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Are you comfortable with Palin being the Pres?


Are you comfortable with Palin being Pres.  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you comfortable with Palin being Pres.

    • No.
    • Yes
    • It is insane that she is even on the ticket. She knows nothing.

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I don't see McCain running bigger deficits than Obama. Neither of us is Nostradamus. But I KNOW that Obama is going be a typical liberal dem.. his voting record proves that.

Actually, its more like math. McCain hasnt proposed cutting spending except his general term "pork." We don't know what that means. He has also proposed cutting taxes for the richest and the corporations.

Obama at least is pointing to a place where he's going to bring in more money.

I'm sure there are tons of statistical economics analyses that someone can post that show the projected deficits of each candidate for the next 4 years.

BTW, we're getting way off topic.

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I don't like her as a person....I think she is actually a horrible person, that has been handed everything because she has a pretty face.

Intellectually, she is nowhere close to being ready to be leader of the free world. What if frightening about her, is that she is such a "believer" as opposed to a "thinker" that she wouldn't be concerned if she became President...she would just try to push her ideals regardless what is right for the country.

To try and compare her readiness to Obama's is silly. It isn't even close, and I think all of you know that underneath it all, spouting your talking points or not. It is irresponsible to put her in a position to be President of the United States.

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No, Obama is not much more experienced, he hasn't been a "big leagues pitching coach", to use your analogy, he's been a little league coach.

If I owned a baseball team, I would know that just because someone was an excellent pitching coach, that doesn't mean that they can manage every aspect of a team... Sometimes, a college or minorleague manager would be a better pick over that pitching coach.

U.S. Senate is the bigs, Code. No way not to recognize that.

Wascilla is Pee Wee as is the Community Organizer. Even if the Community Organizer has more constituents and responsibility. Now, Governor of Alaska is probably AA Ball... I would think... maybe (just based on population and wealth)

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U.S. Senate is the bigs, Code. No way not to recognize that.

Wascilla is Pee Wee as is the Community Organizer. Even if the Community Organizer has more constituents and responsibility. Now, Governor of Alaska is probably AA Ball... I would think... maybe (just based on population and wealth)

So someone who comes from, say, Arkansas, with few people and FAR fewer natural resources than Alaska is coming from what, rookie ball?

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It's not that I don't know anything about her. It's that I never heard of her and even with the Republican engines working as hard as they can.. They can't really point to significant breakthrough of hers (unless we count this pipeline thing)

Obama was invovled in nonproliferation legislation (controlling nukes and who has the material to make nukes or dirty bombs is a huge issue. And Equal rights legislation... which is something my mushy liberal heart approves of. And a dozen other things.

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So someone who comes from, say, Arkansas, with few people and FAR fewer natural resources than Alaska is coming from what, rookie ball?

Yeah, Clinton was probalby AA too. At least he was a two termer and had a bunch of things he could point to and say... I did this, I countered that, and when pressed on opinions he didn't have the deer in the headlights reaction (insert exaggeration apology)

Obama is a light weight to a degree, but he's been in the national spotlight for four years. He has some achievements and qualities that make him worth reckonning. I'd say that Obama is a B/B- prospect. I'd say that McCain is a C+/B- prospect.

As VP, I'd give Biden a B/B+ and as VP I'd give Palin a C-/D. Having said that, believe it or not I feel much better about Palin than I did two weeks ago. She moved up from failing to barely passing. That's not bad.

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This website is infested with liberals.

This place is infested with right-wing whackjobs.

Impressive, eh?

In truth, what the place has become infested with is posts like yours here--posts that do little other than offer distorted perceptions presented as facts, or promote misinformation, or celebrate ignorance, or incite others, or project the poster as just another partisan hack.

So congrats for your ongoing efforts in doing your part in that infestation. I'm sure you've found many like-minded playmates from both wings of the political bird.


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Yes, and no.

Yes, because a smart enough person can make tough decisions, based on information provided by literally thousands of people, and then their closest advisers. Palin is smart enough, and seems tough enough, to do the job. She also seems to be more of an "America First" kind of chick, instead of "Citizen of the World", we're (US) wrong, you're (Every Other Country) right.

There is no way to know who's ready. Hell, few were ever really ready, but they were able to do the job, with the help available to them.

And, even though the OP wishes to keep Obama out of the subject, it's impossible. If Palin is not qualified, then Obama isn't either. Period.

No, because it would most likely mean that McCain died. And, it is quite a leap from where she was a month ago, to the top job.

However, she's not running for the top job.

So, in conclusion...

Comfortable? No

Uncomfortable enough to vote for Obama instead? Hell no!

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The premise of this statement is that the only way one is qualified to do a job is with experience.

No, the premise of this statement, if I may quote Bill Buchanan, is that BOTH Palin, and Obama's foreign policy experience, amounts to having had breakfast at The International House of Pancakes.;)

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And, even though the OP wishes to keep Obama out of the subject, it's impossible. If Palin is not qualified, then Obama isn't either. Period.

I think that's his point, if you thought neither we're qualified, then you would vote no because you don't think SHE is qualified. You could just as easily go start a thread that asks if Obama is qualified enough to be commander in chief and look at only that in a vacuum.

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This place is infested with right-wing whackjobs.

Impressive, eh?

In truth, what the place has become infested with is posts like yours here--posts that do little other than offer distorted perceptions presented as facts, or promote misinformation, or celebrate ignorance, or incite others, or project the poster as just another partisan hack.

So congrats for your ongoing efforts in doing your part in that infestation. I'm sure you've found many like-minded playmates from both wings of the political bird.


Nice soap box.

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