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What NFL Teams do you dislike


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After the Cowgirls, Which NFL team or Teams do you dislike the most.

Mine are:

NFC 49ers

Before the the NFC championship game following the 83 season, Bill Walsh was talking smack and after the game was whinning big time. In that game The Skins dominated most of the game and the game would not have been as close as the 24-21 score is we hadn't missed 3 field goals and had the D. Green Touchdown called back.(if there had been instant reply back then the call would have been overturned)

AFC Broncos

Having lived in Denver for 8 years I would have to say Denver has the most unobjective ****y Fans and Media I have ever seen! After they had won there 2nd Superbowl, KOA was saying the Lombardi thropy should be changed to the Shanahan thropy. In 1999 after the Donkeys started off 0-5, many said they would 3 peat.

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Can't stand the cow$hits, because they are the cow$hits

Eagles never felt 1 way or the other until I moved to the Philly burbs since then I have come to know what a bunch of low class fans are here and the team is such a joke motto (wait til next year)

Raiders still have not gotten over SB 18

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Originally posted by stratoman

AFC Broncos

Having lived in Denver for 8 years I would have to say Denver has the most unobjective ****y Fans and Media I have ever seen! After they had won there 2nd Superbowl, KOA was saying the Lombardi thropy should be changed to the Shanahan thropy. In 1999 after the Donkeys started off 0-5, many said they would 3 peat.

Exactly Strat, Down with the Donkeys. :finger:

From my 3 and a half years in the mile-high city I have never meet more biased football fans ever. John Elway walks on water and those idiots pay $2000 more for a car from his dealership. The mile high elevation has cut off the O2 circulation to their brains.

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Cowboys, Eagles, Giants, Raiders, and Ravens. I wish Snyder wouldn't humor them by playing pre-season games with them even though I'm all for the Redskins playing as many close-to-home preseason games as possible. I guess it doesn't get any closer than that. BTW, I wonder if MLB looks at the fact that Washington and Baltimore coexist in the NFL market. Bring the Expos to DC already!

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I have hated Da Raydas ever since the Darryl Stingley incident. I just never could stomach the whole dirty image the team has always had. Add in the "Black Hole" and the bile rises in my throat just thinking of them.

I've disliked the Donkeys due to the Smellway shenanigans...."I won't play for your team. I mean it, I'll hold my breath until I turn blue if you draft me." What an a$$. I guess he went to the right team after all--the a$$es.:puke: Too bad Terrell Davis won a couple of Super Bowls for him though.

Though they weren't listed, I've always hated the Phish (Dolphins) too since in addition to the Skins I always rooted for the Bucs growing up in FL and they were "the other" Florida team.

Finally, I've developed a healthy dislike for the Ravens since old gas and go Jr. (Modell) pulled a fast one on Cleveland and left town to steal the MD taxpayers $$$. Any city that loves AND supports it's team, particulary an old school team like the Browns, and gets shafted like that.... well, I can just really empathize with them and hop on the "I hate Modell" bandwagon too.

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After the Cowboys ... Eagles and Ravens: Of whom a majority of fans have some serious inferiority issues about their respective teams.

Other than that maybe the Raiders. They are the bandwagon team of the AFC ... kinda like the Cowboys, only not such pretty boys.

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After the blue and silver lone star, it has to be the Bucs. I was searching my mind, trying to figure out why (you know that short term memory loss thing) and I finally remembered. It was a few years back. Skins vs Bucs, I think right before they changed uniforms. Kickoff return by B. Mitchell, where he was leveled. This guy put him on his @$$. This was during the time in which Mitchell was really mouthy, but he could back it up. If my memory is correct, the special teams (both sides) got real ugly. Alot of jawing back and forth. Left a bad taste in my mouth. Haven't cared for the Bucs, even though there unis. look much better than that old orange thing they used to have going on.

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