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Who's better educated? Democrats or Republicans? (Poll)


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Unfortunately, there are only 1,419 respondents in this analysis, so the results aren’t as reliable. Nevertheless, we see a huge drop in the percent of high IQ respondents who identify as Republican and an even bigger increase in the percent of high IQ respondents who identify as Democratic.

At the same time, average IQ respondents flocked to the Republican Party, and now a greater percent of this bracket identifies as Republican than identifies as Democratic. (It should be noted that this is not the first time this occurs for a single year. It also happened in 1989, 1991, and 1993.)


Once upon a time, the Democratic Party was the party of the less intelligent and the Republican Party was the party of the more intelligent.

But today, the Democratic Party is the party of both the less intelligent and the more intelligent while the Republican Party is the party of the middle. This doesn’t seem to me like a stable situation.

It remains to be seen if the 2004 data is a fluke: either a statistical fluke or related to a specific antipathy that high IQ respondents have to George W. Bush and not to the Republican Party as a whole.

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Found this on the web too.


BarakObama.com - College, Post Grad

JohnEdwards.com - Genius

HillaryClinton.com - Jr. High School*


JohnMcCain.com - High School

MittRomney.com - Elementary School

MikeHuckabee.com – Genius**

JoinRudy2008.com - High School

RonPaul2008.com - High School

When reading these results, keep in mind that half of America is below average at everything, always.

*which may explain the crying. Junior High can be a nightmare.

**if you hate evolution

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The question first arose after the 2000 election, when articles appeared to suggest that states that voted for Al Gore had a higher IQ, in general, than the states that went for George W. Bush. A new version of the so-called study indicates an even more obvious trend, arguing that nearly all the states that went for John Kerry have a higher collective IQ than those that went for W.

The study is supposedly based on the results of SAT and ACT tests administered each year to high schools students across the country. According to the extrapolations now making the rounds, the state with the highest IQ (113) is Connecticut, which went for Kerry. Massachusetts (111), New Jersey (111), New York (109), Rhode Island (106), Hawaii (106), Maryland and New Hampshire (105), and Illinois (104) all went for Kerry as well. In fact, the 16 states with the highest IQ levels all voted for Kerry. The Bush state with the highest collective IQ is Virginia at 100, which came in at No. 17.

According to this list, Nevada has an average IQ of 99, tied with Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio and Oregon in the 19th through the 24th spots. I don't know that an IQ of 99 sounds all that impressive, but then neither does the top score of 113. I mean, that's it? That's the best we've got? I've owned cats that are smarter than that. Smarter than me, for that matter.

click for full article.

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Since the DC area as a whole leans to the left, then this will be skewed to the left.

It's also the most educated metro area in the U.S.

So, it's going to skew left and high education. But I did not previously know it leaned to the left as a whole.

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Do we get to put a asterisk on any Liberal Arts grads?;)

along with teachers ;)

I dont think anyone is going to admit that they didn't finish high school.

I didn't finish high school (11.75 yrs), but I did attend NVCC for a year to study civil engineering courses pertaining to my construction career.

hence the disclaimer in the original post

disclaimer mentions intelligence, not education. College is far from the only place to be educated. Much respect to those of you that earned degrees and post grad degrees, I'm impressed really.

If you have one, I'm all ears

How about credit scores, net worth, IQ results? Those are a bit more quantitative. :D.

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For this to have any validity, votes would have to be made public and we'd have to survey a very large sample-in the thousands.

You only need a couple hundred if you want to get it within a few percentage points. There is an issue with the sample not being truly random (selection bias). That effect is independent of sample size, however.

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I think that some of these votes are fradulent. I mean PeterMP. Who ever heard of a member of the Military Police having a PhD? Disco Dave. I've seen him on the Simpsons. The guy may have a doctorate in coolness, but come on. And that Burgold guy... when has he shown the least mastery of anything!

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along with teachers ;)

Not funny. I went into education thinking it would be fun and "easy". Unless you are a teacher, you have no idea what it entails.

We listened to a speaker on brain research a few weeks ago. He said he spoke to an audience in which there were brain surgeons and that they were arrogant as to how their job is so difficult compared to teachers. The speaker went on to give a few points:

*A brain surgeon works on one patient at a time.

*He knows the patient's background, the patient's needs, and he has time to prepare for his patient because he schedules appointments.

*A brain surgeon has many other doctors in the room with him while he works, many other hands to help him if he needs it.

*A teacher walks into a classroom with 30+ kids. Each child learns differently, and there is no way to know how the child learns right off the bat.

*In addition to English speakers, a teacher is faced with many non-English speakers and must differentiate her instruction to meet ALL learners, including those with special needs. They are not in "separate" classes anymore, folks.

*A teacher learns a child's background as he or she goes, depending on how much the child is willing to share and how much a parent is involved in his child's life.

*A teacher can't schedule when she will meet with her class. Each child needs 1 on 1 support, which is nearly impossible when dealing with 30 other kids, behavior issues, and teaching the state standards.

*A teacher is by herself for the majority of the time. She may have help here and there, but she is expected to teach the kids on her own.

And as for the argument that teachers get their entire summer off?

My summer consisted of teaching summer school(4 weeks), attending an 8 hour week-long training 70 miles away with no hotel paid for (thankfully there were 5 other girls from my district who were willing to carpool), attending another 3 day, 8hr/day training to teach English Learners. The rest of my summer was spent at my school setting up my classroom and preparing lesson plans and meeting with my team. I probably had 2 FULL weeks of a summer vacation.

In addition, we are expected to tutor at least twice a week before or after school and we have many other duties during the school year.

Please do not devalue a teacher's work or think they have it "easy". I'd love you to spend a day teaching my 5th period class and not get burnt out by that one period, much less the rest of the day.

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Not funny. I went into education thinking it would be fun and "easy". Unless you are a teacher, you have no idea what it entails.

you know that I was just kidding. I think that I got prickly, about the wording in your poll..."I only have a..." until you got up to masters degree, which of course you have ;). I only wish that I had a college degree. It's times like this that I feel inferior, then I have to go count my assets to reassure myself that I'm ok. :whew:

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Better educated does not neccessarily mean more intelligent. Bush went to Yale and thats a fine school but is he smart? Bill Gates dropped out of College and surely he's smarter than most graduates with Bachelor degrees.

Aethists tend to be more academically smarter than Christians, with firm roots in science whereas evangical christians who believe the bible word for word. So Most Aethists are liberals and democrats, most Evangical christians are conservative and republican, so I would say Democrats are smarter than republicans. Want proof? Ask McCain how to fix the economy and he admits he knows nothing about it, ask Obama (a Harvard grad) and he can at least give you an educated guess.

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I suppose I could be biased in my assessment. I'm around a bunch of PhDs and Master's degrees and they all lean to the left. Although we are in the Oceanograpy/Marine Science/Environmental field, therefore we lean left because since 2000 we have seen a shift in funding from science to the war. There was one exception, which was my old boss, he had his PhD and was a Republican. He came from a wealthy Republican family though.

Now when I say a shift, I mean a major shift in funding. There's NO money, NONE. Since 1999 I've watch all my friends get laid off because of the lack of funding.

I also come from the eastern shore of maryland. The majority of residents from my home town have little education beyond a H.S. dimploma. They all vote republican primarily, they say, because they think democrats will tax them, and because they want to get rid of every Muslim on the face of the earth (I'm not joking here).

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I also come from the eastern shore of maryland. The majority of residents from my home town have little education beyond a H.S. dimploma. They all vote republican primarily, they say, because they think democrats will tax them, and because they want to get rid of every Muslim on the face of the earth (I'm not joking here).

Where is Sarge from?

The underlying theme that the right runs on all the time. "The dems want to take your money and your guns."

People are dumb enough to believe this.

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