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New poster introducing myself


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Sure, why not.

Can I get a warning about the rules over here?:silly:

Ok here goes. Hi everybody, I'm Justin aka the sexiest man alive(that damn People magazine spells my name wrong every year). My life = Redskins + Gators + Dukes + Redskins + bowling + Redskins + flowboarding + Redskins + Redskins + Redskins. My favorite player of all time is Sean Taylor, current favorite is still undecided but I'm leaning towards Dirty Thirty or maybe JC.

:laugh: Ok I'm done.

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Welcome home man, welcome home. I'm sure you pretty much know about everything here since you've been reading. I spent a lot of time doing the same before I ever posted.

I already think you'll be one of the more understanding fans around here with that username. The fact that you love both those guys, and place them in the correct order, is enough for me to justify saying that. :)

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Do people not understand that you can go to about a million different websites, including yahoo and google, and get a free email address?

They wouldn't let me use a yahoo address because it's free.Had to use another one.

Welcome to ES PB!!

Hey...invite your Uncle too!

Now... what did you say you were doing with those binoculors????:silly:

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Yeah i know, but as long as portis and betts are here, portis will be 1, betts will be 2, and no one else will really see the field. I like how mason looks, but maybe 1-3 carries a game and rock is st and thats it

Maybe change your screen name to PortisBettsMasonRock? :whoknows:

But ya welcome!:cheers:


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