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Hillary to attack Palin


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Want to know just how scared of Sarah Palin the left are?Hillary Clinton has apparently accepted a request by the Obama campaign to attack the Alaska governor.

Talk about politics making strange bedfellows.

Of course, being a Clinton, there's got to be something in it for her as was made clear in the following report by the British Times Online (emphasis added):

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Want to know just how scared of Sarah Palin the left are?Hillary Clinton has apparently accepted a request by the Obama campaign to attack the Alaska governor.

Talk about politics making strange bedfellows.

Of course, being a Clinton, there's got to be something in it for her as was made clear in the following report by the British Times Online (emphasis added):

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I don't know why anyone would be surprised that Clinton would go after Palin.

Other than both being women, they couldn't be farther apart on the political spectrum.

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Im surprised at this.
You're surprised because it's not really true ... the only source is a headline in a British newspaper, and even that article takes pains to disclaim any real sources. It's just editorializing:
Officially, Clinton will not go head-to-head with Palin, a self-proclaimed hockey mom and “pitbull in lipstick”.

The Obama camp wants to keep the focus on McCain’s supposed continuation of the Bush years and his skimpy policies for reviving the economy and improving healthcare, rather than on his running mate.

Nor does Clinton want to appear ungenerous to the Republicans’ first female vice-presidential candidate, even if she does resent Palin’s startling emergence.

A Clinton insider, said: “We’re not going to be anybody’s attack dog against Sarah Palin.” The New York senator, 60, knows, however, that Palin represents the biggest obstacle to Democratic victory in November.


The press loves a good fight, so they'll try to pick one wherever they can...

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You're surprised because it's not really true ... the only source is a headline in a British newspaper, and even that article takes pains to disclaim any real sources. It's just editorializing:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article4692457.ece

The press loves a good fight, so they'll try to pick one wherever they can...

Yeah, my fault for not reading it thoroughly.

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Funny that this article comes out today when I was reading this last night.


Clinton limits Palin criticism while campaigning

Sep 6, 9:53 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton marched for labor and stumped with Democrats on Saturday, but sidestepped questions about the woman who has taken her place as the nation's most-talked-about female leader.

Clinton brushed aside questions about Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin during appearances at New York City's annual Labor Day parade and later during a stop on Staten Island.

"This election is about issues, and that's what's going to matter to people at the end of the day," she told reporters who asked her about the Alaska governor at a rally for a Democratic congressional candidate at Wagner College.

Clinton joined other New York politicians for a Saturday morning breakfast with union leaders in Manhattan, then marched up Fifth Avenue in the city's annual labor parade.

In the afternoon on Staten Island, she stumped for Democrat Mike McMahon, who is running for a congressional seat being vacated by Republican Vito Fossella.

Fossella decided not to seek re-election after a drunken driving arrest and a revelation that he fathered a child outside his marriage.

No longer a presidential candidate, Clinton was still welcomed warmly at all three events. Some supporters at her Staten Island rally brought old "Clinton for President" placards.

She only mentioned Palin by name once during the day, at the labor breakfast, when she uttered a modified version of a line from her speech at the Democratic National Convention.

"No way, no how, no McCain, no Palin," she said.

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"This election is about issues, and that's what's going to matter to people at the end of the day," she told reporters who asked her about the Alaska governor at a rally for a Democratic congressional candidate at Wagner College.

She obviously isn't right about it being about issues.

If we all agree Bush policies are bad and we are headed in the wrong direction, why is this a close race between someone who has the same policies and a different approach?

I can think of a couple reasons....

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I heard on the news that Hillary is not going to attack Palin because she wants to take the high road. She is just going to do some rallies. In other words, Hillary is doing what is expected of her by her party, but isn't gung ho about getting Obama elected. She is going to do compare and contrast between the two parties. She isn't going to throw red meat out there.

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