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Brett Favre is retiring...


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Smart decision in my opinion. He could be chasing "one more championship" for years to come. This way, he goes out after having what would have been an MVP year if it weren't for Brady having his sick year.

Sad day for NFL fans. Incredible competitor QB that gave a lot to the game. Will we ever see another QB come close to playing in the number of games he has?

My only beef with him was that sissyarse sack he let Strahan get a few years back. Otherwise, a great guy.

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I'm at work listening to Mike and Mike. They just had Chris Mortenson on and Mort said Brett Favre informed Mike McCarthy and the Green Bay Packers last night that he was hangin it up. Mort said he spoke with Brett's agent this morning who confirmed the story.

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As much as I like Favre, his ego has been ruining that team's future.

I don't think he has. He pretty much justified his complaints last season by showing up very well and putting up great numbers. He complained saying he was not given good personnell, but when they did, he exploded again. Maybe it's due to better coaching, but I don't think he's set them back. Aaron Rodgers has been waiting in the wings. Typically QB's who get to wait that long tend to do better when they are finally given the start.

Also, Rodgers as the 24th pick overall is not counting for much money. Just see the Campbell contract to see how little relatively it costs.

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As much as I like Favre, his ego has been ruining that team's future.

There's alot of money in Aaron Rodgers just sitting on the bench every season.

EDIT: here's a link http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3276034

Brought to the brink of SUPER BOWL, Made all new WRs and others better and gave them a glimpse of what they could be with a quality QB, one his personal bests seasons ever.

Ego, so you mean when you are still producing at something you love to do, that is ego getting in the way? Gothcya

I for one will miss FAVREs love for the game, not money, not stats, but to PLAY TO WIN at all costs regardless of injury. The way the game should be played.


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He probably figured they didn't have the horses to get to the Super Bowl without Moss. I might have expected this if he hadn't had as good a year as he did last year. At least he gets to go out on his own terms.

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The time is probably right for Favre to hang up the cleats. He is leaving on a positive note, with the great season he had last year. He isn't a guy who is being forced out of the game as many legends are due to injuries, inability to play the game anymore, etc. He is leaving on his own terms and with the knowledge that he can still play this game at a high level.

Favre was a great qb and the game will miss him.

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