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Into the Wild


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Anyone else ready for this movie to come out? Anyone see it in the theaters? I've only recently been introduced to the story about Chris McCandless and I actually found it quite intriguing. I've always been into random adventures growing up, and I'm not trying to glorify what he did in the sense of saying it was awesome because ultimately he died which would not be what I would be seeking upon my adventures. However, his idea about not knowing what is around him in the sense of a map was something I actually did think was awesome. Just being cut off from the world for that long would be an amazing thing to experience. Personally I'm a bit too greedy in my wants of electronics , etc. of the real world to risk doing that for any certain amount of time because it would throw away everything I've already built for myself. I'm just looking forward to seeing the movie to visually put together everything I've already read (haven't read the book but I've read plenty online). Anyone else feel similar?

On a side note myself and a friend of mine when we were little used to always want to just jump on a train and ride it somewhere and have no idea where we were when we would get off but our goal would then be to check out the town/city then find our way back home all of this without money. Anyhow let me know if there is anyone else who has had some crazy adventures or always wanted to.

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I just recently heard about this as well. I'm in the process of reading the book ... just started last week. It's a good read so far.

I can go on record to say that I probably won't see the movie.

I'm one of those folks that thinks that the books are always than the movies.

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On a side note myself and a friend of mine when we were little used to always want to just jump on a train and ride it somewhere and have no idea where we were when we would get off but our goal would then be to check out the town/city then find our way back home all of this without money.
You aspired to be a hobo?
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I remember having to read the book for a class my first semester of college.

I don't really remember a whole lot about it, but I don't remember them ever actually finding his body. Did that actually happen? IIRC, the book just pretty much said he was last seen hitchhiking off a semi on some road in Alaska and that was it. I don't think much else was really known about his adventure. Maybe I just have a fuzzy memory (or didn't finish the book, which is a possibility since it was an academic reading at the time :laugh:).

Either way, the DVD comes out tomorrow.

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I remember having to read the book for a class my first semester of college.

I don't really remember a whole lot about it, but I don't remember them ever actually finding his body. Did that actually happen? IIRC, the book just pretty much said he was last seen hitchhiking off a semi on some road in Alaska and that was it. I don't think much else was really known about his adventure. Maybe I just have a fuzzy memory (or didn't finish the book, which is a possibility since it was an academic reading at the time :laugh:).

Either way, the DVD comes out tomorrow.

They found his body. Hunters found it a few months after he died. That is how the book starts. The book is based on his journals which account for a 2 year period of his life. There are parts missing, but much of his story is still there.

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They found his body. Hunters found it a few months after he died. That is how the book starts. The book is based on his journals which account for a 2 year period of his life. There are parts missing, but much of his story is still there.

I wasn't a very good student that first semester of college :laugh:. (I dd end up getting a B in that clas though :whoknows: )

Thanks for clearing that up though.

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