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DIRECTV is evil as well as other Companies


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I've about had it with Directv and other companies customer No service!!

I hate the fact that they tell you one thing, and than when you call back at some other time, they give you the polite "Well, I'm sorry sir, but that person gave you mis-information, we aren't going to honor that or we don't do that, or that isn't what you have".

My lastest fight with DTV is I was told before I ordered my HD upgrade that I didn't need a service plan as my reciever was leased and was covered.

Now I am having a lot of trouble with it that the techs can't fix or figure out and since I don't have a service plan. The BRAND NEW HD DVR reciever that I have only had for 3 weeks, is now going to cost my $$$$ in oder to service it or replace it.

Now how does this work?? I pay out hundreds to upgrade. They give me some piece of :pooh: equipment and now I have to pay even more to replace it??

I spent hours on the phone arguing with idiots and I have to pay if I want it fixed. based on poor mis-information by those same idiots who sold me the upgrade.

I've come to the conclusion that these people are instructed to say anything to sale or get the customer off the phone and happy. Later they are told that if the customer calls back they can deny everything that was said and nothing is really going to be done about it anyway. I mean what power does the customer really have???

Honestly is it wasn't for NFL ticket I would dump DTV so fast they wouldn't know what hit 'em!!!

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I would try calling their customer retention line and threaten to pay the cancellation fee and go to Dish or another company. That worked for me even though I wasn't really planning on leaving them. Sometimes it's all about talking to the right person and/or saying the right thing.

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When I had DirectTV I was happy because when push came to shove they always responded to me saying I would cancel my service.

When I ordered it here, they showed up and it turned out they switched the entire country over to Sky. Which actually sucks IMO. But I'm stuck because I can't watch the Skins without them.

I feel your pain.

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ha, my dad tried to order a a movie so we could watch one night and his box wasn't working correctly. So he gets on the phone with them to place the order and they tried to charge him $5 dollars in addition to the cost of the movie. He flat out told them there is no way he was paying that because their ordering service was messed up and he was not going to pay $5 for his inconvenience, ha. Long story short the guy "waived" the fee and my dad is still a happy customer. The HD stuff is great though.

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I've alwyas had great experiences with DTV. I've been a customer for quite some time now

I've been a customer for quite some time now also, and I haven't had any problems with them up until about the last 3 years. Within that time, their customer service and their handling of certian issues is truely frustating and lack luster!!

My main issue has been that they don't know anything. If you have a problem, they don't know how to fix it. If you ask a question, no one knows the answer.

But like I said, I can't watch the SKINS without NFL TICKET so I am stuck and just have to suck it and fight the urge to kill all of them!!!! Just kidding.

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Call from your cell phone and record the calls. I do it with all customer service calls to anything.

question if you are going to record the calls do you have to tell them that you are recording? the customer service lines all say that but they say it is for "training and customer service puroses" but i have been told that you do in case you ever have to go to court.

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about five years ago i sent them a very strongly worded e-mail about how i thought they were like drug dealers, saying and giving out anything to get your buisness and then treating you like garbage once you were a customer.

they never responded back but i truly believe it reached someone because since then they started there A list program for long term customers and they have been nothing short of spectacular to me when i need assistance or customer service in some way.

Somebody said earlier it really matters who you get on the phone and that is very true, if you dont get what your looking for, call back and speak to someone else you may get a completely different answer.

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I've been lucky so far.My issues were with the contractors installing the equipment and not the company itself.The customer service reps by an large seem to read from a script.Like someone mentioned they have a technical arm and they seemt obe very good,but hard to reach.

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Man I hate DirecTV, everything from their remote to their menus, etc etc.. Much preferred Dish Network. They do still have the NFL Network in their cheapest package (what my roommate gets since he owns the place it's his decision) which Dish removed because they got upset about the whole Giants-Patriots game going onto multiple networks.. my stepdad called Dish and they gave him the package that includes it at the same price for a year.

Your first level of people are trained just to read statements and hope that you'll take that as the ultimate decision. Ask for a supervisor or customer retention and you have people that will bend for you.

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I've had a good experience with DTV. However, when I was with Time Warner Cable, I was very unhappy. I will never go back to them again. Embarq, although I'm happy with their internet and phone service, did piss me off with tech charges on my bill after I was told there would be no charge. When I called Embarq about the charges, they said I was misinformed because the tech assumed I had a protection plan. Then she tried to sell me a protection plan. That pissed me off.

But count me in the "corporations are evil" group.

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The only thing I can tell you is get the service plan. Its only a couple bucks a month and then you don't have to worry about anything with your equipment. Even if its leased or not. Just my 2 cents though.

Yeah but the issue here is I've only had the BRAND NEW EQUIPMENT for about 3 weeks, and they won't service or replace it without me signing up for a service plan and than waiting 1 month until it kicks in in order to get my stuff serviced!! Otherwise I have to pay to get it serviced.

It's like Gezzz, you guys won't stand behind your own stuff?? Especially with new equipment!!

As I told them, "let me get this striaght. I spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade to HD. You gave me a piece of :pooh: reciever. I was lied to about the service plan and needing one. Now you aren't going to honor that lie. Make me spend even more money, than have to wait one month for the service plan to kick in, so I can get a service guy out here to work on or replace the unit without even more cost to me?"

They said their usual "I'm sorry sir, is there anything else that I can do at this time?"

I told them( I was infuriated), "No, I think you guys have F'd me over pretty good already, and taken enough of my money, and that I don't think I can take any more right now. But next time I feel the need to be violated and robbed I would be sure to give them a call!!"

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customer retention is definitely the way to go...I called it and ****ed and they threw in everything but the kitchen sink....let's see I got Superfan free, HBO, Cinemax, Showtime free for six months, $10.00 bill credit for one year, and an additional DVR reciever for no charge. Once I jumped through all the hoops I have had no problems (knocking on wood).....It takes one hellacious storm to loose the signal, and the HD is great.

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