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Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens


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VATICAN CITY - The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, said that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes said that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures.

The interview was headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother."

Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom.

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So the 'gave his only son' thing wasn't true?

Or are the aliens not saved? Or did they not sin ...

Maybe the story of Genesis/garden of Eden was an allegory for the planet earth? The possibilities are endless :)

But on a side note, I love to read things like this from the Catholic church. I love it that they keep people guessing :)

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So the 'gave his only son' thing wasn't true?

Or are the aliens not saved? Or did they not sin ...

Exactly.... this is a controdiction of church doctrine... I think the deal here is we've got water found both on the moon and mars, and it's possible, even likely we will find evidence of life where there is water. In the next five years Russia, China, India, Japan and the US have all anounced their intention on going to the moon and then some on to mars..

If there is or was life on mars or the moon for that matter; we will know in a few years. The Vatican is likely just trying to get into the 21st century on their doctrine.

Better to give the big thumbs up now than in four years when sombody brings back a fossil of microbial life.

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Exactly.... this is a controdiction of church doctrine... I think the deal here is we've got water found both on the moon and mars, and it's possible, even likely we will find evidence of life where there is water. In the next five years Russia, China, India, Japan and the US have all anounced their intention on going to the moon and then some on to mars..

If there is or was life on mars or the moon for that matter; we will know in a few years. The Vatican is likely just trying to get into the 21st century on their doctrine.

Better to give the big thumbs up now than in four years when sombody brings back a fossil of microbial life.

I think its so when Aliens are found, they can try and get money from them too, and say "see...we believed in you, now give us your money..we have more lawsuits we have to pay for...oh and btw, do any of your sons wanna be alterboys?" :paranoid:

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So the 'gave his only son' thing wasn't true?

Or are the aliens not saved? Or did they not sin ...

Is it possible that Jesus was sent to save only Earth from it's wickedness and sin? That God created another group of "people" who are not full of sin? Seems to me, if I'm God, I would create dozens if not hundreds of people in my image, doesn't mean they'd all turn out like we did.:2cents:

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This is funny to me.

A few months back I made a comment to my 90 year old Grandfather that I'd like Bill Clinton to be the ambassador of humans if an alien showed up. He acted as if he had never heard of such a thing and had no idea what I was talking about. I mean I was shocked that he was so resolute in his stance and brushed my comments off as if they were unheard of and could never be possible. That was some wicked faith there.

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This is funny to me.

A few months back I made a comment to my 90 year old Grandfather that I'd like Bill Clinton to be the ambassador of humans if an alien showed up. He acted as if he had never heard of such a thing and had no idea what I was talking about. I mean I was shocked that he was so resolute in his stance and brushed my comments off as if they were unheard of and could never be possible. That was some wicked faith there.

Didn't he ever see The Day the Earth Stood Still with Michael Rene? :)
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