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Jerseys - Game-Worn, Team-Issued, Authentic, Replica, Fake, and everything in between

Mark The Homer

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Mark, where is the best place to get replacement nameplate lettering from?
I've never learned the answer to that. It's difficult because, if you're referring to screened, the color won't be right. It seems the league, believe it or not, has a trademark on the exact shade of burgundy. Seems crazy, but that's what it seems like. If you're refering to sewn type of name, the height, width, color, and font should be exactly right, and it's very difficult to find somebody who can and will do that.

If you figure out the answer, let us know.

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Not sure if this has been brought up or asked before but I've noticed for the past two seasons the NY Giants have worn jersey's with a new high tech fabric. It seems stretchier and thinner. Are they the only team that wears this type of jersey? I figured all NFL teams had to wear the same type of jersey. The only blurb I can find about it is right here at uni-watch:

• These new jerseys will be made of a new high-tech fabric. I usually roll my eyes at this kind of thing, but the new fabric really does look and feel different than the standard NFL material (or at least it does in person — I doubt you’ll be able to tell the difference on TV). Interestingly, the fabric is being made is Israel, which means the team’s game jerseys will carry “Made in Israel” tags — probably a first for an American pro sports team. And that’s all I can say about it for now.

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Wow. I've never heard of that. And yes, I don't think the NFL has ever fielded a team wearing jerseys made outside the USA.

Re your other comments, it's not true that all teams have to wear the same jersey. For example, the Redskins were late relative to other teams in wearing stitched numbers and spandex. I do know all teams now wear the Reebok logo, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything re who makes the jerseys, since the logo is really just a stamp for advertising purposes due to the contract Reebok has with the league.

Thanks for the info!

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Not sure if this has been brought up or asked before but I've noticed for the past two seasons the NY Giants have worn jersey's with a new high tech fabric. It seems stretchier and thinner. Are they the only team that wears this type of jersey? I figured all NFL teams had to wear the same type of jersey. The only blurb I can find about it is right here at uni-watch:

• These new jerseys will be made of a new high-tech fabric. I usually roll my eyes at this kind of thing, but the new fabric really does look and feel different than the standard NFL material (or at least it does in person — I doubt you’ll be able to tell the difference on TV). Interestingly, the fabric is being made is Israel, which means the team’s game jerseys will carry “Made in Israel” tags — probably a first for an American pro sports team. And that’s all I can say about it for now.

I first read about these on another forum last week,and I noticed that it seems as if all the Giants are working this new type of jersey, and there are a decent amount of Colts wearing it too; Reggie Wayne, Pierre Garcon, Joseph Addai, and Donald Brown to name a few. It looks like a completely different material that is like skin tight and the seams are way different too.

I have a couple of pics for comparison. First is Peyton Manning from the game on 9/19 against the Giants. As you can see, the material on the shoulder is shiny and the seams running to the collar are just like the Skins jerseys. Also, his shoulder stripes are the normal size.


An then there is Pierre Garcon from the same game but he is wearing the new style jersey. As you can see, the seam to the collar runs way up high, the shoulder material is dull, and because of the cut of the jersey the shoulder stripes are tiny compared to Manning's.


I have also included a pic of Steve Smith from the same game with the new jersey.


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The mesh holes appear to be further apart too.

The post states the fabric is made in Israel. It doesn't discuss where the jerseys are constructed, although the design is clearly different.

But then again, I found Eli's jersey here:



This jersey is being offered in auction as a game worn jersey here: http://www.americanmemorabilia.com/Auction_Item.asp?Auction_ID=57656&c=Football%20Game-Worn&t=Open&p=90&s=

There is a tag that looks like it has been snipped off with scissors. The seller claims this tag was snipped by the team and the tag was a reebok tag in the usual location. Since when? Gamers, at least Redskins gamers, don't have tags there.

It is odd that there is no sign of wear inside the jersey behind the neck. Normally that area behind the neck is buffed up with piling and fading after being worn in a game.

The RN number is interesting. Why would a game jersey have an RN number? I've seen RN numbers on retail authentic jerseys, but never on a game jersey. For example, I have a Monk jersey that has an RN number. It is what I would call a Game-Cut jersey because it's made exactly like a gamer but it's produced for retail as a limited edition.

So what is that all about? It makes me think the jersey in the above auction is being mis-represented.

Found a close up of the fabric here: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2507/4200113553_eb21b1e309_b.jpg

...and here: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2694/4200865756_cf668fe34c_b.jpg

Lots of info here: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=lukas/091223/secret-nfl-jerseys-unveiled

Thanks for posting.

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