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ES/RR TAILGATE vs Saints 09-14-08 (Please post what you are bringing!!)


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Do you have to park in the parking lot in order to be able to be at the tailgate, or can you walk there? Im still trying to decide if I want to try and drive and park, or take public transportation if there is any from Downtown DC

Last year, Big Sexy and I didn't have parking passes so we parked in the tailgate lot and walked to ES. It only took about 5 minutes. Beware the hill!

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So what should I look for when I pull in the green lot? I'm coming off of Arena Drive and should be there waiting for the gate to open, just not at the front of the line. You guys just line the back grassy area with your trucks?

There's a map in the first post dude.

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A buddy of mine's nephew, and his his friend, will be joining the tailgate.

He's a Saint's fan :doh:, but he's a great kid and really knows football. I think that he'll be one of the handful of Saint fans there. He'll be with a friend of his, who is a Skins fan.

I told him to expect a lot of ribbing, when he shows up in a Bush or McCallister jersey! He's good people, so he can take it. He will also contribute, either food, drink or monetarily. I'll know for sure when I find out his parking situation.

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Shoot, dude, you might as well enter the dog contest. Whaddaya say pal?

HELL no. :P

Do you have to park in the parking lot in order to be able to be at the tailgate, or can you walk there? Im still trying to decide if I want to try and drive and park, or take public transportation if there is any from Downtown DC

Try Tailgate Field. It was only $25 to park last year, and a much shorter walk to E43.


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Okay folks, I think beer is covered.. if you want to bring anything else drink wise, maybe mixed drinks or some sort of liquor (check with skinsfan44 and his bar)

I think we may be good with tents now too (I am glad a bunch of people stepped up, because it may or may not rain on Sun.

We could probably use more folks bringing food... those who have stepped up so far in bringing stuff have done an awesome job... we need other folks to step up as well


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The wife and i will make it, not positive on what time as our guest may run a little late.

But put us down for CRACK BARS, some of you know its a dessert, those that dont know what they are will find out sunday hehe

Im thinking 2 batches since the 1st TG is always the biggest.


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