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Used to be next door neighbor of Gary Clark


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So I just wanted to share this story with you guys. It was a long ago but it just came back to my head since I made another thread here about seeing Joe Bugel yesterday at Dulles Airport.

Anyways Back when I was in Elementary School, my next door neighbor was Gary Clark. It was really cool. He had autographed his driveway in the corner end of the driveway before the cement was dried up making it permanent . I remember a lot of nights where he would have these massive parties at his house. We lived in a court type street and there would be so many cars parked all along the streets. There would even be people parked in the middle of the court! That was crazy!!

So heres my biggest memory of him. I used to knock on his door frequently for his autograph. I used to get his autograph signed on stupid things like notebook paper. Remember, I was really young at the time. Now that im older and think about it, he must have been so annoyed by me bothering him so much. I could imagine him saying things like, "Damn its that little kid next door again wanting another thing signed. He must have lost the other thing i signed for him the other day!" lol!!

So anyways, one day my sister and i decided to get his autograph again one day. We knocked on his door and his brother answers. We asked him if he was home and he said he wasnt but he would let Gary know that we stopped by. A week later I get a knock at the door. It was Gary Clark at my doorstep. He apologized for not being home that day and gave me and my sister two gold cards of him with his autograph on it. Man, that was the coolest thing ever! Next time if i ever see him and tell him I was his neighbor back in the day, he would probaby still remember me!! Anyways, that was the last and best time i had ever bothered him for his autograph and still have the card til this day. He might had done this to shut us up lol but he never once showed any annoyance to me or any kind of "im famous so im the sh1t" behavior. Now that i think about it and im older, he really showed us a lot of class and respect to me as a kid. I must say, he is a really cool guy and I hope you guys have a chance to meet him one day!!! If anyone wants to see the card I will take a pic of it and post it here.

EDIT: heres the pics guys... i hope you enjoy them. sorry the card has a couple blemishes but still ok...also the card is not a flat picture of him, it has him sticking out a bit from the background of the card if you feel it with your hands. Its a pretty thick card then a regular card...



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Great story! You probably were quite annoying knocking on his door so often to get his autograph :laugh: , but it's so classy that he never acted ticked off about it. That alone impressed me, but I was blown away that he came to your house and actually apologized for not being home one day and then handed you an autograph. :applause: He sounds like a great guy!

Did you take any photos with him?

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Did you take any photos with him?

No i didnt... i wish i had but at the time i didnt really think of it because i was so young, i guess i just thought getting his autograph was so cool lol!!!

I remember my first time knocking on his door and i was so scared once he answered the door because he looked like a huge built strong guy at the time and i was so small and short compared to him lol!!

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That is really cool. Gary Clark is one of the nicest guys ever. He signed EVERYTHING when he was at Beach Blitz.

My only cool neighbor stories are...Mike Nelm and Brian Mitchell used to be my neighbors. Brian Mitchell sponsored me for my ankle biter football fund raiser.


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