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First Kisses....


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My first kiss was at my birthday party when I was in kindergarten. I was generally a shy kid, punctuated by occasional moments of inspired mania. This was one of them.

My birthday is in October, and back in, oh, 1980 or so, my birthday parties tended to involve carving pumpkins. I loved knives, things, and cutting things with knives, and for some reason my parents thought nothing of inviting 11 kids over to our backyard so they could take long blades and mutilate gourds into horrible snarling monsters -- to be taken home, placed on the windowsill, and completed with the addition of fire.

Anyway, I was 4 years old -- or perhaps I was already 5, since it was just after lunchtime and I was born in the early afternoon. There was a girl there who I really liked. She was already 5 and therefore an older woman, but I was not to be cowed. I just walked up to the table where she was "carving" her pumpkin, leaned around in front of her, put my hands on the sides of her face (perhaps gently; I can't remember) and planted one right on her lips.

She was not pleased. I believe there was crying involved. I found this funny because there was another girl in kindergarten who would chase me around the playground and kiss me when she invariably caught up. I didn't appreciate that very much, but it seemed like the law of the land so what was the harm in giving as well as receiving?

Years later, I realized that Mom got the entire episode on an old silent Super 8 video camera. So somewhere out there in the world, my romantic indiscretion is memorialized...

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My first was in 5th grade, I remember it so clearly. Like 5 of my friends were like come on just kiss her. And of course everyone still thought girls had cooties.

So my friend was like just close your eyes and you won't know. lol

I did of course haha. But still kissed her.

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summer before sophomore year of highschool. on a playground. with my "boyfriend". haha. it was his first kiss too. this was obvious. it was slimey. and pretty horrible. i had decided before the kiss that i didn't like him anymore... and i broke up with him a few days later. i feel like this habit of mine has plagued my relationships forever. ahhh well. at least the kissing got better.

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Everyone who sincerely posted in this thread should turn in their man-card for the next 100 stadium posts that don't include comments about Raybach's arse...
First of all, well played. Second of all, now I have to post.

My first kiss was in 6th grade with this girl, and it was pretty money I guess. Then, that very night, an episode of "A Different World" was on TV where they talked about AIDS in a serious, college-oriented setting. One of the students asked the educator if kissing could give you AIDS, and at this time apparently the medical jury was somehow still out on that. Holy crap was I scared!

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So....my girlfriend of 4.5 years and I had our "first kiss" at Wal-mart :laugh:

We were behind all the audio stuff in electronics and I had met her there because I was skateboarding with friends in the area. We were walking around, then she hugged me, surprised me with a kiss, then was dragged away by her friend.

Also, her first kiss to me (on the cheek) was the night I asked her out. She was getting on her bike to go home and she went to kiss me and caught my cheek. Later I learned she was aiming higher, but because of her height, that's all she could reach.


Good times.....

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i can't remember the first girl i kissed but i once banged this girl my freshmen year of college in a dorm bathroom and left a godman bloody mess. looked like someone had been murdered in there.

that is disgusting.

Other than that, you can never go wrong with a virgin. So tight. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first was like when I was 6 years old. There was this beautiful little blonde girl in my class named Brittany, and we always hung around together. I don't what exactly brought it about, but one day after school ended, we were walking out of school and just as I was saying "Bye" to go to my Mom's car, she plants one on me.

That's probably the closest I've ever felt to being on Cloud 9. I suddenly had this bigass grin that went from ear to ear, kinda swerving from left to right as I made my way to my Mom's car. I can't imagine what anyone who didn't see the kiss must've thought of the chubby asian kid making his way to his mom's car in such a manner. :D

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I went to a dark racketball court with a girl while my friend went into the one next door with another girl. The plan was for a kiss (can you tell we were young and immatture as we only wanted dark privacy for a kiss?).

I came out saying "She spit in my mouth! She spit in my mouth! EWWWW!" Did I mention I was an immature 12 year old? That'll teach a girl to give a 11 year old tongue! :doh: On the other hand, how many of us get tongue on our first kiss?

I've often wondered if she mocks me for that kiss as much as I do when I think about it.

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On the bank of Holmes Run near William Ramsey Elementary when I was in the 6th grade. Stephanie was a hottie. It's funny because I was "going with" Tacy at the time but had never kissed her, just danced at those corny dances we used to have. After the kiss Tacy was history, me likey the tongue! But to my chagrin shortly thereafter so was Stephanie. And so began my long and illustrious career of not understanding women. Fortunately you don't have to understand 'em to like 'em! :silly:

just had to use the rasta smiley. All he needs is a big spleef and "No woman, no cry" playing in the background!

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