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Has the media been giving McCain a free pass?


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There's just not a lot said about him. The only news I hear about McCain is actual straight reporting. He went there. He said this. Is McCain not receiving enough scrutiny? Generally, if I hear anything about him at all, which is rare, it is positive or just neutral reporting.

Is McCain actually getting the free pass everyone pretends Obama is getting? (Afterall, we see three negative Obama articles posted every day. It's hard to say anymore that Obama is media-adored. Although, I think that was true three months ago.)

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There's just not a lot said about him. The only news I hear about McCain is actual straight reporting. He went there. He said this. Is McCain not receiving enough scrutiny? Generally, if I hear anything about him at all, which is rare, it is positive or just neutral reporting.

Is McCain actually getting the free pass everyone pretends Obama is getting? (Afterall, we see three negative Obama articles posted every day. It's hard to say anymore that Obama is media-adored. Although, I think that was true three months ago.)

McCain is a known quantity. That he was HAMMERED on the Supreme Court GITMO case, even by conservative pundits like George Will

Its just that anti-Obama articles show up in the tailgate more :)

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I think that is largely true. I think McCain is the boring, known quantity. While Obama is the interesting sexy newcomer. Still, I thought the balance would have evened out somewhat after the primary.

Right now, McCain is still enjoying a long holiday from media attention, esp. negative media attention.

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Nah, cause the real story has been Hillary vs. Obama.

He's not going to be given a free pass at all. The media will be too wrapped up in all things Obama, good and bad, to do much with McCain.

Burgold, are you upset that McCain hasn't had any bad press yet? :) It's only June, just relax :)

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You obviously dont watch MSNBC.

They cream him every day, pretty much all day.

They also take Obama to task as well though.

They're equal opportunity bashers.

Ahha!!!! Proof from Kilmer that MSNBC is not liberally biased! MSNBC does not lean left! It bashes everyone equally!!!

(don't own cable. I rely on ES, the networks, and papers for my news)

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Typed in John McCain in google. Hit the 'news' button

"Is the McCain brand damaged"

"John McCain's cynical energy policy"

"McCain struggles to break free of Bush"

"McCain the maverick goes MIA"

"McCain's courtship of women runs into trouble"

All on the first page.

Do you mean there isn't enough negative McCain threads on ES?

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I like MSNBC for their pundits. Where else can you get Rachel Maddow sitting next to Pat Buchanan for hours on end?

But their hosts are wayyyyyyy left.

KeithO, Matthews, Gregory, Abrams.... Not exactly the Heritage Foundation.

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Artificial method, skins24. Boo on your research methods :silly:

Did you think that you would not get news about John McCain if you used John McCain as your keywords? That does not speak as to the relative prevelance or number of articles relative to the whole or the degree of media attention. Getting a free pass doesn't mean absolute zero.

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Artificial method, skins24. Boo on your research methods :silly:

Did you think that you would not get news about John McCain if you used John McCain as your keywords? That does not speak as to the relative prevelance or number of articles relative to the whole or the degree of media attention. Getting a free pass doesn't mean absolute zero.

All the articles were written (or posted) in the past 12 hours. So that means he's getting about 10 negative articles per day :D

Counted 0 (possibly 1) negative article when Obama's name is put in....

Seriously though, his age, comparisons to Bush, his flip flops are always being brought up....

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It's hard to thrash someone who served our country so loyally.

All politics aside the man is a true hero.

No its not, the media could bring up his involvement in the Keating 5, him leaving his wife, his temper, him changing his position on torture, mlk day, confederate flag in south carolina, bush tax cuts, off shore drilling, him lying or not remembering his Katrina votes, his extreme change in tone regarding the religious right from 2000 to now, his consistent confusion of sunni and shia. There are plenty of things to go after McCain for. However, he has been the most accessible person for the press. I believe the media is just trying to keep this election "close" because right now Obama is pulling away, however instead of that you hear how he has difficulty with "Hillary supporters" when in reality almost all except the crazies have gone over to him.

Edit: He is a hero for his war effort. However, that doesnt exempt him from negative press.

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No its not, the media could bring up his involvement in the Keating 5, him leaving his wife, his temper, him changing his position on torture, mlk day, confederate flag in south carolina, bush tax cuts, off shore drilling, him lying or not remembering his Katrina votes, his extreme change in tone regarding the religious right from 2000 to now, his consistent confusion of sunni and shia. There are plenty of things to go after McCain for. However, he has been the most accessible person for the press. I believe the media is just trying to keep this election "close" because right now Obama is pulling away, however instead of that you hear how he has difficulty with "Hillary supporters" when in reality almost all except the crazies have gone over to him.

Edit: He is a hero for his war effort. However, that doesnt exempt him from negative press.

What's fair is fair,don't doubt the media when it comes to ignoring McCain. Here is the problem, America doesn't know who Obama is, I mean really we just started to get to know the guy eight months ago. Now he is the candidate, he is being scrutinized, as he should be.

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What's fair is fair,don't doubt the media when it comes to ignoring McCain. Here is the problem, America doesn't know who Obama is, I mean really we just started to get to know the guy eight months ago. Now he is the candidate, he is being scrutinized, as he should be.

That's true, but there is plenty of dirt on McCain that is going by unnoticed or un-discussed.

Keating 5, his divorce from his crippled wife, etc. Those topics are just as valuable as whether or not Obama wore a flag pin too.

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McCains divorce of 20 plus years ago to a woman who still ACTIVELY campaigns for him should be as big of an issue as Obamas muslim background. IE, not at all relevant.

I mostly agree, but I would say instead that it's as relevant as Clinton's, Bush's and Obama's marijuana history in college. Certainly, what McCain did as a young adult seems very, very ugly. Does it reflect on who he is today? Probably not.

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