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Dan & Vinny Duped Us / Danny please sell the team / #85 Offer Vent Thread (Merged)

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So after reading this morning that we are again attempting to bring in veterans who produced in other systems by giving away multiple high round draft choices, i am furious. not furious in the usual "we blew a 4th quarter lead" furious, or "we traded 2 draft picks for brandon lloyd" furious. no. its worse than that. im furious because i actually thought (and now feel like an idiot) that our owner/monkeyboy had learned their lesson and were actually going to try and build through the draft, and stop the nonsense they have been performing for quite some time. i remember the article in the times:

"Skins' Snyder says he's 'matured'"

LOL. was i really duped that much into thinking he was serious? my god do i feel stupid.

"There are a bunch of things I wish I would have done differently," Mr. Snyder told The Washington Times yesterday at the annual NFL meetings. "I've made plenty of mistakes, but I've learned from my mistakes as a good entrepreneur, a good CEO would do. I've matured. I wasn't patient enough in certain areas early on. I didn't understand the game the way I do now. I didn't understand the agents, the contractual relationship with the salary cap, the importance of the age of players. Now it's easy for me, second nature."

complete and utter BS. i cannot stress how much i hate this owner and vinny cerrato right now. its disgusting to see that we are right back to our old retarded ways of mortgaging the future for the present.

part of me hopes that we trade 4 good draft picks for chad johnson and he gets injured just so these guys can see how much of a failure they are. but we all know that wont change anything, theyll just go right back to the stupid moves they were making before. we are stuck with dumb and dumber running/ruining this team for as long as snyder breathes air.


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I know that most likely it won't happen. But I have to ask anyway.

After the latest numb skull move of Daniel Snyder of offering two 1st round draft picks for a 30 year old WR, it is clear to me and should be to everyone else that Daniel Snyder and his lap dog Vinny, don't know how to run a competent NFL franchise.

I'm tired of the constant crap and instability, tired of an organazation that is ready to give away draft picks like candy at Holloween time. Redskins fans are the best fans in the world. And we deserve real football people running or beloved team.

I believe in his own,warped way, Snyder loves the skins. But he doesn't know how to put together a well ran organazation. Mainly becuase he feels he has to insert himself in the day to day runnings of the team. And Snyder doesn't know jack $hit about football. He's proven that over and over again.

And since he isn't smart enough to remove himself and hire real football people to run the team, he needs to sell the redskins to someone who will do right by the organazation and the redskins empire (fans).

I'm asking for Daniel Snyder to sell the Washington Redskins.

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us redskins fans tend to play our part to you know. Even if this does happen and we stink people on this site will still say free agency is the right move if you want an immediate impact and drafting players who arent proven is stupid so i guess its a kinda you reap what your sow thing.

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I am sure you are referring to the CJ deal and I want to say they have not duped us, they have been very vocal that Cj was a high priority for them. Do you deny that we need a Big receiver who can deliver? CJ is that big name receiver who is NOT anywehere close to the end of his career.

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the second pick is conditional....we don't know the conditions

it could be a 1st and a third, we don't know for sure how the offer worked out.

no need to get all worked up

any 1st round pick is not worth chad johnson. id rather take a chance on a 22 year old kid who could be with us for his career and not cost a bajillion dollars, than chad f-ing johnson who is gonna cost a fortune and maybe has 3-4 years left? hes 30 already.

more stupid stupid moves from this stupid stupid team.

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I hadn't heard it was multiple first rounders, just that the trade offer included "a" first rounder. Even so, BLC's point stands. We've been told that things had changed. Looks like it's more of the same. :(

...unless BLC is just a part of the big media conspiracy to discredit the Redskins. ;)

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I think you are overdoing it right now. I wonder if you would have written this no matter what Quality FA we would have tried to get. The converse of us getting CJ is someone in the devision getting CJ, and then we would have had trouble if he would have landed anywhere else in the NFC East. Id be more upset at the fact that in an offseason where EVERY team in the NFC East is drastically upgrading, why is this the season where we sit on our hands and dont address the holes we have in the roster.

Would you be upset if we offered such a trade for Boldin or Williams, or would you be equally upset?

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So after reading this morning that we are again attempting to bring in veterans who produced in other systems by giving away multiple high round draft choices, i am furious.

OH NO! You're furious? What will the Redskins do? If you can become furious and be "lied to" based on a rumor (not, mind you, fact) than "journalists" are laughing at you and thanking you for allowing them to do nothing to make a living.

I would LOVE to trade for Chad Johnson, but I would not trade two 1s or whatever the rumor de jour is.

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What colour is the sky in the world you live in and does it ever stop raining?

A 1st and a conditional 3rd for a proven talent like Chad Johnson is by no means a ridiculous offer. There is no one way to build a winning team - adding elite talent is rarely a bad thing.

On balance I'd rather we did not give up this years first and if we did I would rather dangle it in front of Matt Millen for Roy Williams given he is 26 versus Chad Johnsons 30 but either way getting a proven talent for a 1st and next years 3rd is very defensible versus getting who knows what out of the draft.

Clearly not on your planet but what's new.

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I am sure you are referring to the CJ deal and I want to say they have not duped us, they have been very vocal that Cj was a high priority for them. Do you deny that we need a Big receiver who can deliver? CJ is that big name receiver who is NOT anywehere close to the end of his career.

CJ is 6 feet tall, and look at what a problem hes causing in cincy. do you really want that here? his game antics are not a problem for me at all, but his cry baby attitude over the past 3 months has been a huge turn off, and id like to think it would be for this team.

but again, snyder just wants to sell jerseys, and CJ will accomplish that, even if he doesnt catch a pass. hell, one end zone dance on sportscenter is enough to sell at least 30,000 CJ jerseys. and who cares if we go 7-9? hes still selling tickets and jerseys.

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I got about $13 on it. C'mon guys we can do this........lol I just wish I could be a fly on the wall in the negotiating room if this is true. I want to know Snyder's rationale. He could clearly go after Roy Williams or Jared Allen. While both are less talented, they are both younger, cheaper, and can still get better. Just baffling the things our owner does or attempts to do.

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...unless BLC is just a part of the big media conspiracy to discredit the Redskins.

Probably not, but it would really easy for big media conspiracy against the Skins to work with "fans" like BLC just wishing and waiting for the first rumor to drive them from their chairs.

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the second pick is conditional....we don't know the conditions

it could be a 1st and a third, we don't know for sure how the offer worked out.

no need to get all worked up

Very true! One of the conditions could have been that the Skins make the playoffs or even win a playoff game while CJ makes it to the Pro Bowl. While it's still probably too much to give up, even if the conditions were met, the sting wouldn't be quite so bad.

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I really hope Dan gets this deal done so the Extremeskin fans who are not open minded and are fairweather fans can finally implode. Brining CJ to this team would do WONDERS for us, he is not at the end of his career, he has proven year after year he can perform, he has no offfield antics that would embarrass the team, he just likes to celebrate. He is not the first player to celebrate and he won't be the last.

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I think you are overdoing it right now. I wonder if you would have written this no matter what Quality FA we would have tried to get. The converse of us getting CJ is someone in the devision getting CJ, and then we would have had trouble if he would have landed anywhere else in the NFC East. Id be more upset at the fact that in an offseason where EVERY team in the NFC East is drastically upgrading, why is this the season where we sit on our hands and dont address the holes we have in the roster.

Would you be upset if we offered such a trade for Boldin or Williams, or would you be equally upset?

no i wouldnt. williams and boldin are younger, nowhere near the problem, and wouldnt cost as much.

but CJ is a big name, and a big face to sell tickets and jerseys and make dan more money, hence why were going after him.

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I am sure you are referring to the CJ deal and I want to say they have not duped us, they have been very vocal that Cj was a high priority for them. Do you deny that we need a Big receiver who can deliver? CJ is that big name receiver who is NOT anywehere close to the end of his career.

Proven my point in previos post. :gus:

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