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McCain - the Lexington Project

USS Redskins

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Nice if he can pull it off... 2025 seems a bit optimistic but you never know...



Wed June 25, 2008 12:50:11 ET

In recent days I have set before the American people an energy plan, the Lexington Project Ð named for the town where Americans asserted their independence once before. And let it begin today with this commitment:Ê In a world of hostile and unstable suppliers of oil, this nation will achieve strategic independence by 2025.

This pledge is addressed to all concerned -- to those abroad whose power flows from an accident of geology, and to you, my fellow Americans, whose strength proceeds from unity of purpose. Together, we will break the power of OPEC over the United States. And never again will we leave our vital interests at the mercy of any foreign power.

Some will say this goal is unattainable within that relatively short span of years -- it's too hard and we need more time. Let me remind them that in the space of half that time -- about eight years -- this nation conceived and carried out a plan to take three Americans to the Moon and bring them safely home. In less than a third of that time, the gathered energies of my father's generation built the industrial might that overcame Nazi Germany and imperial Japan. That is the scale of our achievement when we set our minds to a task. That is what this country can do when we see a danger, and declare a purpose, and find the will to act.

As president, I will turn all the apparatus of government in the direction of energy independence for our country -- authorizing new production, building nuclear plants, perfecting clean coal, improving our electricity grid, and supporting all the new technologies that one day will put the age of fossil fuels behind us. Much will be asked of industry as well, as automakers and others adapt to this great turn toward new sources of power. And a great deal will depend on each one of us, as we learn to make smarter use of energy, and also to draw on the best ideas of both parties, and work together for the common good.

This Project is not a plan calibrated to please every interest group or to meet every objection. That is how we arrived to our present predicament. That is how energy policy in Washington became a long list of subjects avoided, options ruled out, and possibilities foreclosed. Nor can I promise you that the long-term success of this Project will bring instant relief.Ê In the mission of energy security, some tasks are the work of decades and some the work of years. And they will take all the will and resolve of which we are capable. But I can promise you this. Unless we begin this mission now, nothing will change at all, except for the worse. And when we succeed in the hard reform ahead, your children will live in a more prosperous country, in a more peaceful world.

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McCain is proposing visionary solutions. That's called leadership. This is his second barn burner in two days. Johnny just might make this a race....

For the record, I haven't liked John McCain since 2004 when he sold his sole. But I like these latest ideas, and applaud his vision..

Now if Obama is half the polititian I think he is, he'll climb right on this bandwagon too and well really have an interesting race and monumental future administration.


Then again rather than saying 2025.... He should have looked right into the camera and said... Four years after my second term in office ends!!!...

This is a page out of Gilmores book ( No Car tax Gilmore promised to do away with the car tax the year after he left office )... I take back the nice things I said about McCain...

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So, other than naming the plan "The Lexington Project," what is the plan?

Doesn't that sound like something Dr. Evil would come up with?

You didn't see his conference yesterday? Pretty good stuff. Jim Woolsey is his energy advisor now. In one brief sentence, the plan is a combination of nuclear, flex fuel plug-in hybrids/EVs, wind, solar, clean coal, and cellulosic biofuels.

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Independence = Self-Sufficiency

Self-Sufficiency = Sucks

I'm all for cheap energy. I'm all for clean energy. Couldn't care less if we're "independent" or not.

1) National Security issue

2) Takes risk out of the markets. Risk is bad. Reducing risk makes economy happy. Happy economy makes people happy. Yay happy people.

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1) National Security issue

2) Takes risk out of the markets. Risk is bad. Reducing risk makes economy happy. Happy economy makes people happy. Yay happy people.

If people want to argue that it's a national security issue that's fine, but we'll have to pay for it. Let's not kid ourselves. Just like any other national security investment, energy self-sufficiency will cost us. It may very well be worth the investment, but I'd argue it'll lead to a big waste of money.

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He's absolutely killing Obama on this issue right now.

He should have said 2020 though.

Too bad it's June, and nobody's paying attention. It's not a bad attempt to dampen Obama's post-primary bounce, but by October, nobody's going to remember who came up with an energy plan first. Obama successfully stole all of Hillary's issues, and he'll do the same with things like this from McCain.
Or is in light of the "Manhattan Project"

Unless you want to call FDR Dr. Evil? :laugh:

I think we only called it the "Manhattan Project" because it needed a codename so the Nazis wouldn't know about it. In this case, we really might as well call it the "Energy Independence" Project.
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Energy independence by 2025. That's 17 years from now. McCain said he's fine with another 100 years of US troops in Iraq.

So let's see here. By McCain's own reckoning that leaves... let's see, carry the one... got it, 83 years of American occupation of Iraq once we achieve energy independence.

That's 83 years of wind-powered tanks and nuclear-fueled UAVs in the desert! Wow!

Do solar panels count as adequate Humvee armor? If so, that's two birds with one stone!

Remember when Jimmy Carter promised to end our thirst for Middle East oil using "clean coal?"

McCain: Carter's Second Term?

Thanks, folks. I'm here all week.

McCain, whether he gets elected or not, will be long dead by the time 2025 arrives. So he won't have to suffer the same Earthbound ridicule as Carter when it turns out that his so-far empty rhetoric, just like Carter's, is a pipe dream in the absence of anything substantial to back it up.

And if energy independence was as straightforward as Gramps is suggesting, something tells me he would have a more well-developed plan. But I'm willing to hear him out: let's see what McCain suggests over the next 3 weeks or so, and how thoroughly it gets shredded, before giving him credit for anything more than digging himself into a deeper hole.

(By doing things like naming his energy project after war.)

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Independence = Self-Sufficiency

Self-Sufficiency = Sucks

I'm all for cheap energy. I'm all for clean energy. Couldn't care less if we're "independent" or not.

If by Self-Sufficiency, you mean more jobs which means more money to fuel the economy and lower umemployment.

This "energy plan" could be a two-fold program and not even know it.

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I'm just happy both parties are finally talking about this issue. Of course, it's only because they have to.

McCain got killed in Cali yesterday. Not even the super conservatives out here are in favor of offshore drilling after what happened in Santa Barbara.

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I'm just happy both parties are finally talking about this issue. Of course, it's only because they have to.

McCain got killed in Cali yesterday. Not even the super conservatives out here are in favor of offshore drilling after what happened in Santa Barbara.

He's not going to win CA anyway so who cares.

If Californians are scared about something that happened 40 years ago, then they f@#king deserve to pay 6 bucks a gallon for gas.

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Or maybe even the conservatives out here just think the whole thing is incredibly short-sighted and won't effect the price of gas in any meaningful way. You know, like McCain did just a couple months ago.

For the record, I do think an argument can be made for some drilling. I just don't think it's the answer to our problems like a lot of folks are saying. It's good politics though.


Election 2008. How much better off were you when a dem was a prez?

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"For the record, I do think an argument can be made for some drilling. I just don't think it's the answer to our problems like a lot of folks are saying. It's good politics though."

It makes GREAT politics.

I would dismiss anyone who claims ANY one thing is a solution.

Drilling helps. And the threat of an environmental disaster is miniscule and worth the tiny risk.

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