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What is your definition of a "poor" person?


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Everyone speaks of helping the "poor". Who exactly do you consider poor? Is a person who dropped out of high school and made alot of bad choices despite having a decent up bringing poor? Is a person who works but can't afford to pay his bills poor? What I am getting at is that to me it seems being poor now is different than being poor in say the 60's. If you lived on a farm and their were few jobs to get that is the most obvious meaning of poor. But if you live in a city with business opportunities all around you, is that a little different? Working in the general public I see all types of people during the day. Most people come in contact with poor people on their way to work and they may give someone a dollar to make themselves feel better about themselves but when you truly work around the "people" you get all types of impressions about what is real and what is not.

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Is a person who dropped out of high school and made alot of bad choices despite having a decent up bringing poor?

I dropped out of high school... been working since a couple days after i turned 16....

Got my G.E.D.... I've had 10 jobs since i turned 16 (i'm 23 now) and i'm now an Assistant Manager at a garage here in Northern Virginia... does that make me poor?

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Is a person who dropped out of high school and made alot of bad choices despite having a decent up bringing poor? Is a person who works but can't afford to pay his bills poor?
The person that works a job and tries their best to get ahead but can't are poor (unfortunately). The person that dropped out of high school and doesn't attempt to make themselves better and provide for themselves are just ****ing lazy.
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I broke 30K once and I have 3 roomates out of necesity. I claimed 13k this year, thanks to some unfortunite timing and illness. I'm late on all the bills and stopped paying some.

I'm hungrey and poor.

are you bull****ting or serious?

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I dropped out of high school... been working since a couple days after i turned 16....

Got my G.E.D.... I've had 10 jobs since i turned 16 (i'm 23 now) and i'm now an Assistant Manager at a garage here in Northern Virginia... does that make me poor?

No but those who generally drop out aren't perceived as willing to get off their butt fend for themselves and achieve which is your case.

They are seen as expecting to be owed something by society and should get universal health care or a job better that the current minimum wage without bettering themselves thru trade school, etc.

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No but those who generally drop out aren't perceived as willing to get off their butt fend for themselves and achieve which is your case.

They are seen as expecting to be owed something by society and should get universal health care or a job better that the current minimum wage without bettering themselves thru trade school, etc.

Well i think the only people owed anything by the american society are the men and women that have served in war. The people who are in here, i have very little sympathy for because you make your bed, now you gotta lay in it.

And i'm not only saying this because you are military oriented... i have a great deal of respect for the Armed Forces

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I dropped out of high school... been working since a couple days after i turned 16....

Got my G.E.D.... I've had 10 jobs since i turned 16 (i'm 23 now) and i'm now an Assistant Manager at a garage here in Northern Virginia... does that make me poor?

I worked from age 15 to 28 and never made over $11's an hour at any of my 6 jobs. I met my needs. Didn't meet all my wants, but I got by. I wasn't poor.:2cents:

You want to see poor? Click the links in my signature.

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They are seen as expecting to be owed something by society and should get universal health care or a job better that the current minimum wage without bettering themselves thru trade school, etc.

Where did you get your values Dave? Did you get them on your own, or did your parents / environment you grew up in give them to you?

If you're honest, you're going to go with option B.

To which I would say... what do you do about those people who grew up in conditions where values like the ones you inherited didn't exist? An environment where it is every man for himself, and children are taught from an early age that work is for suckers, and education is for chumps?

How do you break that cycle? Sticking your fingers in your ears and hoping it goes away claiming a moral superiority I'm certain makes you feel better, but what exactly does it do to break the cycle and fix the problem?

Take one look at the news or spend some time in bad neighborhoods, and it should be fairly obvious that our society in many respects has completely deteriorated. We can continue to ignore the problem based on our own personal values, or we can roll up our sleeves and try to fix it.

I don't claim to have the answers, but to continue to bury our heads in the sand and try and view the problem & solution through our own frame of reference is idiocy. We've tried that approach, it's only gotten worse. Rather, we should see the problem for what it is, and work to get it fixed.


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are you bull****ting or serious?
I left the rest biz 4 years ago, trying to get into auto mechanics, by working at a junkyard. I had a garage with some friends at night. Never made any money, so now I'm back in the rest biz.

This year, when I was leaving the yard, I told them I was going to quit when I found a third job that would pay me to get out, but I got sick with Lymes and was a zombie for three months.

I got so far behind, it really screwed me. I had an interview for a sous chef position today. If I get the job, i'll be back to being alright, better than ever.

I tryed to change careers and it screwed me big time. I'll give it another shot eventually.

I was going to try and go to school or get into real estate, but who knows. I made a lot of poor decisions when I was young, under 21.

So yes. I'm serious.

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It's all good. I've been over the Lymes for a bit now. It just made it harder to climb out of the hole.

I tried buying a restuarant with a sideways deal. I had everything done and only needed to sign the papers, but he dropped out at the last moment. I've been working at a high end place that had it's business complletey drop off since I started, making about $250 a week now. I strung the rest job to long and screwed myself.

But like I said, if I don't get the sous chef job I'm going for, I'm going to try corperate, since the places I like to eat don't pay enough for me to eat at them.

I'm a smart guy, just a **** up and bad with money.

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Where did you get your values Dave? Did you get them on your own, or did your parents / environment you grew up in give them to you?

If you're honest, you're going to go with option B.

To which I would say... what do you do about those people who grew up in conditions where values like the ones you inherited didn't exist? An environment where it is every man for himself, and children are taught from an early age that work is for suckers, and education is for chumps?

How do you break that cycle? Sticking your fingers in your ears and hoping it goes away claiming a moral superiority I'm certain makes you feel better, but what exactly does it do to break the cycle and fix the problem?

Take one look at the news or spend some time in bad neighborhoods, and it should be fairly obvious that our society in many respects has completely deteriorated. We can continue to ignore the problem based on our own personal values, or we can roll up our sleeves and try to fix it.

I don't claim to have the answers, but to continue to bury our heads in the sand and try and view the problem & solution through our own frame of reference is idiocy. We've tried that approach, it's only gotten worse. Rather, we should see the problem for what it is, and work to get it fixed.


great answer :applause:

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I left the rest biz 4 years ago, trying to get into auto mechanics, by working at a junkyard. I had a garage with some friends at night. Never made any money, so now I'm back in the rest biz.

This year, when I was leaving the yard, I told them I was going to quit when I found a third job that would pay me to get out, but I got sick with Lymes and was a zombie for three months.

I got so far behind, it really screwed me. I had an interview for a sous chef position today. If I get the job, i'll be back to being alright, better than ever.

I tryed to change careers and it screwed me big time. I'll give it another shot eventually.

I was going to try and go to school or get into real estate, but who knows. I made a lot of poor decisions when I was young, under 21.

So yes. I'm serious.

Sorry to hear about your illness. Hope things fall into place for you. I don't know your past but the fact that you are still searching for prosperity is good news. You will find happiness as long as you don't stop searching. I was ass out when I got my job I am in now. For about 8 months I searched and searched. Opportunities come you just have to be willing to try something different. You will prevail my friend. Good luck.

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Thanks. I'm not trying to turn this into a boo hoo Koolblue thread though.

If my girlfriend wasn't coming over with some chicken, I'de start one of those "ask a ___" threads.

Well things can't be too bad if you have a sweetie coming by to see you? Real players get the ladies when they are not at peep performance. Man........you'll be on here in a couple of weeks talking about your new gig and a house you want to buy soon. I see it now.......................... U DA MAN.

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