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Anyone else kinda want to see Snyder bring in a new training staff? Bubba Tyer has been with the skins for a while and for a while our team is constantly injured.. And all teams suffer injuries they are unavoidable, but it's getting out of hand that year after year after year we are always injured.

Hell we got WR's getting broken hands out of the blue.

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People piss and moan about the injury bug around here, but I've yet to see an objective analysis that shows our injuries being disproportionate to the rest of the league.

Part of the reason it seems that we have so many is that we're reading our own injury reports much more frequently and much more thoroughly than those of other teams if you ask me.

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Look here, this thread is totally uncalled and posted out of ignorance. The Redskins Sports Medicine Staff, (i.e Athletic Trainers, Team Physicans, Physical Therapist) does everything they can to prevent injuries. It so happens in a full contact sport like football that players get hurt and no matter who the sports medicine staff is they can't do a thing about it. It is their job to diagnose, and treat the injuries and prevent futher injury. Throwing the Athletic Training Staff under the bus is just another way for people to b!tch and stir the pot. G-prime who is your next victim the accounting department, the grounds keepers or the season ticket office? Maybe you should stick to criticizing the IT department since thats your area of expertise. Whoever you decide on is fine ,just don't let it be the sport medicine department.


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I don't know if its the trainings staffs fault or what, but the injury problems are getting out of hand.

1) Is this a pun based on the other post about WRs breaking hands? :)

2) What is the basis for this assessment?

I looked here and don't see that we have a huge injury problem, though this is not the official NFL list, since they apparently don't track during preseason.

Of the 32 teams out there, 6 have 7 or more injuries (as we do) right now, including the Giants with 8.

Deep breaths everyone...

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  • 4 years later...
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I think this is becoming a more valid discussion as the injuries pile up.

How old are the training facilities?

How do they compare with the rest of the NFL?

And the staff should be questioned too. Is team being prepared properly during training camp so they can endure a whole season?

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its not about preventing the broken hand. Its about the recurring injury after the broken hand is supposedly healed. How many players on our team are injured, and then aggravate the same injury the say they are cleared?

You realize this post was made in 2008, right?

Under a different training staff...

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I would blame Goodell for some of these injures to our players. Goodell runs a cheap league that wants more money and cares less about players safety. Example two is having a no year with fines for anyone paying more to players.Sounds like a dictator trying to destroy the Professionals and installing rookies for cheap labor.

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This always makes me laugh.... When sports fans make these definitive claims about medical issues.... I will admit it... I have no idea. No clue. No knowledge at all about our training staff and I highly doubt anyone here does either.

We do NOT have more injuries than other teams. We do not have more groin pulls or shoulder stingers... The Bills have already lost Fred Jackson and CJ Spiller to nagging type injuries. The Giants played last week without 30% of their starting offense and have also had major injuries in the secondary. It goes on all over the league all the time.

I am sure there are better trainers and doctors than others.... But I am highly skeptical if any member of a sports message board can properly discern that.

If ES existed in 1985... I am sure someone would have blasted the trainers for not giving Joey T enough milk before LT snapped his leg in half.

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The OP is old but its about the Training Staff right not Medical Staff. Proactive vs Reactive. I'm not an expert but Laron was ripped and he ripped our training staff. Not the best example I know but I think we can get better in stamina, explosiveness, and strength which may lead to fewer injuries.

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