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McCain Camp Battles National Enquirer Over Alleged Palin Affair (MET)


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I disagree.

He'd still be a Liberal. Just not a democrat.

Well that's very true. The Democrats haven't gotten a liberal elected President since Johnston. Carter was a conservative evangelical, who inspired a revolt by the liberal branch of the party. Clinton was a moderate, who felt that if he wasn't pissing off the fringes of his party; he wasn't doing his job.

And you're right about Lincoln, he was a huge fed govt loving states rights hating liberal.

The definition of a liberal is a person who looks for a new solution to the problem. Thus Lincoln's new republican party which was born to do away with slavery was a party of Liberals in the 1860's. Compared to other candidates in the party, Lincoln was actually more moderate than many.

Teddy would hate everyone even more today.

Teddy was the first "progressive" or liberal the nation had in a long time. He was the Hillary Clinton of his day. Not only did he have high popularity, but he had very high negatives; even within the Republican party. His medioric rise in the party was checked by his political enemies by putting him into the VP spot. The most powerless office in the country. Only his President McKinnley was assasinated by an anarchist months into his second term, propelling TR onto center stage. TR the youngest man ever to serve as president (*) was the greatest reformer in the history of the nation up to that point. Maybe ever.

TR was famous for busting up the trusts which ran the economy (banking, railroad, steel), and for regulating their conduct in the future so their monopolies weren't allowed to re-assemble. He created the Bureau of Corporations, the for runner of the Federal Trade commision to oversee these reforms. TR also regulated other non monopolistic industries to ensure the nation's safety. Such as the meat packing industry to name one famous one. All very liberal policies for the day.

(*) Kennedy was the youngest elected President, TR wasn't elected to his first term but suceeded the assasignated McKinley.

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While I agree that its not for the public to know who's sucking who with regards to our political people, but does it not hurt her among the conservatives that she seems to represent? Being that she is a christian which says adultery is ILLEGAL. But thats only if this is proven true.

If it is proven true then what does that do to the McCain camp constantly portraying her as a victim and saying the media is beating her senseless? We all know what will happen if proven false the McCain camp may or may not try to tie to Obama but nonetheless they will have a field day with this and again find another outlet to avoid the issues and draw up the sympathy crowd and try to pull votes in that way.

I see this as helping the McCain camp or realing hurting it.

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This is not good new.

They don't get these wrong.. the last one on Edwards, they went into months of detail.

(though admittedly they only had a week or so to get this one).

Well if you are going to acuse arguable the most sucessful trial lawyer in the country, you had better take your time and make sure your facts are covered.

I know the National Enquirer has been sued often by folks. I don't remember them loosing any lawsuites recently.

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but does it not hurt her among the conservatives that she seems to represent?

Probably not, Republicans have been incredibly two-faced about these things. If it were a Dem, you'd have the people screaming for Obama's birth certificates and Baptism records demanding a DNA test to prove that Palin's husband is the father.

I really do hate all of this though.

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Probably not, Republicans have been incredibly two-faced about these things. If it were a Dem, you'd have the people screaming for Obama's birth certificates and Baptism records demanding a DNA test to prove that Palin's husband is the father.

I really do hate all of this though.

Did you miss the threads here and the story on MSNBC about how the baby was her daughters?

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Honesty, loyalty and good judgment are unimportant traits in a leader?

Is it too much to ask for a leader who is a decent human being?

Depends. I just don't think it is black and white. For example, in Vietnam, McCain showed incredible loyalty, but when he returned home he dumped his wife as soon as she got into a car accident and wasn't pretty enough for him. So, is McCain loyal or disloyal by nature.

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While I agree that its not for the public to know who's sucking who with regards to our political people, but does it not hurt her among the conservatives that she seems to represent? Being that she is a christian which says adultery is ILLEGAL. But thats only if this is proven true.

I don't know if it will hurt her with the evangelicals. Just like the National Organization for Women are supporting Obama because he supports their views, not supporting the woman candidate. I think the conservative Christians will continue to support Pallin, even if this is proven true.

I think it hurts the Republicans more with indepenents. It also causes the Republicans momentum as they are forced to ease up on their attacks on Obama in order to beat down the press and deal with this issue.

If it is proven true then what does that do to the McCain camp constantly portraying her as a victim and saying the media is beating her senseless? We all know what will happen if proven false the McCain camp may or may not try to tie to Obama but nonetheless they will have a field day with this and again find another outlet to avoid the issues and draw up the sympathy crowd and try to pull votes in that way.

I see this as helping the McCain camp or realing hurting it.

McCain and Pallin have been pretty consistant in saying Obama/Biden have taken the high road. So far they've focused their "outrage" on the "liberal elite media". I guess they will have to drop elite if they're going after the Enquirer.

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The real title is

McCain Camp Battles National Enquirer Over Alleged Palin Affair


curious, why did you black it out?

nm, saw you fixed it, well kind of.

JMS--GoSkins561 is correct. If you do not format the thread just as it says in the rules, you can be put on NNT for improper formatting on titles. And we had a big Read Me sticky thread in this forum for months until just recently precisely to address its abuse in the tailgate.

So now you know for the future. :cheers:

From Rule 10: If you are posting a published article from a news source, please title your thread in the following format: "SOURCE SHORTFORM: HEADLINE" (Ex. WP: Redskins Sign CB Shawn Springs).

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Depends. I just don't think it is black and white. For example, in Vietnam, McCain showed incredible loyalty, but when he returned home he dumped his wife as soon as she got into a car accident and wasn't pretty enough for him. So, is McCain loyal or disloyal by nature.

Actually... McCain's wife was crippled from a car accident while McCain was a POW. McCain devorced her in the early 1980's almost a decade after he returned home. He was fooling for several years with a number of women including cindy, while he remained married to his first wife.

He actually applied for his marrage certificate with Cindy, before his devorce was finalized.

About his POW status. One claim to fame on that was it's claimed he refused to take an early release instead holding to regulations that the prisoners must be released in the order of senority.

That never made sence to me. How did he have any say at all if he was a POW. Couldn't the N. Vietnamese just handed him over to the swiss or something?

My uncle was working for McCain's father at the time McCain was making headlines as a POW. McCain's father was the head of all American forces in the Pacific based in Hawaii at the time. My Uncle said his father was offered a deal for John's McCain's freedom, but his father refused. His father also was alloud to stay on as commander of the Pacific theatre and postpone retirement until after his son John was released. ( so says my uncle. ) McCain's father retired at the airport, the day John's plane touched down; most four stars my uncle says retire on an aircraft carier out in the fleet. The airport ceromony was subdued by comparison to a carrier bash....

That's what I heard.

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I don't know if it will hurt her with the evangelicals. Just like the National Organization for Women are supporting Obama because he supports their views, not supporting the woman candidate. I think the conservative Christians will continue to support Pallin, even if this is proven true.

I think it hurts the Republicans more with indepenents. It also causes the Republicans momentum as they are forced to ease up on their attacks on Obama in order to beat down the press and deal with this issue.

You dont think that because of her infidelity that her base women wont find it appauling? Doesnt she put a black eye on the conservative christian brand if this is proven true? I think they would want to disassociate themselves from someone like that. Remember evangelical christians some real tough cookies when it comes to issues like that. But you could be right. Never know only time will tell I guess.

I do agree that it will definitely hurt the repubs more the indy's. Because I think most of them are on the fence to begin with. This could turn out to be the distraction that the repubs didnt want to deal with.

McCain and Pallin have been pretty consistant in saying Obama/Biden have taken the high road. So far they've focused their "outrage" on the "liberal elite media". I guess they will have to drop elite if they're going after the Enquirer.

I dont get why the Repubs are throwing around that word Elite so much. When they are just as much Elitist as the Dems are. They sit there and say Obama portrays himself as the Messiah but yet noone in his camp even came close to metioning that. They say he is a Rockstar but yet the vet their own Young WOMAN and turn her into a Rockstar. Whats with the double standards and label making? They really try to see whats going to stick. Just like Obama is trying to make BushIII stick. Just the repubs are throwing more at the wall then dems.

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I hate this crap. It has nothing to do with how candidates can govern. I wish we'd get out of our politicians bedrooms be they Gary Hart, Edwards, Clinton, or Palin... the only time I think it's an issue is off they are soliciting for prostitutes (b/c) they're breaking the law or chasing down underage interns (because it's breaking the law). Otherwise, I don't care who has an affair with whom.

Mind you, I realize we can never close Pandora's box... but I wish we could.

Agreed. :applause:

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JMS--GoSkins561 is correct. If you do not format the thread just as it says in the rules, you can be put on NNT for improper formatting on titles. And we had a big Read Me sticky thread in this forum for months until just recently precisely to address its abuse in the tailgate.

So now you know for the future. :cheers:

From Rule 10: If you are posting a published article from a news source, please title your thread in the following format: "SOURCE SHORTFORM: HEADLINE" (Ex. WP: Redskins Sign CB Shawn Springs).

Jumbo, I never get anything right the first time. GoSkins561 was commenting on the title of the article was blacked out in my original post, a strange byproduct of clipping and pasteing the article . Which I corrected. I also went to correct the title of the thread at that time, but this new BBS doesn't allow you to change the title by editing it like the old one did...

I thought my title captured the precise meaning and tone of the title of the article. I didn't think it was misleading. My big problem with the title was I forgot the newsource at the front...

Either way I would have fixed both problems if I could have edited the title. I'll be more careful next time on the thread title.

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Probably not, Republicans have been incredibly two-faced about these things. If it were a Dem, you'd have the people screaming for Obama's birth certificates and Baptism records demanding a DNA test to prove that Palin's husband is the father.

I really do hate all of this though.

Yea they are truly 2faced about things like that. Its only good or a non issue if it benefits them. This stuff is why I hate both parties. They are both full of sh**. We dont have a true democracy. If we did guys like Nader, Paul, and Barr would be allowed to participate in the debates and get more time with MSM Elites. It would be a more issue oriented campaigns without all this he banged her she banged him and her son is her grandson crap. It is really annoying and truly pisses me off. Id like to go up to each canidate and smack the ish out of them and tell them stick to the real effin problems that face this country. I dont care if Palin was getting probed by Clintons cigars its none of my effin business. I wana know how they hell they are going to govern this country and make sure we dont slip into another depression. (Charlie Brown) Uhhhggggggggggg!!!

Did you miss the threads here and the story on MSNBC about how the baby was her daughters?

What exactly did MSNBC say about her baby? Did they come out and say it was her daughters? Or did they just bring it up, being that people are talking about it and blogging about it?

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You dont think that because of her infidelity that her base women wont find it appauling? Doesnt she put a black eye on the conservative christian brand if this is proven true? I think they would want to disassociate themselves from someone like that. Remember evangelical christians some real tough cookies when it comes to issues like that. But you could be right. Never know only time will tell I guess.

McCani cheated on his wife with numerous partners. The evangelicals weren't all that concerned with McCain's indescressions. They're more concerned with his breaks from them on the issues over the years.

On women, I don't think Palin ever was designed to help them with women. She doesn't support women issues. Palin was always targeted to energize the base of the republican party. Something she's done wonerfully at.

I think the Palin pick actually insulted most women. Cause the two most resume'd republican women who were passed up for the VP candidacy.. K. Baily Hutchenson, and Catherine Todd Whitman were pro choice and that's likely what cost them a spot. Just like it made McCain's other front runners unacceptable... Lieberman(pro-choice) and Ridge(pro-choice).

I do agree that it will definitely hurt the repubs more the indy's. Because I think most of them are on the fence to begin with. This could turn out to be the distraction that the repubs didnt want to deal with.

Depends how they deal with it. If they're honest and say something like it happenned 20 years ago, John had his married problems too.. Big deal.. It will be all blown over by election time.

If they dig in and sue the Enquirer and refuse to admit it; every news outlet will cover the lawsuit and do their own investigation and this thing will take a month to blow over. That will really crush them.

On another note. This is the third front runner who has seen their candidacy destroyed when going up against Obama on moral/infidelity grounds...

A Democratic front runner for the Senate seat had to resign when his infidelity came to light.

7 of 9's (from star trek) husband the republican going against Obama had to resign when his own proclivities were exposed to the press.

Now Sarah Pallin if this is true.. although I don't expect Palin to resign.. I think they'll fight.

I dont get why the Repubs are throwing around that word Elite so much. When they are just as much Elitist as the Dems are. They sit there and say Obama portrays himself as the Messiah but yet noone in his camp even came close to metioning that. They say he is a Rockstar but yet the vet their own Young WOMAN and turn her into a Rockstar. Whats with the double standards and label making? They really try to see whats going to stick. Just like Obama is trying to make BushIII stick. Just the repubs are throwing more at the wall then dems.

Well it's an election, and the elite label plays. If you are pre disposed to trust your political leaders, like most of the country; rather then question them. The attack sound blurbs are very effective at deamonizing your opponent and reducing voter turn out.

The Dem's have a history of that too. Only lately it seem the Republicans are better at it.

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Did you miss the threads here and the story on MSNBC about how the baby was her daughters?

Remember in 2000 when the Bush administration claimed McCain had fathered an illigitimate black daughter? The republicans have no credibility when claiming insult over these types of intrusive stories. They've been behind publisizing the majority of these silacious by lines going all the way back to Clinton and Kerry.

Now their crows are coming home to roost.

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Remember in 2000 when the Bush administration claimed McCain had fathered an illigitimate black daughter? The republicans have no credibility when claiming insult over these types of intrusive stories. They've been behind publisizing the majority of these silacious by lines going all the way back to Clinton and Kerry.

Now their crows are coming home to roost.

Care to back that up with facts?

Show me where the Bush administration made that claim.

And as shown, the Dems try and do it as well.

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Care to back that up with facts?

Show me where the Bush administration made that claim.

And as shown, the Dems try and do it as well.

After McCain won New Hampshire in 2000 by a landslide, upsetting Bush by 17 pts, for a short time McCain looked like the front runner to come out of the Republican primaries. South Carolina was the next primary. McCain's campagn was subject to an organized campagne to try to destroy him with rumors. Among the rumors was his "illigitamate black child", his mental instability due to his POW captivity, and his wife's drug addiction. McCain lost South Carolina to Bush and his campagne never recovered...

The wheels came off in South Carolina. The Bush machine and its legions poured millions into the campaign there. Anonymous fliers claimed McCain had fathered an illegitimate black child with a prostitute, that he was mentally unstable because of his POW experience, and that his wife, Cindy, was a drug addict (she acknowledged she had become addicted to painkillers for a time after back surgery). Republican interest groups, angered by McCain's championing of campaign finance reform, targeted him as well.

"What happened in South Carolina was as bad as people say, and then some," recalls Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from the state and one of McCain's best friends in the Senate. "Every group in the country who makes money off politics declared war on John McCain."



John McCain, fresh off an upset victory in the New Hampshire primary, has run into a buzz saw of negative advertising about his record and rumor-mongering about his personal life, and he blames his main opponent, George W. Bush.

"You should be ashamed," a tight-lipped McCain scolds Bush.

Bush has his own beef: McCain's ads have likened Bush's character to that of Bill Clinton. "You can disagree with me on issues, John, but do not question -- do not question my trustworthiness."

". . . You're putting out stuff that is unbelievable, George, and it's got to stop," McCain retorts. ". . . This is probably the nastiest campaign that people have seen in a long time."

". . . Listen, you're playing the victim here," Bush shoots back. "Wait a minute, remember who called who untrustworthy."



During the 2000 Republican presidential primary, Senator John McCain was the target of a whisper campaign implying that he had fathered a black child out of wedlock. (McCain's adopted daughter is a naturally dark-skinned child from Bangladesh). Voters in South Carolina were reportedly asked, "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew that he fathered an illegitimate black child?". McCain would later lose the South Carolina primary, and the nomination, to George W. Bush.

In addition, on the week of the nomination vote, dozens of radio stations were called on the same day asking talk show hosts what they thought of McCain's having fathered a black child out of wedlock.

McCain later said of the incidents:[1]

"There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It's a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded [our daughter] from it. It's just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists. As you know she's
, and very dark skinned. A lot of phone calls were made by people who said we should be very ashamed about her, about the color of her skin. Thousands and thousands of calls from people to voters saying, 'You know, the McCains have a black baby.' I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like those."

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