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Do you ever......

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just take a moment and try and put yourself in the shoes of someone thousands of miles away, unseen and unknown? I've been doing it a lot lately. In a way it's empathy, in a way it's curiousity. I know this because I've become more empathetic/curious lately.

It can work with people I know or faceless, identity-less people. For instance, you might try and place yourself in Jim Zorn's shoes, because you know at this very moment he is existing and active. You try and imagine what he may be thinking now, the pressure of being an NFL head coach. Or it could be a close friend of yours who is far away, and you imagine being in their position. And then it could be someone random, a criminal or a business man, student or child.

It creates a kind of web of connection between everyone, seemingly.

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The statement of a true pothead.

And yes, I try to do that. It the foundation of empathy and a great way to think about things when making deciscions.

I wouldn't say I'm a pothead. I just like to toke up every now and again. Nothing wrong with that. :silly:

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I do it quite a bit. Especially when I'm in prayer.

I think about these people and I'm grateful:


I think all of use sometimes forget how blessed we are to have been born in this country.

Sure, times get tough, but we don't have to deal with government death squads coming into our neighborhoods and slaughtering us, raping our women, and then taking our children and turning them into monsters.

Sure that's the extreme, but for most countries in the world, extreme injustice is the norm.

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