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Small Explosive Set Off In Times Square


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did search..didnt work surprised this isnt a thread...


Latest Update, 9:12 a.m. | The New York City police issued a statement at 7:33 a.m. describing the source of the explosion as an “improvised explosive device” and putting the time of the blast at 3:43 a.m. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg was scheduled to give a briefing at the scene at 8:45 a.m., but is running late. The authorities are looking into a possible connection to two earlier bombings at foreign consulates in Manhattan, in 2005 and 2007. An F.B.I. official said that in today’s attack, a man in a gray hooded sweatshirt was seen leaving the scene on a bicycle. Subways and traffic are running normally through Times Square. (See related slide show.)

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Bicyclist sought in Times Square blast

A man on a bicycle is a possible suspect in this morning's blast at a military recruiting station in Times Square, an FBI spokesman said. Authorities are looking for a man wearing a hooded garment who was riding a bicycle near the recruiting station.

Source: CNN



Unbelievable this possible terrorist attack is not getting more coverage.....I guess Clinton is more important :doh:


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It's amazing no one got hurt at that time on a NY city sidewalk.

it was at three in the morning I think -- even times square is relatively quiet then.

If it were a foreign terrorist it would have been a much more populated time I would think which leads me to agree that it is some nutjob trying to make a point, poorly.

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it was at three in the morning I think -- even times square is relatively quiet then.

If it were a foreign terrorist it would have been a much more populated time I would think which leads me to agree that it is some nutjob trying to make a point, poorly.

I agree paige. I think it's pretty obvious that this was some wacko nutjob who doesn't like the military for whatever reason. Hopefully the FBI, BATFE, and NYPD will catch this SOB and then they can hang the worthless bag of flesh in the middle of Times Square as a message to others of their ilk.

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they were saying on the news this morning that the area is filled with CCTV so my guess is that they are examing that tape and will have the person quickly. That being the reason you have not heard much because they don't want to jepardize a chance for a quit arrest.

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I agree paige. I think it's pretty obvious that this was some wacko nutjob who doesn't like the military for whatever reason. Hopefully the FBI, BATFE, and NYPD will catch this SOB and then they can hang the worthless bag of flesh in the middle of Times Square as a message to others of their ilk.


Always that extra step Mass. Always that little extra....


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Always that extra step Mass. Always that little extra....

That extra step, known as PUNISHMENT, is much of what's missing in our Legal System these days. I know people will say that it's not a deterent, but I've NEVER found a person who was executed for committing a Felony who has EVER committed another crime after the sentence was carried out.

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Hopefully, this is A) an isolated event and B) resolved quickly by the authorities. I don't think we should ever allow ourselves to politicize bombings or use it to beat up on our fellow Americans.

Thankfully, this one was largely ineffective.

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You think much too highly of yourself.

I really don't give a @#$ who did it. Bringing out the truth regarding Obama the False Messiah is a heck of a lot more important,

something which has much more significance than some punk who tried to make a political point on a bike in Times Square.

But don't worry- you will have plenty of time after November to ponder how Barack managed to lose the White House.

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or C) just a prank by a kid that wanted to play with his pipe bomb

If it is C. I think we need to set MSF on this kid and get his head on a pike. Unforgiveable prank.

Fine, if it was a terrorist, we can let MSF have at him too. I just hope he doesnt' need a large inventory of Pikes.

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