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ES/RR TAILGATE vs Saints 09-14-08 (Please post what you are bringing!!)


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Official Extremeskins/RedskinRoadtrips Tailgate

09/14 vs New Orleans Saints

WAS_logo-80x90.gifvs NO_logo-80x90.gif

Tailgate Pre-Season is over!!

Ok folks... You have had your time to practice with 4 pre-season tailgates

(2 in Canton and 2 at FedEx). It is time for some hardcore tailgating!! The

first tailgate is always a crazy one and usually brings along lots of new folks

to welcome to the fold. Last year, lots of folks really stepped up and added

lots of great stuff to the tailgate... food, drinks, etc. I hope to see that again

this year. Cheers to a whole new season of eating, drinking, and having fun!!


Again in order to be a bit more organized with what food, drink, and supplies

we have at the tailgate, I ask that you please post what you are bringing to

the tailgate. I will be updating this first post with the total list. For those who

don't know what to bring, please check the list in this first post to see what is

needed. Not everyone can bring something, and we understand that, but we

do ask that the regulars to the tailgate try to chip in something.

Hail to you and Hail to the Redskins!!! :cheers:

Special Event: Hot Dog Eating Contest

The contest:

Who can eat the most dogs in 10 minutes, including rolls.

Contest will start at like 10am.

What is it:

We are a gathering of fans who love to come together and have a good time

out in the lots before and after the game. We have a lot of good stuff going

on including lots of great food, drinks, games, music, satellite tv, etc. If you

like to eat, drink and have a good time with fellow skins fans, this is the place

for you!

When is it:

September 14th. 9:00 am - 12:45 pm. Post game tailgate times vary. The

tailgate always starts the moment the parking lot opens (4 hours before

game time) and we start packing up around 45 before game time. Many of us

get there even earlier to do a pre-tailgate on Arena drive. A couple of us are

always at the very front of the line.

Where is it:

Section E-43 in the Green Lot (see map below).

We have found a nice spot in the Fedex Field parking lot that offers us a ton

of room and protection from cars runnin all over the place as well as other

ammenities. If you are driving into the main lots (green, orange, etc) or are

coming in on buses, the best bet is to use Arena Drive. When you come in

Arena drive, make a right immediately into the main green parking lot. You will

need to stay against the woods as you navigate to our lot area, because

there are blocked off areas. Navigate through the parking lot until you almost

come to Redskins Rd. We are in the back against the woods. If you are

walking into the main parking lot, Redskin Rd might be a shorter route. There

are other tailgates along the way.. make sure you use the section signs on

the poles to navigate to E-43.


Click here for larger view

Who can come:

Absolutely everyone... the more the merrier! This tailgate was started for the

members of ExtremeSkins, Redskin Roadtrips and their families, but it has

become a haven for all redskin fans (and some celebrities). Many folks came

to the tailgate, hung out, and are now members of the board. We accept fans

of all sorts, even of other teams. We ask if you come to the tailgate, that you

remember one thing... treat others as you would want to be treated! We

appreciate the razzing of of opponents fans, as a matter of fact, we

encourage it! We do not however, tolerate any physical violence, threats,

property damage, etc...

Fans of all ages are welcome!!! - We have non-alcoholic items as well :)

What can I do?

While we do not solicit any contributions to the tailgate, they are welcome.

Many of us who help run the tailgate spend alot of money in food, supplies

and other items. Anything you can do to help is highly appreciated, such as

bringing food, drinks, or even donating monetarily.

During the course of the last couple seasons, many people stepped up and

helped with the organization, setup, working, etc of the tailgate, which

resulted in its success. If you would like to help out in this capacity, please

let us know.

If you are bringing a food or drink item to the tailgate, please post a response

in this thread with what you plan to bring !!

Who to contact:

For now, contact Huly via PM. She will make sure all of us get updated with

questions or concerns you may have.


Food List

60 lbs Wings (Pez/Huly)

100 Crack-On-A-Sticks (Tastes Like Chicken)

6-8 lbs of Shrimp Scampi (Skinsfan1311)

Kabobs (Phoward12)

Mystery Dish (Phoward12)

Brisket (dfitzo53)

Beer-Butter Brats/buns (walkeman44)

Hot Dogs/Buns (Barefooter97)

Hamburgers/Buns (Barefooter97)

24 Hamburgers/Buns (SkinsFanInTennessee)

24 Hot Dogs/Buns (SkinsFanInTennessee)

Bunch of Hamburgers (Skinster55)

2 Trays of Mama K's Ham Biscuits (Barefooter97)

Crab Dip (Skins N' Bones/Cricket)

Buffalo Chicken Dip/Chips (9_to_42_td)

Hot Ring Bologna (9_to_42_td)

Pasta Salad (Raub/Jen)

Potato Salad (SkinsFanInTennessee)

Baked Beans (SkinsFanInTennessee)

Chips (Barefooter97)

Peanuts (Barefooter97)

Cookies (DRSmith)

Brownies/Cookies (jeweltea)

Desserts (HOF44)

2 Batches of Crack Bars (DButz65)

2 Buckeye Pies (SkinsFanInTennessee)

Drink List

"The Bar" (skinsfan44/sapphire44)

2 Gallon of Hand Grenades (skinsfan44/sapphire44)

1 Gallon of Rum Punch (skinsfan44/sapphire44)

1/2 Bottle of Maker's Mark (Phoward12)

1/2 Bottle of Coconut Rum (Phoward12)

1 Bottle of Jagermeister (Skinster55)

1 Bottle of Jagermeister (tinob)

1 Bottle of Liquor (Barefooter97)

1 Bottle of Honey Turkey (Tastes Like Chicken)

1 Bottle of Rum (dchogs)

1 Bottle of Baileys Irish Creme (LegionOfDoom)

Red Headed Sluts (Capt. Kaos)

4 L of DuClaw Brewery beer

3 Cases of Beer (Pez/Huly)

2 Cases of Beer (tinob)

1 Case of Beer (Barefooter97)

1 Case of Beer (Skinster55)

1 Case of Beer (Bostic Hog)

1 Case of Beer (Barefooter97)

? kanuck Beer (DRSmith)

? Beer (BigFing5)

? Beer (Olky)

? Beer (Phoward12)

1 Case of Soda (dfitzo53)

1 Flat of Water (Pez/Huly)

1 Flat of Water (LegionOfDoom)

1 Flat of Water (Olky)

1 Flat of Coke (Pez/Huly)

4 12-packs of Soda (LegionOfDoom)

2 Gallons Sweet Tea (SkinsFanInTennessee)

Tomato Juice (Barefooter97)

Supply List

1 ExtremeSkins Banner(s) (Pez/Huly)

1 Flagpole/Flags (skinsfan44/sapphire44)

1 Radio/CDs (Capt. Kaos)

1 Grill (walkeman44)

1 Grill (SkinsFanInTennessee)

1 Grill (Bostic Hog)

1 Grill (Phoward12)

1 Grill - Toolbox (Tastes Like Chicken)

1 Table (skinsfan44/sapphire44)

2 Tables (Bostic Hog)

1 Table (Skinsfan1311)

1 Table (SkinsFanInTennessee)

1 Table (Olky)

1 Canopy (walkeman44)

1 Canopy (Tastes Like Chicken)

1 Canopy (Raub)

1 Canopy (Bostic Hog)

1 Canopy (skinsfan44/sapphire44)

1 Canopy (Skinsfan1311)

2 Chairs (Pez/Huly)

4 Chairs (Barefooter97)

3 Chairs (SkinsFanInTennessee)

2 Chairs (Phoward12)

2 Chairs (walkeman44)

2 Chairs (Skins N' Bones/Cricket)

3 Chairs (Capt. Kaos)

4 Chairs (Bostic Hog)

4 Chairs (Tastes Like Chicken)

6 Chairs (skinsfan44/sapphire44)

Plates/plasticware/napkins (Skins N' Bones/Cricket)

Beer Pong Table (Capt. Kaos)

Beer Pong Balls (Bostic Hog)

Beer Pong Balls & Cups (Barefooter97)

Cornhole Game (Barefooter97)

Lasso Golf Game (Bostic Hog)

Hot dog contest stuff (Bostic Hog)

Needed Items

Check the list and determine what you would like to bring...

Hot Dog Eating Contest






Big Sexy





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Sapphire44 and I will be there.

We will have our usual tailgate equipment (Redskins canopy, 6 chairs, 1 table, flag pole and flags) and of course "The Bar."

I will be making 2 gallons of Hand Grenades and 1 gallon of Rum Punch.

I will take an inventory of our Bar and will post what we need for anyone who wants to contribute to the Bar.

No, I will not be participating in the Hot Dog eating contest

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Fran can't make this one, because of a stupid family obligation that she can not get out of :doh:

I'm bringing a buddy of mine, (Tom). He's been to a couple of ES/RR tailgates.

I'm so friggin' glad that I finally got a green parking pass!!!

I'll whip up at least 6 - 8 lbs of shrimp scampi

I can also bring a canopy and a table, if needed.

See you then!!

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Hello everyone

I came over from England last year with a Dolphins supporting mate and met a few of you guys - I'm coming to the game on Sunday and would love to pop along and say hello to everyone again if that's cool?

And I'm buying a ticket for the game off Barefooter97 who is popping along as well

Be good to see you all again

Cheers for now

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I was wondering if the Hot Dog contest was still on :)


The contestants so far are:





Judges so far are:

Bob (HOF44)



We need more participants!! We need 1 judge per competitor.

The contest:

Who can eat the most dogs in 10 minutes, including rolls.

The original thread didn't make it from the old site :mad:

Contest will start at like 10am.

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Oh yeah,

Big Sexy and I will be there --- green passes :)

I'll be bringing:

Hot dog contest stuff

2 Tables

4 Chairs (Huly, you still have my 2 from Canton?)


Weber grill

case of beer

I also have a big supply of beer pong balls (about 30 of them)

some other stuff, not sure of yet :)

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First one of the regular season...can't wait...rain or shine. Since I have green parking now, I'll be contributing even more. For this tailgate, I'll have:

1 grill

Chairs, 2 to 4

Kabob skewers (and the meat/vegetables that go with them)

4 cans of Guinness (not for group consumption) and a few other beers (free game)

Assorted half-empty liquor bottles for Dave's bar.

1 mystery food dish, I'm going to be doing an experiment which could fail miserably, so just put down "mystery food dish" for now.

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