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McCain's Veep Possibilities


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I've seen a couple threads about Obama's potential VP, but I don't believe that one has been done about McCain yet; if so, please mock me mercilessly and pelt me with old vegetables and such.

McCain's choice is especially interesting because there's a good chance that, if he wins, he won't run again due to his age. Republicans, therefore, will essentially be picking their potential "incumbent" for 2012.

There are rumors that Romney and Huckabee have both been angling for the spot, but I really can't see either happening. Romney brings more negatives than positives, and, unless you believe his primary victory is a sign of remaining significant influence in Michigan, isn't going to bring a state with him. Huckabee, while more logical - an olive branch to evangelicals, a younger and more energetic side to the ticket, a counter to the possibility that Hillary forces herself onto the Democratic ticket and puts Arkansas in play - seems to be at odds with what McCain truly believes in many areas.

The most intriguing outside-the-box move that McCain could make here would be to select a woman as his running mate. There's a small cluster of Hillary supporters - from my own personal experience, I'd guess they amount to between 5-10% of all Hillary voters - who care almost solely about the symbolic advancement of women in this country. If McCain were to run with a woman, I believe that most of those voters would go that way, which could swing a few states. The problem is finding a woman on the Republican side who fits the bill - Condoleezza Rice won't work, because McCain's going to spend the next five months trying to put as much distance between himself and the Bush legacy as possible. Elizabeth Dole? A possibility, but I don't know how confident McCain could feel with someone who had already flopped so badly in her own Presidential bid.

Any good theories out there?

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How about instead of a woman running mate, a young black male ?

Honestly, I don't think it would be very effective. Obama would still be going for the actual Presidency, and even if such a choice did make everything equal from a racial standpoint, when all things are equal, African-Americans still vote Dem in overwhelming numbers.

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Honestly, I don't think it would be very effective. Obama would still be going for the actual Presidency, and even if such a choice did make everything equal from a racial standpoint, when all things are equal, African-Americans still vote Dem in overwhelming numbers.

Reminds me of an old Chris Rock joke, that if a white man was elected President with a black VP, it would be no-time before some black man would assassinate the white Prez, to promote the black dude

Hey, I didn't say it, Chris Rock did :doh:

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You know who I think really wants it... Joe Lieberman. I don't think he'll get it and I think it would be a bad Republican ticket, but a very interesting national one.

Joe Liebarman HAS to do something. I do not think he will win his Senate re-election. I think right now he is trying to get himself in a McCain administration in some way (cabinet). Otherwise he might be unemployed in a few years.

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Bobby Jindel

The problem with Jindel is that New Orleans LOVES him, and McCain would piss a lot of people off if he took him away from their state. I think Jindel is 2012 Republican nominee, because McCain won't run for two terms I don't think.

You know who I think really wants it... Joe Lieberman. I don't think he'll get it and I think it would be a bad Republican ticket, but a very interesting national one.

I think Lieberman would be his best choice, because it would draw a lot of fence-sitters over to his side. I'm already leaning towards McCain, and if he chose Lieberman, it would lock up my vote.

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It's either Tim Pawlenty or Romney.

Both put Michigan into the GOP column, and Pawlenty brings MINN as wel. He also helps Coleman vs Franken in the Senate race.

I think since Romney hurts him too much elsewhere and Pawlenty gives him Michigan (though not the slam dunk Romney would) that Tim will be the choice.

Lieberman will get a spot on the cabinet announced at the convention IMO.

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Lindsey Graham is a possibility.... he's a RINO as well and might guarantee SC for McCain.

I keep hearing about Crist from Florida... but I don't believe McCain is going to need help with Florida.... Obama isn't going to be competitive there.

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Picking Bobby Jindal would be a tacit admission that a young, inexperienced but popular figure is qualified to run the show, their number 1 talking point against Obama right now.

Only among the 1.5% of the political landscape who think it's important for a politician's talking points to make logical sense. :)

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Bobby Jindel

I love Bobby, (how can I not, fellow brown guy) but damn is he young. There is no way a guy who is governor of Louisana for a month can be a heartbeat away from the POTUS

2016 at the earliest for him. The guy is only 36. That is 10 years older then I am. I would even say 2020 for him, but we are a long ways off

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I love Bobby, (how can I not, fellow brown guy) but damn is he young. There is no way a guy who is governor of Louisana for a month can be a heartbeat away from the POTUS

2016 at the earliest for him. The guy is only 36. That is 10 years older then I am. I would even say 2020 for him, but we are a long ways off


Good point though, I don't see McCain picking him up because it will damage his "Barack is inexperienced" argument, plus he is a 'brown guy' and some back-woods racists that always vote Republican will probably think he's a terrorist.

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