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McCain Camp Battles National Enquirer Over Alleged Palin Affair (MET)


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"Anonymous fliers claimed McCain had fathered an illegitimate black child with a prostitute"

Got it.

  1. Anonymous fliers
  2. Hundreds of calls to talk radio asking about the McCain's illigitamate black child......
  3. The Poll which asked those being polled, "if McCain had fathered an illigitamate black child, would it effect their voting"?
  4. The fact John McCain held Bush responsible for those rumors.
  5. The fact George Bush was John McCain's only real oponnent in South Carolina in 2000.

Nobody other than Bush would have benifited from the smear campagne. It was one of the moves which made Carl Rove famous/infamous.

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No more than I think the viscious Palin rumors are being floated by direct surrogates of the Obama campaign.

I don't think so...... The National Enquired is an equal opprotunity muck wracker. They've wracked muck on Bill Clinton and John Edwards. This is their first trashing of a Republican presidential (VP) candidate. They're shovelling this story because it will sell papers. It's good ole free market capitalism.

Obama's campagnes fingerprints are nowhere to be seen on this one.

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You are all hypocrites, why even bother?

And for that matter, so am I.

There is no hypocracy in accurately recouting the facts of what occured in 2000. The hypocracy is in those Republicans who have supported Bush and his trashing to people right and left even among his own party, and are now claiming the Sarah Pollin's stories are somehow out of bounds.

The big difference between the two stories are ... The McCain's black child story was 100% wrong and was known to be wrong by anybody who took a half a minute to research it. The Sarah Pollin story has yet to be proven wrong.

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Care to back that up with facts?

Show me where the Bush administration made that claim.

And as shown, the Dems try and do it as well.

So "the Bush administration" is innocent until conclusively proven.

But "the Dems" are guilty? (No proof needed?)

:secret:Normally, it works better if you don't play the roles of Pot and Kettle in the same post.


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So "the Bush administration" is innocent until conclusively proven.

But "the Dems" are guilty? (No proof needed?)

:secret:Normally, it works better if you don't play the roles of Pot and Kettle in the same post.


What fun would that be.

Both sides are scum. But lets at least skewer them for actual actions, not rumor.

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The "Sarahs baby is actually her daughters" was started by whom?

The enquirer?

But there was smoke there. Turned out her unwed daughter was pregnant and they hadn't disclosed that, until after that story and others hit the blogs.

Using your logic, the only people who could gain would be Obama, so that has to be the answer?

Money is a big motivator too. The national enquirer stands to make millions if this turns out to be true in sales of their rag. I think that's what motivated them to take on Clinton, Edwards, and Pollin.

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What fun would that be.

Both sides are scum. But lets at least skewer them for actual actions, not rumor.

I think the republicans have a proven track record of doing anything and saying anything and justifying anything in order to get and retain power.

I think the democrates haven't had that issue for almost a decade, and especially Obama, doesn't have that issue associated with him. Obama didn't claim Hillary was a Lesbo, or make us relive Bills indescressions. Those are things the Republicans definitely had planned. Hell they've done worse.

I think it's a little poetic justice the Republicans are getting caught in their own net here.

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I'm a little torn, here. I don't really care if she had an affair. I don't think that necessarily makes her a bad person. People make mistakes.

But . . . I can't stand politicians, and so I enjoy it when they are publicly shamed.

I wouldn't make too much out of allegations. That's all they are. Though the NE has gotten it right a couple times, they are hardly a credible source. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

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I wouldn't make too much out of allegations. That's all they are. Though the NE has gotten it right a couple times, they are hardly a credible source. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

Did you just call Sarah Palin a blind squirrel?

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