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Dan & Vinny Duped Us / Danny please sell the team / #85 Offer Vent Thread (Merged)

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Thank god for Mike Brown being such an idiot and refusing this offer (if in fact it actually was offered, which I think is probable, b/c it is a typical Vinnie/Dan no brain offer).

Hopefully he doesn't come to his senses and Vinnie and Dan do. The Patriots get Randy Moss for a 4th and we offer what could amount to two 1st rounders for Chad Johnson. Brilliant.

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any 1st round pick is not worth chad johnson. id rather take a chance on a 22 year old kid who could be with us for his career and not cost a bajillion dollars, than chad f-ing johnson who is gonna cost a fortune and maybe has 3-4 years left? hes 30 already.

more stupid stupid moves from this stupid stupid team.

OK how about...

Desmond Howard

Michael Westbrook

Rod Gardner

I"ll take Chad Johnson over them thank you. I"d even offer the same deal for Roy Williams, Or Anquan Boldin over gambling on this WR crop.

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So after reading this morning that we are again attempting to bring in veterans who produced in other systems by giving away multiple high round draft choices, i am furious. not furious in the usual "we blew a 4th quarter lead" furious, or "we traded 2 draft picks for brandon lloyd" furious. no. its worse than that. im furious because i actually thought (and now feel like an idiot) that our owner/monkeyboy had learned their lesson and were actually going to try and build through the draft, and stop the nonsense they have been performing for quite some time. i remember the article in the times:

"Skins' Snyder says he's 'matured'"

LOL. was i really duped that much into thinking he was serious? my god do i feel stupid.

"There are a bunch of things I wish I would have done differently," Mr. Snyder told The Washington Times yesterday at the annual NFL meetings. "I've made plenty of mistakes, but I've learned from my mistakes as a good entrepreneur, a good CEO would do. I've matured. I wasn't patient enough in certain areas early on. I didn't understand the game the way I do now. I didn't understand the agents, the contractual relationship with the salary cap, the importance of the age of players. Now it's easy for me, second nature."

complete and utter BS. i cannot stress how much i hate this owner and vinny cerrato right now. its disgusting to see that we are right back to our old retarded ways of mortgaging the future for the present.

part of me hopes that we trade 4 good draft picks for chad johnson and he gets injured just so these guys can see how much of a failure they are. but we all know that wont change anything, theyll just go right back to the stupid moves they were making before. we are stuck with dumb and dumber running/ruining this team for as long as snyder breathes air.


OOOH! OOOOOH! Sell me the team Danny. I trade ya Hershey Park for Six Flags. This douche nozzle is sipping on some cheap-ass cough syrup. It pisses me off how this chuckle head contiues to step on his !@#$ at every football move. ARRRRG!!!!

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The biggest problem with the obtaining of CJ is that the FO has shown no duedilligence in trying to get a better deal. Example: (Boldin or Williams). If the FO had showed me that they are trying to get a quality player and not jus CJ, then i would be ok with getting CJ if Boldin and Williams didnt pan out.

Again, how do you know this hasn't happened? Are you priviy to information we don't have? It's not their job to show you they're trying to do anything. It's their job to try and improve the team. Just because there were no reports of offers made for Boldin, Williams or Fitzy when he was on the table doesn't mean it didn't happen. I mean if things are being reported as having taken place and they weren't, isn't it concieveable that the converse it true as well?

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So if there are a number of uncomfirmed rumors flying around, then it must be true? No offense, but that's faulty reasoning.

No it doesnt mean it must be true.

But the odds of some kind of skins interest in CJ are much greater than no interest in CJ based on the information out there.

It is totally normal to use available information to side with where the info points and until more and better information points the other way...

(think dinosaurs. we cant prove they were ever on the planet, but all the evidence points that way)

edit: Just some of the possible evidence for contact

-multiple league sources used in reporting from multiple news media

-multiple reports of multiple offers

-chad johnson picture with skins 85 jersey.

ect ect

(We also cant disprove that an invisible teapot is circling the earth, but all evidence points against it.)

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How do we know if there is ANY truth to this? Remember Lance Briggs? We were a lock to get him right?

I kind of doubt it, because I can't imagine the Bengals turning down such a generous offer to get rid of their no-win situation.

Before anyone writes off their team and spews their venom again, maybe we should wait and see if there is any truth to this, or if it was just a slow news day at ESPN so they took a guess.

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Thanks Jimster... I wouldn't say that closes the door completely, but it does somewhat.

I know it sounds like a minor detail, and I was only sort-of joking with Xamiel in the other thread... but saying "Mike Brown did not receive a phone call" does not necessarily mean that an offer wasn't made.

In business, I see that kind of speak all the time.


......it was probably a fax ;)

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No it doesnt mean it must be true.

But the odds of some kind of skins interest in CJ are much greater than no interest in CJ based on the information out there.

It is totally normal to use available information to side with where the info points and until more and better information points the other way...

(think dinosaurs. we cant prove they were ever on the planet, but all the evidence points that way)

(We also cant disprove that an invisible teapot is circling the earth, but all evidence points against it.)

Crazy rumors surface every year, and our team is often involved because we have traded for players in the past.

Just in the month of February, it was reported by different media members that Bill Cowher was going to be our next head coach, Jim Mora, Jr and Jim Fassel. We later found out Cowher didn't even interview for the job.

People are interested in rumors. It's why people go to message boards every day this time of year and why many people watch Sports Center. - Heck, it's why people read the National Inquirer.

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How do we know if there is ANY truth to this? Remember Lance Briggs? We were a lock to get him right?

I kind of doubt it, because I can't imagine the Bengals turning down such a generous offer to get rid of their no-win situation.

Before anyone writes off their team and spews their venom again, maybe we should wait and see if there is any truth to this, or if it was just a slow news day at ESPN so they took a guess.

It seemed to me that the Lanc Briggs stuff was mostly true. The skins did have significant interest in him but couldnt come to terms with the bears.

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Crazy rumors surface every year, and our team is often involved because we have traded for players in the past.

Just in the month of February, it was reported by different media members that Bill Cowher was going to be our next head coach, Jim Mora, Jr and Jim Fassel. We later found out Cowher didn't even interview for the job.

People are interested in rumors. It's why people go to message boards every day this time of year and why many people watch Sports Center. - Heck, it's why people read the National Inquirer.

True true, i have to agree with you.

I am not saying that it is 100% fact that the skins offered what is said to be offered. But i am saying there is alot of information out there from knowledgeable people that point to the skins having a high interest in CJ.

The add the skins history....

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It seemed to me that the Lanc Briggs stuff was mostly true. The skins did have significant interest in him but couldnt come to terms with the bears.

I remember later hearing that that was a deal that Rosenhaus approached Snyder about it at the owners meeting, then he said I'll ask Joe.

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OK how about...

Desmond Howard

Michael Westbrook

Rod Gardner

I"ll take Chad Johnson over them thank you. I"d even offer the same deal for Roy Williams, Or Anquan Boldin over gambling on this WR crop.

great point. lets never draft a receiver in the first round again because 3 guys over the past 20 years didnt work. great philosophy.

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True true, i have to agree with you.

I am not saying that it is 100% fact that the skins offered what is said to be offered. But i am saying there is alot of information out there from knowledgeable people that point to the skins having a high interest in CJ.

The add the skins history....

I don't doubt we're interested, it just doesn't mean we made this particular offer. -It's just weird that Rosenhaus is always involved.

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I remember later hearing that that was a deal that Rosenhaus approached Snyder about it at the owners meeting, then he said I'll ask Joe.

Yes we all know the stories. In the end things didnt work out. But even the fact that Dan would ask joe is enough to show interest.

Not to mention all the different stuff, but lets not rehash.

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Just be happy they turned it down man...

Rumor or not, that a deal hasn't yet been announced (with us involved) is a good thing. As the one poster pointed out by comparing this proposal to the deal the Pats made to get a better Randy Moss, this deal doesn't make sense.

It's almost like a bully refusing to take our lunch money from us on this one. And if this is all true, for that I say thank you Mike Brown, or should I say "Mr. DuMas"?

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I for one agree with you completely. Lil' Danny boy and Cerrato keep validating my theory that they are too imcompetent to run a franchise. I'm so glad the Bungals rejected the offer.

How the eff' do you offer our NUMBER 21 draft pick???? Do they even know the significance of this pick? This pick could potentially be someone special, but yet they want to use it to get big mouth Chad Johnson.

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While I don't agree with the offer and feel the Redskins would have definitely overpaid for a receiver past his prime, I want to look at this from both sides.

There is no doubt the Skins need a dynamic receiver of Chads ability. However, we would all much rather develop one on our own or acquire someone a lot younger and a lot cheaper.

Easier said than done.

Receivers are the toughest of positions to get through the draft and hardest to judge because so few live up to their talent.

Getting Chad would no doubt help our offense. He is a prolific receiver and the type to excel in any system. He would make Campbell better.

The problem for the Skins is that if they don't get him, and he is traded, it will most likely be to the Eagles or Cowboys. Chad on either one of those teams would no doubt make their offenses scary.

So do we overpay and have him line up in the maroon and black? ... or we do let him go to a division rival. A division in which any of the four could be playoff teams and a player of Chads ability could push them over the hump.

It is a dilemma and the best solution for the Redskins is Chad staying put.

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I don't care for the theory of the Skins need to give up too much in a trade to acquire Chad to keep him away from Dallas or Philly. The Skins need to do what is best for the Skins. Personally I would love to see Ocho Cinco go to Dallas, because there's no way both him and T.O. could co-exist on the field and in the locker room. I don't want to see him go to Philly, but if it happens then it happens. The last thing I want Snyder to do is overpay for Chad and leave the Skins in another cap disaster all because he's keeping Chad away from Dallas and Philly, he needs to do what's best for this team.

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