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Plans for kidnapping, bombs at convention: documents


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Plans for kidnapping, bombs at convention: documents



By Andy Sullivan Wed Sep 3, 6:57 PM ET

ST. PAUL (Reuters) - Self-described anarchists discussed kidnapping delegates and practiced throwing Molotov ****tails to disrupt the Republican National Convention, according to court documents released on Wednesday...The documents painted a chilling picture of the plans behind Monday's unrest, when a few hundred black-clad protesters smashed store windows and threw rocks and bottles at police, marring an otherwise peaceful antiwar march in the Minnesota capital.

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Okay, back to being serious.

We actually did, Mass. There was an assassination attempt that was foiled. Remember. It's really unfortunate that there are so many lunatics out there who want to throw their and other people's lives away. These guys are terrorists and should be prosecuted as such.

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Gee, I wonder why we didn't hear these stories in Denver? Maybe because these same people were the DELEGATES in Denver; or at least convention attendees, since they hold the same views as the Socialist Liberals that are the vast super-majoirty of the Democratic party.

Anarchists are not at all one and the same with socialists; in fact, their beliefs are often directly opposed to socialism. What they do share with socialists, though, is a loathing of the Capitalistic system (though not the free market, per se), including elements of Capitalism such as the WTO and IMF, and a general opposition to the "Globalists."

Of course, not anarchists are the same, either. There are always some who are more on the fringe then others.

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I know your being sarcastic and hyperbolous, but man, can't you turn it off?


You can't turn off the color of your skin ... although you can try to adjust brightness by spending more time in the sun. And actually I think it would help if more of us tried to turn the contrast down a little.
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We actually did, Mass. There was an assassination attempt that was foiled. Remember. It's really unfortunate that there are so many lunatics out there who want to throw their and other people's lives away. These guys are terrorists and should be prosecuted as such.

No, we had three hick, redneck goofballs who I don't think could have figured out how to LOAD the rifle, nevermind actually aim and fire it. You're right though that we have way too many lunatics out there who are willing to do stupid **** for no good reason. These anarchists should simply be shot on sight and save everyone the trouble,

Anarchists are not at all one and the same with socialists; in fact, their beliefs are often directly opposed to socialism. What they do share with socialists, though, is a loathing of the Capitalistic system (though not the free market, per se), including elements of Capitalism such as the WTO and IMF, and a general opposition to the "Globalists."

Of course, not anarchists are the same, either. There are always some who are more on the fringe then others.

I was probably a little too specific. Like the Socialist Liberals in the Democratic Party these Anarchists are Anti-American; which in my mind should be a Capital offense for which there is no arrest or trial, simply execution. They loath everything America is supposed to stand for, just like the Democrats.

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I was probably a little too specific. Like the Socialist Liberals in the Democratic Party these Anarchists are Anti-American; which in my mind should be a Capital offense for which there is no arrest or trial, simply execution. They loath everything America is supposed to stand for, just like the Democrats.

Oh just shut up already. Really.

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I was probably a little too specific. Like the Socialist Liberals in the Democratic Party these Anarchists are Anti-American; which in my mind should be a Capital offense for which there is no arrest or trial, simply execution. They loath everything America is supposed to stand for, just like the Democrats.

Why are the anarchists anti-American? We come from a nation that was based upon direct action and revolution, after all. I am a card-carrying member of the SAR, and I am PROUD my forefathers were involved in revolutionary actions and were patriots loyal to the cause.

How can you talk about executing people such as this and the America at the same time. What YOU are saying is anti-American, if you want my honest opinion, and I see little moral authority to advocate anyone's execution.

Would you have been a Tory during the American revolution, in support of the King?

Gee, maybe we need to quit teaching American history to our youth, lest they get the idea that direct action (such as the colonial forms of protests) and revolution is somehow a good idea. Perhaps we need to rename the American Revolution to guard against misguided citizens having the wrong idea - right?

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Oh just shut up already. Really.

There IS still an ignore function in the new format Dan. Maybe you need to use it.

Well to be fair so do you.

I hate what America has become, Henry. I would much rather have what it started out as, with a few little tweaks.

Why are the anarchists anti-American? We come from a nation that was based upon direct action and revolution, after all. I am a card-carrying member of the SAR, and I am PROUD my forefathers were involved in revolutionary actions and were patriots loyal to the cause.

There are appropriate and inappropriate reasons and ways to act out, Baculus. My lineage entitles me to that same SAR membership that you hold. It also entitles me to membership in the Sons of the Confederacy because several of my Connecticut-born family members felt that the South was right in attempting to break off from the Union.

How can you talk about executing people such as this and the America at the same time. What YOU are saying is anti-American, if you want my honest opinion, and I see little moral authority to advocate anyone's execution.

Then there's really very little point in us having ANY conversation because we live in two different and totally incompatible worlds.

Would you have been a Tory during the American revolution, in support of the King?

Gee, maybe we need to quit teaching American history to our youth, lest they get the idea that direct action (such as the colonial forms of protests) and revolution is somehow a good idea. Perhaps we need to rename the American Revolution to guard against misguided citizens having the wrong idea - right?

No, I would not have been a Tory. I believe that the Colonists acted properly in rebelling against the GOVERNMENT that was oppressing them. What we need to do is to START teaching American history to our youth. Give them the idea that there were solid reasons and ideals behind the actions of the Founding Fathers, not just some desire to break things and act like a bunch of nasty-tempered children. The Founding Fathers didn't hide behind masks. They knew that they were going to be resisted by the fullest might of the greatest army on the planet at that time and were prepared to bleed and die for their cause. These little scumballs nowadays scream "police brutality" the first time one of them gets hit in the head with a billy club.

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Let's get one thing straight, Anarchists are probably closer to Libertarians than they are to socialists so I really think even comparing them to Democrats makes you sound stupid. I usually find your outlandish opinions intriguing, but after reading your comments on this thread MSF you've lost all kinds of credibility.

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Let's get one thing straight, Anarchists are probably closer to Libertarians than they are to socialists so I really think even comparing them to Democrats makes you sound stupid. I usually find your outlandish opinions intriguing, but after reading your comments on this thread MSF you've lost all kinds of credibility.

Then I suggest you utilize the Ignore feature. Especially since I consider Libertarians to be LIBERALS as much as the Democrats area.

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There are appropriate and inappropriate reasons and ways to act out, Baculus. My lineage entitles me to that same SAR membership that you hold. It also entitles me to membership in the Sons of the Confederacy because several of my Connecticut-born family members felt that the South was right in attempting to break off from the Union.

You never did answer the question, in regard to the Constitution, because, from what I have heard from you, I really do not believe you support it, other then the Second Amendment.

That being said, the Tories did not believe the American revolution was "appropriate" as well. And, really, I do not know WHAT manner you, or others, support in acting out. Because, when it comes to the issue of protesting, too many supposed American patriots are the first to clap whenever the authorities crack down on these protesters.

And, in the past, YOU have suggested that armed resistance might be something you would support, and yet, you are making comments about these protesters. How is that a consistent opinion? Because they are perceived as left-wing, instead of right-wing?

As a note, I do NOT consider these anarchists to be acting out appropriately, because, at this time, there are other means to protest and show your disagreement with the government.

No, I would not have been a Tory. I believe that the Colonists acted properly in rebelling against the GOVERNMENT that was oppressing them.

There are many Americans who feel that the system - the government - is oppressive to them. Hence, the dissatisfaction of folks on both the Left and the Right.

What we need to do is to START teaching American history to our youth. Give them the idea that there were solid reasons and ideals behind the actions of the Founding Fathers, not just some desire to break things and act like a bunch of nasty-tempered children.

Are you sure you would want to teach American history? Again, are you sure you would want to teach revolutionary ideals? After all, many of the positions of the Founding Fathers do not seem to align with your own stance on issues.

The Founding Fathers didn't hide behind masks. They knew that they were going to be resisted by the fullest might of the greatest army on the planet at that time and were prepared to bleed and die for their cause. These little scumballs nowadays scream "police brutality" the first time one of them gets hit in the head with a billy club.

Well, I know the Black Block were masks to form a "unified front," as opposed to hiding their identity. Again, I do not necessarily agree with the Black Block, as I said before, but I DO agree with protest.

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Then I suggest you utilize the Ignore feature. Especially since I consider Libertarians to be LIBERALS as much as the Democrats area.

It's impossible to argue with you when you have different definitions of things than the rest of the world. I could say "great danes are larger dogs than beagles" and you could respond with "I don't consider great danes to be dogs, they're deer as far as I'm concerned"

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You never did answer the question, in regard to the Constitution, because, from what I have heard from you, I really do not believe you support it, other then the Second Amendment.

In large part you're right that I do not care for much of what's in the Constitution. I believe it needs to be rewritten in clear, unquestionable language and the means to modify it needs to be removed.

That being said, the Tories did not believe the American revolution was "appropriate" as well. And, really, I do not know WHAT manner you, or others, support in acting out. Because, when it comes to the issue of protesting, too many supposed American patriots are the first to clap whenever the authorities crack down on these protesters.

There are appropriate, non-violent ways to protest; after acquiring the proper permits. They do not involve property damage or injury to others, especially law enforcement officers. Nor do they involve concealing one's identity by hiding behind masks or false ID's as these people seem to like doing.

And, in the past, YOU have suggested that armed resistance might be something you would support, and yet, you are making comments about these protesters. How is that a consistent opinion? Because they are perceived as left-wing, instead of right-wing?

I have supported the concept of armed resistance AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. If Timothy McVeigh had walked into the FBI or IRS office in the Murrow Federal Building in Oklahoma City and started popping off rounds I'd have had some small amount of respect for him. He'd have still been wrong and stupid but at least he'd have been lashing out at the people he claimed were the problem. Planting a bomb in a place where it would obviously affect children and other non-governmental entities and individuals is cowardice so far as I'm concerned.

Yes the fact that they're left-wing (aka WRONG) does have an affect on my opinion about them.

There are many Americans who feel that the system - the government - is oppressive to them. Hence, the dissatisfaction of folks on both the Left and the Right.

Then attack THE GOVERNMENT, not the Starbucks coffee shop on the corner of Main and Elm Street.

Are you sure you would want to teach American history? Again, are you sure you would want to teach revolutionary ideals? After all, many of the positions of the Founding Fathers do not seem to align with your own stance on issues.

I have a lot of issues with many of the things the Founding Fathers believed in, but I believe that they went about their revolution the right way. I agree with the armed resistance put forth by the southern states under the banner of the Confederate States of America, though I'd have followed a little different strategy by freeing the slaves THEN firing on the Union fortifications, but that's just me.

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meaning, I suppose, you'd want the shinning "city upon a hill" with executions and a lack of republicanism?

Something like that. Mostly what we need to go back to is a philosophy that there are people who are and others who are not worth being involved in the system. White, land-owning males isn't going to cut it anymore as a criteria; but there does need to be a thinning of the herd if you will in who is allowed to have a say in what goes on.

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Something like that. Mostly what we need to go back to is a philosophy that there are people who are and others who are not worth being involved in the system. White, land-owning males isn't going to cut it anymore as a criteria; but there does need to be a thinning of the herd if you will in who is allowed to have a say in what goes on.
sounds like you need to abandon the republican party and start your own
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