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Hillary to attack Palin


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by the looks of your username I wont waste my energy with u? Quiet please
You act proud of fags. How cool. Your so hip bud. you grown up and speak with men yet? or you still stuck on stupid? good day.:)

You'll be quiet for 10 days since you didn't learn anything from your last break. Or is it that you just can't help yourself?

Anyways, Good Day to you.:)

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I've heard these things as well. As I said, some of the theology is a few steps to the conservative side of the spectrum. I don't think that this will offend as many people as the left hopes it will. Most rational people will understand that not everyone believes what they do and will be at least tolerant of such views as long as their is no malicious intent in them. From everything I've read and seen on the net, there is no Reverend Wright in a closet waiting to be let out. I could be wrong though. :2cents:
Well, the "left", like the "right" (or even "evangelicals" according to some) is a rather vague or at least broad demographic, and whatever "they" may "hope" or "not hope", I'd going to pull for your veiws to be correct on tolerance and non-malicious intents of people at large---I may just be a little skeptical due to recent over-exposure :silly::)
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wait, doesn't banning a ban mean he's not banned?

I got mixed up so I just went ahead and shot him. Now we better stop hijacking the thread.

And, twa, the church I was hearing about on the radio was identifed as the church she attended about 20 years until last year (if I heard right) and the the general "more will be coming" comment came from talking with some home-state buds. Obviously I'd never use them as some source for making definitive statements, though they're accomplished, credible, and fairly reasonable people---when sober. :D

So basically I was just saying I think this (church-related stuff) is going to be an ongoing story past today's items. How flatuent or meaningful anything realted to it will ever be, I dunno, but my money is usually on flatulence when it comes to politics (on "either side"). :)

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