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What has happened to Carson Palmer


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He's a great talent that's being wasted on a horrible team like the Bengals. It looks like to me this a team that needs to be blown up, with the entire house cleaned out.

Which unfortunately might result in them getting rid of Carson Palmer.

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Palmer: I don't think he's ever been exactly right since his knee injury, though he did have a couple good statistical years after it. However, the team is down WRs, and is just generally falling apart. I don't blame him, I think he's probably one of the top 3 pure passing QBs in the league. He just needs to get out of Cincy, and fast. (Though, I kindof like great QBs on bad teams. :) )

Hasselbeck is throwing to a bunch of guys who were bagging groceries last week.

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He was doing pretty damn good playing for the Bengals for several years now. I don't know what's happening to him, but I think it started near the end of last season. Hope he pulls everything together soon because the he (and Ocho Cinco) is the only reason why the Bengals have a remote chance of putting up wins.

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I don't see why people make so many excuses for Palmer. Detroit's offensive line sucks, too. And their front office is just as clueless. But Kitna has still managed to throw for significantly more than 125 yards in both of his games.

Kitna was doing a bunch of nothing in the first three quarters of this week's game. CJ helped him make a comeback, and then for their last 4 possessions of the game Kitna threw 3 interceptions and 1 turn over on downs.

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I'll tell you what happened... He's on my FF team. THAT's what happened. last season I had Drew Brees and you know how well that went.

No freaking way, are you serious? I had Brees last year too, what was it 7 picks in the first 3 games? So I obviously didn't keep him this year and lo and behold Carson Palmer is available, and gave me negative points yesterday. I had a game last year where I was up by like 40 points and all of our players had been played except for Brees who had a Monday Night game. He stunk it up, and I lost by like 4 points. Complete crap.

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I'll tell you what happened... He's on my FF team. THAT's what happened. last season I had Drew Brees and you know how well that went.

Yeah my friend has him in fantasy to and he's PISSED. I got Housmazadeh and hasnt been doing anything. Bengals suck, they better step it up or Marvin is done after this season. We may have to bring him back as a D-coordinator....

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Romo sits to pee, Brees, Palmer

All good QBs, but the real difference is the team around them.

I agree. I think all 3 of those guys can make the players around them better...but that only goes so far. At some point you gotta have some help.

With Palmer, I don't think he's been right since leg injury. Also, the organization seems pretty unstable. Line play isn't helping.

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