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Who's better educated? Democrats or Republicans? (Poll)


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This thread comes from the thread about the Obama tax cuts...some started arguing about who is smarter, dems or republicans.

So...let's poll ES. Now, of course a college education does not solidify someone's intelligence, but I'm curious nonetheless.

For the sake of ease, democrat=liberal and republican=conservative. I know there are differences in the labels but too bad.

Poll on its way, patience...

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how does the quote go? - "if you're an 18 year old conservative, you have no heart. If you're a 40 year old liberal, you have no brain" :silly:

I think it's more like, "Anyone under 30 who is not liberal has not heart. Anyone over 30 who is not conservative has not sense."

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I remember this from the 2004 election. People with PhD or Master's degree were overwhelmingly for Kerry, and it wasn't even close. On the flip side, most highschool dropouts were also democrats. This per CNN's 2004 exit poll, if I remember correctly.

Also, most Universities seem to be liberal.

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I cheated and did some research. This is from Pew, however it isn't by straight party lines, they broke it up into more categories and it's from 2005.


The middle section is in essence Independent.

Top section GOP.

Bottom section Donkey.

Liberals have the highest education level of any typology group 49% are college graduates and 26% have some postgraduate education. But the Enterprisers also include a relatively high percentage of college graduates (46%), although fewer Enterprisers than Liberals have attended graduate school (14%).

Among Republicans, just 15% of Pro-Government Conservatives have completed college, compared with 45% of Enterprisers. There also are wide disparities in education among the three independent groups, with Upbeats (37%) far more likely to have completed college than Bystanders (13%) or Disaffecteds (11%).


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Ok, I'm an Indy who's voting 3rd party.

I have a Bachelors (not only a Bachelors) degree.

I'm smart enough to know that both parties are diseased and infectious.

The GOP and DNC are basically AIDs and Cancer to this country and there isn't a real cure to either except usually a slow painful death.

Right now we're being offered a treatment that hasn't been working, or a treatment that hasn't been through clinicals yet and nobody knows how it will work.

The makers of the tried and failed treatment are saying the new one is too risky, and we have no idea what will happen...but it will most def be bad. That is hasn't been tested and something much worse than any side-affect from their treatment could and mostly likely WILL happen.

The makers of the new treatment are saying that the old one doesn't work and its documented. Why would you want to keep going through that if you knew it doesn't work? Repackaging it with a new label doesn't change the chemistry.

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I answered but i dont see how this matters. I only have a high school degree, but i own half of a very successful company. It pisses me off when people with college education look down upon me cause i do not have one. Just cause you have a college degree does not mean you are better educated IMO.

I see................ another school of hard knocks snob.

So am I, and it was not even a very good high school.

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I answered but i dont see how this matters. I only have a high school degree, but i own half of a very successful company. It pisses me off when people with college education look down upon me cause i do not have one. Just cause you have a college degree does not mean you are better educated IMO.

hence the disclaimer in the original post

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I probably should avoid this thread but...

I received my GED and I consider myself a moderate leaning slightly left.

I hope nobody thinks I'm lacking in intelligence because I got a GED, either. I'm not the smartest man in the world but I'm not stupid.

As soon as my finances even out, I'll get going back to college.

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