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Are you comfortable with Palin being the Pres?


Are you comfortable with Palin being Pres.  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you comfortable with Palin being Pres.

    • No.
    • Yes
    • It is insane that she is even on the ticket. She knows nothing.

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In 4 years yeah. You have to remember this government kept Ronald Reagon alive for 8 years(despite skin ca, attempted assissation, etc).

An assissns bullet can take out Obama (not that I am wishing it), and we would have a senile idiot that tells people in wheelchairs to stand up and take a bow. Kind of scary that we would rely on Biden for foriegn policy issues (if Obama is elected).

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I voted no and it's not because she's a woman. I'd have been very comfortable with Hillary Clinton. The deal on Palin for me is that she's just too "wacky." Also- I can just sense "evil" on her. Her history just speaks of a selfishly ambitious attention whore to me.


Edit- Darn it. I just participated in a political thread. I'm not supposed to be here!

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She is a Governor of an important State and has a very high approval rating there. Whereas, everyone else running for President is coming from a congress with a below 20 approval rating. If you really want change, you'd want her to be President eventually. She doesn't "owe" anybody... She is the closest thing to "Mr. Smith" this or any election has had in a long time. I just hope her role isn't completely diminished.

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I voted no and it's not because she's a woman. I'd have been very comfortable with Hillary Clinton. The deal on Palin for me is that she's just too "wacky." Also- I can just sense "evil" on her. Her history just speaks of a selfishly ambitious attention whore to me.


Edit- Darn it. I just participated in a political thread. I'm not supposed to be here!

Does anyone else find this "offensive?" I know there are 16M people who grew up in "Assemblies of God" and quite a few others who call themselves "Evangelical" or go to a "Bible Church". Just because she is a mother, who doesn't wear pant-suits (often), who happens to pray to God... That makes her "wacky"... She was asked to serve as Vice President, she didn't vocally campaign for this and wasn't on many people's short-list except McCain's... The "selfishly ambitious attention whore" line probably applies to the Democratic nominee for President more than anyone else in this race (but it could be argued that McCain is one too).

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In 4 years yeah. You have to remember this government kept Ronald Reagon alive for 8 years(despite skin ca, attempted assissation, etc).

An assissns bullet can take out Obama (not that I am wishing it), and we would have a senile idiot that tells people in wheelchairs to stand up and take a bow. Kind of scary that we would rely on Biden for foriegn policy issues (if Obama is elected).

Biden is anything but a senile idiot, and it's laughable that you would use that incident as evidence of that. ...Actually, laughable is not the right word, more like pathetic.

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Does anyone else find this "offensive?" I know there are 16M people who grew up in "Assemblies of God" and quite a few others who call themselves "Evangelical" or go to a "Bible Church". Just because she is a mother, who doesn't wear pant-suits (often), who happens to pray to God... That makes her "wacky"... She was asked to serve as Vice President, she didn't vocally campaign for this and wasn't on many people's short-list except McCain's... The "selfishly ambitious attention whore" line probably applies to the Democratic nominee for President more than anyone else in this race (but it could be argued that McCain is one too).

Yeah, that's a pretty alarmist, extreme statement by Chachie. Pretty much par for the course this political season.

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Does anyone else find this "offensive?" I know there are 16M people who grew up in "Assemblies of God" and quite a few others who call themselves "Evangelical" or go to a "Bible Church". Just because she is a mother, who doesn't wear pant-suits (often), who happens to pray to God... That makes her "wacky"... She was asked to serve as Vice President, she didn't vocally campaign for this and wasn't on many people's short-list except McCain's... The "selfishly ambitious attention whore" line probably applies to the Democratic nominee for President more than anyone else in this race (but it could be argued that McCain is one too).

Im lost where in there did he say anything about her Christian beliefs. He just thinks she is wacky. Nothing to do with Christianity. I think your making a bigger deal out of something not said.

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McCain is very old. There is a very real chance that something could happen and he would be unable to fulfill the duties of POTUS. As of now, he looks in good health and let's hope he stays that way.

My question is, can you put politics aside and say that you are honestly comfortable with this women being the President? Most of the time when people defend Palin, they are essentailly defending their political views and not the person themselves.

And saying "she has more expreience than Obama" is not an acceptable answer, because you are basically saying they both don't know what they are doing.

So please, no Obama comparissions.

I think its obvious where I stand on the issue.

Yet another brilliant post from you. And I love the no Obama proviso. Trying to cover your ass as usual.

I'll say it now as i've said it before; neither Obama or Palin are ready to be President. The difference is that Obama is at the top of his ticket while Palin isn't at the top of hers. :2cents:

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U.S. Senate is the bigs, Code. No way not to recognize that.

Wascilla is Pee Wee as is the Community Organizer. Even if the Community Organizer has more constituents and responsibility. Now, Governor of Alaska is probably AA Ball... I would think... maybe (just based on population and wealth)

One uncompleted term as Senator?

She's a governor, that's a president on a smaller scale. Much smaller scale in her case, but IMO, their experience issues are a wash because 1, Palin is running for VP, it will take McCain's death to put her in office, 2. Obama is running for Pres, if he wins the election, he's in. Its that simple.

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Talent and leadership skills generally rise to the top. If either have it they should do well. Both will have growing pains.

I think it also matters who they select on their cabinet and who they surround themselves with.

If they pick the right people both Palin and Obama could do well.

All you have to do is look at Bush. He still doesn't get it after seven years. It would not be hard for Palin to do a better job then the current president.

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Biden is anything but a senile idiot, and it's laughable that you would use that incident as evidence of that. ...Actually, laughable is not the right word, more like pathetic.

I am sorry you find it pathetic. I find it pathetic that Biden thinks Hilliary is the better VP choice. The man must have some self-esteem issues.

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I did vote no. But, I also noted that she's not running for the top spot, he is. And I believe she could do the job, if needs be. The question was, are you "comfortable."

I voted no. However, if the choice were between Palin, and Obama, instead of McCain and Obama, I'm MORE comfortable with Palin.


Thank you for being honest. This thread was meant to be strickly about Palin being Pres. and had nothing to do with Obama

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in 4 years yeah. You have to remember this government kept ronald reagon alive for 8 years(despite skin ca, attempted assissation, etc).

An assissns bullet can take out obama (not that i am wishing it), and we would have a senile idiot that tells people in wheelchairs to stand up and take a bow. Kind of scary that we would rely on biden for foriegn policy issues (if obama is elected).

complete fail. Did you not read the op.

You fail

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Yet another brilliant post from you. And I love the no Obama proviso. Trying to cover your ass as usual.

I'll say it now as i've said it before; neither Obama or Palin are ready to be President. The difference is that Obama is at the top of his ticket while Palin isn't at the top of hers. :2cents:

Thank you for recognizing my brilliance.

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The poll numbers speak for themselves. Every post defending Palin seems to whine of " oh yeah? Well Obama doesn't have blah blah blum blah" Never heard so many whining republicans. "Don't say lipstick!" "Show deference to Palin"

I thought they were supposed to be the tough ones. Palin is underqualified. Anyone who argues otherwise is drinkinhg koolaid.

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Does anyone else find this "offensive?" I know there are 16M people who grew up in "Assemblies of God" and quite a few others who call themselves "Evangelical" or go to a "Bible Church". Just because she is a mother, who doesn't wear pant-suits (often), who happens to pray to God... That makes her "wacky"... She was asked to serve as Vice President, she didn't vocally campaign for this and wasn't on many people's short-list except McCain's... The "selfishly ambitious attention whore" line probably applies to the Democratic nominee for President more than anyone else in this race (but it could be argued that McCain is one too).

The "wacky" comes from her demeanor and nothing else. I don't like the way she acts. If you're offended by that I can't really be apologetic. I just don't dig her manner.

As for the rest of your comments, I think you were taking my post as being pro-liberal. I wasn't even thinking of any allegiances when I posted. That's all I got.

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complete fail. Did you not read the op.

You fail

I fail boo freakin' hoo.

If you read my thread bonehead, I said yes I would be confortable to have Palin in 4 years as Prez. I think she has a tough backbone to stand up against all the roudies of this world. Especially she'll will have 4 years under her belt. McCain may not run again after 4 years who knows.

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She is a Governor of an important State and has a very high approval rating there. Whereas, everyone else running for President is coming from a congress with a below 20 approval rating. If you really want change, you'd want her to be President eventually. She doesn't "owe" anybody... She is the closest thing to "Mr. Smith" this or any election has had in a long time. I just hope her role isn't completely diminished.

"So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the roughly $2 million agency."


Sounds like more of the same to me. Hiding e-mails from the public, hiring unqualified friends to high positions, getting rid of anyone that doesn't fall in line. She might not be from Washington but she sure acts like it.

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I fail boo freakin' hoo.

If you read my thread bonehead, I said yes I would be confortable to have Palin in 4 years as Prez. I think she has a tough backbone to stand up against all the roudies of this world. Especially she'll will have 4 years under her belt. McCain may not run again after 4 years who knows.

Knee deep in dodo is your location. It doesn't mean you have to drag the country down as well


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The poll numbers speak for themselves. Every post defending Palin seems to whine of " oh yeah? Well Obama doesn't have blah blah blum blah".

Why is that a problem? Palin's lack of experience is what makes me nervous. It is the most glaring weakness for Palin and Obama both. I am not comfortable with either of them being president, but only one of them is running for the office of President.

Now if the question were, "Are you comfortable with Palin being Vice-President", my answer would be yes. I am. I would also feel more secure in the Democratic ticket if Obama and Biden were reversed.

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"So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the roughly $2 million agency."


Sounds like more of the same to me. Hiding e-mails from the public, hiring unqualified friends to high positions, getting rid of anyone that doesn't fall in line. She might not be from Washington but she sure acts like it.

Who has Barack Obama ever appointed? I guess we're not supposed to mention Obama.

BTW, the poll should read "are you comfortable with Palin being Vice President"... I think others have already mentioned as much.

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