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Mexican comic-book character called racist


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HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- A comic-book character popular in Mexico for generations has run into a cultural barrier at the border, where Americans see him as a racist caricature.

For more than 60 years Mexicans have followed the adventures of "Memin Pinguin." But the dark-skinned Memin's exaggerated features in "Memin for President" came as a shock to Houston, Texas, Wal-Mart shopper Shawnedria McGinty.


overreacting or is this really a racist comic book? Personally Im just shocked to see a non-white race called racist...:2cents:

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overreacting or is this really a racist comic book? Personally Im just shocked to see a non-white race called racist...:2cents:
Probably overreacting, but I think that in general, white people are the least racist in the world, and most other countries are way more racist than the United States.

The UN said that Japan is racist: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/4671687.stm

The problems in Darfur are all about racism: http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0714/p09s02-coop.html

Palestinians made racist cartoons of Condoleeza Rice: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/10/washington/10rice.html

...lots of racists out there...

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overreacting or is this really a racist comic book? Personally Im just shocked to see a non-white race called racist...:2cents:

Who says whites have a monopoly on racism? If Blacks can be bigots too (and they can), so can other groups. The only thing I'm shocked about is their surprise at other people being offended by this. If the shoe were on the other foot and there was a modern day American comic book character based on a stereotypical Mexican, they'd be all up in arms....regardless of whether the character in question "overcame obstacles" or was "lovable" or "unique." :rolleyes:

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Who says whites have a monopoly on racism? If Blacks can be bigots too (and they can), so can other groups. The only thing I'm shocked about is their surprise at other people being offended by this. If the shoe were on the other foot and there was a modern day American comic book character based on a stereotypical Mexican, they'd be all up in arms....regardless of whether the character in question "overcame obstacles" or was "lovable" or "unique." :rolleyes:

you say black people are racist on this board and watch how many black people think that it cant be true. I have seen so many threads (and participated in) that have to do with people like Wright/Jackson/Sharpton and they are never allowed to be labeled as racist by black people.

I am glad to see your point of view though.

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and just what do you think they will say?

Im curious why I have seen 2 popcorn emotes to this.

I think Yusuf06 is pretty spot on..

Who says whites have a monopoly on racism? If Blacks can be bigots too (and they can), so can other groups.

The only part I disagree is with this

The only thing I'm shocked about is their surprise at other people being offended by this. If the shoe were on the other foot and there was a modern day American comic book character based on a stereotypical Mexican, they'd be all up in arms....regardless of whether the character in question "overcame obstacles" or was "lovable" or "unique." :rolleyes:

Nothing that "race" hate mongers do surprises me anymore.

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I think what surprises me the most about this story is that an American retailer was stupid enough to stock the books given the history of blackface and "darky" iconography in this country.

That's what happens when you don't have more minorities in decision making positions.

See the Golf Magazine's "noose" cover.

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you say black people are racist on this board and watch how many black people think that it cant be true. I have seen so many threads (and participated in) that have to do with people like Wright/Jackson/Sharpton and they are never allowed to be labeled as racist by black people.

I am glad to see your point of view though.

Black being racist...no...Black prejudice...oh hells yeah.

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I think what surprises me the most about this story is that an American retailer was stupid enough to stock the books given the history of blackface and "darky" iconography in this country.

I'd be willing to bet that the guy who made the decision looked at things like price structure, sales figures, and demographics. He didn't actually read the thing.

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But we have to embrace their culture and learn their language right?

Or is there going to be a double....ahhh.....nevermind. :silly:

Where is your ruled by the minority nonsense now? Isn't it your belief that only white people aren't allowed to be racist? I mean OMG Michael Irvin!!!!

BTW - far be it from you to respect the culture of your neighbors and the ancestors of so so so many americans. Funny how people don't whine about irish culture being celebrated or irish flags waving in the US.

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Where is your ruled by the minority nonsense now? Isn't it your belief that only white people aren't allowed to be racist? I mean OMG Michael Irvin!!!!

BTW - far be it from you to respect the culture of your neighbors and the ancestors of so so so many americans. Funny how people don't whine about irish culture being celebrated or irish flags waving in the US.

You do realize that the Irish were treated like absolute crap when they first came to the United States all the way until the beginning of last century, right?

Integration into this country of a large volume of a certain sect/culture/race/etc takes time. Unfortunately no one gets the open arms treatment when they come en mass to the country.

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