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Favorite Moments from "The Office."


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So I was watching some DVR'd episodes of The Office last night, and saw probably the funniest intro ever. I laughed for nearly 5 minutes.

Jim is in Connecticut, early in the morning. Karen asks him who is faxing so early in the morning, and he says its hard to explain. Cut to the one-on-one with him, and he explains that he stole a box of Scranton stationary before he left, and that he's been sending Dwight faxes.

From himself.

From the future.

Cut to Dwight picking up a fax from the machine, and Jim reading aloud:


At 8am, someone poisons the coffee. Do NOT drink the coffee. More instructions to follow.


Future Dwight.

Dwight looks over at Stanley who is leaving the kitchen with a cup of coffee, runs as fast as he can shouting NOOOOOOO! and swats the coffee from Stanley's hand. Then he says "you'll thank me later."

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Anyone else??

PS: I searched for The Office thread, but couldn't find it.

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I love when Jim dresses up as Dwight at the beg. of the show and then at the end Dwight dressed like Jim and tried to act like Jim.

Also, not sure what episode, but the one where Dwight is talking to the camera and telling them he always does a backround check on the women he dates and thats how he found out 2 of them where cheating on him. Then he goes onto say that Scranton has a high case of women with Yeast infections and says that it must be because they are down river from the bread factory lol.

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I love when Jim dresses up as Dwight at the beg. of the show and then at the end Dwight dressed like Jim and tried to act like Jim.

Exactly what I was going to say:

Another great moment is when Creed is nervous about being pushed out of the company due to his age. Michael calls a meeting and when Pam and Jim question him about using some of the same 'motivational' pictures as in a previous meeting he responds that they have some how run out of ink in the printer... pan to Creed who now has black hair and a smirk on his face. :laugh:

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Michael doing Chris Rock when the Sesitivity Counselor was there, because of Michael doing Chris Rock in the office.

I pretty much LMAO at every prank Jim plays on Dwight. Dwight has become my favorite character on the show.

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When Dwight conducts an investigation after finding a joint in the parking lot.

Jim Halpert: I'm just saying you can't be sure that it wasn't you.

Dwight Schrute: That's ridiculous. Of course it wasn't me.

Jim Halpert: [holds up picture] Marijuana is a memory loss drug. So maybe you just don't remember.

Dwight Schrute: I would remember.

Jim Halpert: How could you, if it just erased your memory?

Dwight Schrute: That's not how it works!

Jim Halpert: Now, how do you know how it works?

Dwight Schrute: Knock it off! OK, now I am interviewing you!

Jim Halpert: No, you said that I'd be conducting the interviewing when I walked in here. [raising voice] NOW EXACTLY HOW MUCH POT DID YOU SMOKE?

Check this site if you are trying to find quotes:


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The funniest jokes are the "That's what she said" jokes that Michael makes and when Michael always makes racial acquisitions towards Stanley.

like in Season 1 in the basketball episode, Michael was like 'Here comes the secret weapon!"

And Stanley sucked at basketball.hahahaha

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Just saw Toby's going away party. Andy proposes to Angela. She doesn't want to go on stage, so Andy goes to her. He doesn't realize that the mic cord is connected to Darrell's keyboard, causing the whole thing to fall off. Darrell simply screams "damn!'. It was just the absuredity of the whole thing and how Darrell just couldn't believe Andy was so stupid.

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Ohhhh, this is a fantastic thread idea!!


When Jim and Pam put all of Dwight's stuff in the vending maching and Jim gives him a bag of nickels to buy everything back.

When Jim pops Dwight's exercise ball.

When Jim makes Dwight's "humongous" security badge that labels Dwight as a security threat. Also when Jim suggests that they just get their photo taken together and meet every morning in the parking lot to save time :laugh:

All of Gay Witch Hunt.

All of The Injury.

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When Jim and Pam put all of Dwight's stuff in the vending maching and Jim gives him a bag of nickels to buy everything back.

Oooh, a pencil cup! I need one of those! :laugh:

When Jim makes Dwight's "humongous" security badge that labels Dwight as a security threat. Also when Jim suggests that they just get their photo taken together and meet every morning in the parking lot to save time :laugh:

:rotflmao: That was great. "This is humongous, and I am not a security threat." Dwight's reactions to the jokes are usually 10x as funny as the jokes themselves. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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When the have a convention and Michael tries to get everyone to party in his hotel with him. He and Dwight sing a little song that's like "'aint no party like a Scranton party cause a Scranton party don't quit, uh hu hu uh" with some beat boxing and dancing thrown in. Hilarious. :laugh:

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