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PS3 or 360?


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I'm maybe getting 1 (or both?), and I don't know which. It basically comes down to this:


-Dead Rising

-Ninja Gaiden 2


-Many PS2 games I want so backwards compatibility

-BUT no PS3 exclusives I really want


Get the PS2, and then later on get a 360 w/ Blu-Ray.

BTW, my types of games are mindless action games.

So, your advice??

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ps3. Free online play. I still haven't been able to figure out what's so great about xbox live that you need to pay 15 bucks a month for.

Big Ps3 exclusive will be Metal Gear :)

it's 4 bucks a month. i know i'd gladly pay that to nintendo if they actually had good online features.

to the op:

just pick one. but if you're getting 2 systems, it'd be foolish to get the ps3 and the 360. outisde of blu-ray or no blu-ray and a couple exclusive titles, you're buying 2 systems that are very much alike. take some good advice, and get a wii if you're getting 2 systems.

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I'm maybe getting 1 (or both?), and I don't know which. It basically comes down to this:


-Dead Rising

-Ninja Gaiden 2


-Many PS2 games I want so backwards compatibility

-BUT no PS3 exclusives I really want


Get the PS2, and then later on get a 360 w/ Blu-Ray.

BTW, my types of games are mindless action games.

So, your advice??


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Well since the 360 is switching to blu ray, ps3 is the only choice in the short term.

Everyone with a current 360 is basically an expired system.

considering I only play games on it, it doesn't matter. And screw blu-ray. My hd-dvds come in just fine on my 360. I don't need a picture to be .000000000000000000000001 better than it already is.

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Congrats dude. And you had a NCAA tourney appearance to send you off.
Thanks. And yup, my final game I attended as an undergrad was at the Final 4; the final game I attended this year was the CAA championship :)

And Coach Williams, I can't quite figure out your point :silly:

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Thanks. And yup, my final game I attended as an undergrad was at the Final 4; the final game I attended this year was the CAA championship :)

And Coach Williams, I can't quite figure out your point :silly:

i think he's saying that GOW mops the floor with the competition's strawberry milk

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I'm maybe getting 1 (or both?), and I don't know which. It basically comes down to this:


-Dead Rising

-Ninja Gaiden 2


-Many PS2 games I want so backwards compatibility

-BUT no PS3 exclusives I really want


Get the PS2, and then later on get a 360 w/ Blu-Ray.

BTW, my types of games are mindless action games.

So, your advice??

Mindless action? UTIII is on the PS3. It's the most intense run and gun FPS you'll see on any console.

PS - Micro$oft is still denying implementing a blu ray player in the 360.

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considering I only play games on it, it doesn't matter. And screw blu-ray. My hd-dvds come in just fine on my 360. I don't need a picture to be .000000000000000000000001 better than it already is.

point is your new xbox with bluray wont play your old xbox games. :doh: So why invest alot in a dinosaur that is going out to pasture that wont work soon????

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People complaining about the issues of xbox may not have proper insulation, must leave the xbox on for hours

My experiences with the 360 are well documented on here. Mine was always sitting in open air and only in use for about 10 hours a week.

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Skinfan I'm guessing you are referring to me.

Let me explain.

I got my 360 last year around the end of February, I played it a lot in the beginning, maybe 2-3 hours for the first 4 months. After that I started going to school etc and didn't really have time for it, maybe played it an hour a day if that, usually only 30min or less.

This past March, March 11th to be exact my 360 died on me, turned it on, played some Madden, screen looked like a checker board, some were black with snow flakes, the other were clear with red dots, I turned it off, waited about 10 min, turned it back on, called them up and told them what had happened.

They first tried to dick me by saying my warranty was up, yet when I asked how that was possible when they extended the regular warranty by 3 years they responded with, "oh yes, your system does fall under that category." Now I do understand it's a business and they're in it to make money, but it still pissed me off.

I was told 3-5 business days for the box to come. Well I waited a week, no show, waited another, and just to be nice I waited one more. Nothing ever showed so I called them up, told them what had happened, they apologized and said they canceled the order and were sending me a new one box.

No problem, about 3 days the box came, packaged it all up, sent it out to them, and about a week and a half later got the 360 back (this was around the beginning to middle of April). I got the 360 back, plugged it all up, and bam it worked. I played the 360 about 30min a day if that considering I had finals coming up and all.

Well, about the beginning of May I noticed when I would play, the screen would go black, turn back on, and the graphics would be a bit smudged and pixelated. Naturally I thought it was the screen, so I plugged it into another TV, same issue, used a friends cables, and same thing. So I called them up, told the lady what had happened, who I may add was probably the most idiotic person I have ever talked to. I told her just what I said above, the game will work for about 10min, the screen would then go black for about 2-3 seconds as if it were reseting itself, and then the graphics of the game would be smudged and pixelated. She decided that my screen was going black and staying black, not doing what I was saying. I eventually got it across her head what was going on thank god, and she told me she would send me a box.

Well, another 2 weeks went by and guess what, NO BOX! However the game seemed to have fixed itself so I really didn't worry. Till last week the Xbox decided to die on me again. Not even a full month after I got it back from them it died. So I called up again, told them I received no box, the 360 died again, and am now awaiting for the box to send off for repair.

Now I'm not stupid, my 360 sits in an open area, nothing on it or even remotely close to it considering I know it needs to breathe, but for some reason it continues to die, so I'm hoping they send me a new 360 so I can sell it and purchase a PS3.

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