find the same care and comfort as afforded in the home is a necessity, because as much as your family loves you, sometimes you cannot seek their help.

Furthermore, can some of you people actually think about this topic because i think it could be a good discussion.

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It's not going to happen so you may as well give up on it, keeastman. I've been down that road of quackery in the past and there's nothing there for me. As one of them said when I was 10... "The only way he'll ever change is if he sees a reason to, and he certainly does not at this time." Nor do I now, or will I ever.

So why do you even enter a discussion on anything?

It's clear that you won't change your mind and most everyone else on here already knows your messed up views on women, life, and a zillion other topics. In fact, you started a thread about it. You should be intelligent enough to realize that 99.9% of the members on this board think your views on gender are completely out of whack and unhealthy.

So again I ask, why the need to start a new thread when it's clear that you are just trying to seek attention, as per your usual routine, and not genuinely have an open discussion about gender? This thread is just another soapbox for you to spread your crap...not an actual discussion.

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So why do you even enter a discussion on anything?

It's clear that you won't change your mind and most everyone else on here already knows your messed up views on women, life, and a zillion other topics. In fact, you started a thread about it. You should be intelligent enough to realize that 99.9% of the members on this board think your views on gender are completely out of whack and unhealthy.

So again I ask, why the need to start a new thread when it's clear that you are just trying to seek attention, as per your usual routine, and not genuinely have an open discussion about gender? This thread is just another soapbox for you to spread your crap...not an actual discussion.

You don't honestly think this could be a good discussion? MSF aside, you wouldn't want to know what a good reflection of the populus believes regarding teh state of men and women in today's society?

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MSF do you think its possible to retain "traditional" gender roles with the way the current labor system is set up and the need for dual-income families

along with the various other differences that exist in the economic dynamics of life today

edit for clarification: I think gender roles have continued to disadvantage women to this day, and disagree with MSF's stand

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I think this is where you have been lost in time. How can you possibly believe in society as a static concept when it changes every SINGLE day. if your views are based on this belief, well then you seriously need to live in a cave.

Society will always evolve, mostly for the better.

I believe that there is ONE acceptable and appropriate societal template. Anything outside of it is inappropriate. Trust me, if there was a cave where this sort of societal model still existed, in its entirety, I'd be there in a moment. Unfortunately it doesn't exist.

Children can be raised in this "village" concept. i was, i was raised by my whole family - 1st cousins, 2nd cousins. It works and often times the children are very well raised and have high self-esteem and a good slef concept.

The ''village'' concept i bring up provides children with a much needed social support system that rarely, if ever, fails to take care of them.

The ability to go out side the home and find the same care and comfort as afforded in the home is a necessity, because as much as your family loves you, sometimes you cannot seek their help.

Furthermore, can some of you people actually think about this topic because i think it could be a good discussion.

My problem is that it is exceptionally tough to have that open and broad of a selection of input and to retain a proper upbringing in my mind. It's exceptionally difficult to limit and constantly filter the information and experiences a child is exposed to in such a situation.

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So again I ask, why the need to start a new thread when it's clear that you are just trying to seek attention, as per your usual routine, and not genuinely have an open discussion about gender? This thread is just another soapbox for you to spread your crap...not an actual discussion.

This is a discussion. What this isn't is a DEBATE, keeastman. The thread itself can be traced back to the unwillingness of people to discuss these pertinent issues in the threads related to the political issues of the day and Zoony's commentary in the Palin thread.

MSF do you think its possible to retain "traditional" gender roles with the way the current labor system is set up and the need for dual-income families

along with the various other differences that exist in the economic dynamics of life today

No. I believe that our current labor system, and in fact the entirety of society would need to be brought back in line to bring this back into being.

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