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Please Read: This Is Not Fantasy Football


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I don't know if it's just me, but I am seeing way too many "Let's get (Fill in the name of some big name WR)" posts in this forum. Haven't we been trying that approach for 5-6 years? It hasn't worked and I am so happy that we have tried a new technique. It's absolutely rediculous how many people bash Dan Snyder for wanting to play fantasy football, but when we try a more conservative approach, everyone freaks out about how overly-cautious we are being.

Let's be honest, this team has not seriously competed in the NFC for almost a decade, and every offseason, we sign the huge name FA's and have rediculous expectations and when people realize that this is not a video game or fantasy football, that chemistry actually matters, everyone feels that we should go out and buy some more players. It's time for a different approach and it dizzies me when people are freaking out about whether or not we will trade for Chad or sign Randy Moss. Have you not learned? Look at all the premiere franchises in the NFL, the Colts, the Patriots, the Chargers. Have you heard anything from them in the free agency period over the past three or four years? NO! Besides the 07 FA period for the Patriots, every really sucessful team builds through the draft. And don't say that acquiring Randy Moss was a marquee pickup. They got him for a fourth rounder. Look at all the players that they discover in the draft. Never do they go on spending splurges, and every year we see them in the playoffs while we are watching at home. It's time for a change and I am happy to see that the Redskins organization has realized it.

That's just my opinion and I wanted to get it out there.:helmet:Hail to the Redskins

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Great post El82. The FO let everyone know last week that we would not be major players in the F/A market. F/A started a day and a half ago, we haven't signed anyone, and the sky is falling:doh: .

I have never seen ES in such a fuss especially when alot of the members had been whinning and moanning about the FO paying more attention to the F/A rather then the draft. Now Vinny has stepped up and actually seems to be focused on the draft instead of F/A, and now we are going to be the worst team in the NFCE next season??:doh:

I thought I was a pesimist:silly:

:point2sky HTTR:point2sky :dallasuck

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If there is one thing the NFL has taught us over the years it's that the NFL will have parody every year. Many times its the teams that let the team chemistry form.

I think a lot of the fans have been spoiled over the years on the big name signings.

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That's all well and good if you have a front office and scouts that are capable of plucking these "gems" out of the draft beyond the first round. We shall see.

When we have picks, we do get some non first round round players.

Cartwright, Doughty, Montgomery, Cooley, Blades, Betts

I am excited to see what happens when we have almost all our picks

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I just want to thank the FO for making free agency boring for a change. For the last few years, the Redskins have been the best team in March. Only problem is, no games are played in March. Let's build a solid team that plays well TOGETHER when it counts, not one that looks good on paper.

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I don't know if it's just me, but I am seeing way too many "Let's get (Fill in the name of some big name WR)" posts in this forum. Haven't we been trying that approach for 5-6 years? It hasn't worked and I am so happy that we have tried a new technique. It's absolutely rediculous how many people bash Dan Snyder for wanting to play fantasy football, but when we try a more conservative approach, everyone freaks out about how overly-cautious we are being.

That's just my opinion and I wanted to get it out there.:helmet:Hail to the Redskins

Great post, but I have to dispute the underlined part. It is not everyone, it is only a very vocal minority. I love what the Redskins are doing. I just hope that we grab the best lineman (offense or defense, but I personally prefer offense - Albert) we can in the first round.

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couldnt have said it better myself. i for one cant wait for the draft. screw free agency. the problem i see with free agency is that with the cap going up every year the contracts get more and more ridiculous until you have "mid level" guys signing for top dollar. imagine if cooley had been allowed to hit the market. we probably wouldnt have been able to keep him.

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Great post, but I have to dispute the underlined part. It is not everyone, it is only a very vocal minority. I love what the Redskins are doing. I just hope that we grab the best lineman (offense or defense, but I personally prefer offense - Albert) we can in the first round.

I agree...most here are actually praising Vinny for the low-key approach right now, and very few are blasting him for it. And outside of Redskins Nation, many in the media are saying that this offseason so many less-than-elite players are getting way too much money precisely because the FA market is so weak...and the Redskins are mentioned nowhere in these articles (for a change lol).

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While I agree, i just want to point out that the Patriots definitely use free agency.

Of course everyone knows about their big splurge last year, but also a fact is the last time they won the Super Bowl they had 23 players they signed as free agents on their squad. Nearly half the roster.

Big names and small names.. Rodney Harrison, Corey Dillon, Mike Vrabel.

I'd say the portrayal of the Pats as a purely draft-built team is as much a fallacy as the Redskins buying every free agent every year.

A solid mix is a solid plan. If you haven't filled a need with a drafted player, fill it with a free agent.


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While I agree, i just want to point out that the Patriots definitely use free agency.

Of course everyone knows about their big splurge last year, but also a fact is the last time they won the Super Bowl they had 23 players they signed as free agents on their squad. Nearly half the roster.

Big names and small names.. Rodney Harrison, Corey Dillon, Mike Vrabel.

I'd say the portrayal of the Pats as a purely draft-built team is as much a fallacy as the Redskins buying every free agent every year.

A solid mix is a solid plan. If you haven't filled a need with a drafted player, fill it with a free agent.


right on brother Bang!

it's not about jumping from one extreme to another. it's about using the financial resources at hand and the player talent pool options intelligently enough to build a winning franchise.

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I agree. We just need to get Ocho Cinco, trade up for Glen Dorsey and make a move for Lito Sheppard. Then we just need to fill in with free agents like Will Demps, Colvin and Javon Walker. We don't need to do anything crazy, just these few moves will be perfect.

But...How do we do all this? and not do anything crazy?

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While I agree, i just want to point out that the Patriots definitely use free agency.

Of course everyone knows about their big splurge last year, but also a fact is the last time they won the Super Bowl they had 23 players they signed as free agents on their squad. Nearly half the roster.

Big names and small names.. Rodney Harrison, Corey Dillon, Mike Vrabel.

I'd say the portrayal of the Pats as a purely draft-built team is as much a fallacy as the Redskins buying every free agent every year.

A solid mix is a solid plan. If you haven't filled a need with a drafted player, fill it with a free agent.


I was wondering if anybody else felt this way. There is no better way to put it than you need to have balance between FA and the draft.

I've always had a problem with the association of the Pats with building through the draft.That is... :bsflag:

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I don't know if it's just me, but I am seeing way too many "Let's get (Fill in the name of some big name WR)" posts in this forum. Haven't we been trying that approach for 5-6 years? It hasn't worked and I am so happy that we have tried a new technique. It's absolutely rediculous how many people bash Dan Snyder for wanting to play fantasy football, but when we try a more conservative approach, everyone freaks out about how overly-cautious we are being.

-I think most people are happy we are trying a new technique, and I don't believe everyone was really upset because we played "fantasy football"

-Rather fans were upset that consistently overpaid washed up veterans Bruce Smith comes to mind (as do a lot of encroachment penalties)

-We also tend to overpay mediocre players, for example Lloyd and Archuleta who we made the highest paid safety of all time.

-However though we have had our faults in the past, its not to say we can't still be involved in free agency when there still are viable options that may help the team.

-Any player at the right price, should and I am confident will be signed by the end of FA.

Have you not learned? Look at all the premiere franchises in the NFL, the Colts, the Patriots, the Chargers. Have you heard anything from them in the free agency period over the past three or four years?

That's just my opinion and I wanted to get it out there.:helmet:Hail to the Redskins

-The Patriots didn't go 18-1 until they were a huge player in the off-season (Moss, Thomas, Welker, Stallworth) prior to that (Seau, Vrabel)

-Wasn't it the chargers who just last season had to make a move to get a "big receiver" the exact same notion you complain of other Redskins having.

-As far as the Colts go they have remained out of FA, but they also have Peyton Manning, I would also go as far as to say that not being a player in FA has hurt them. How far have they gotten in the playoffs before two years ago? Only as far as Peyton could take them, which is definitely respectable, but w/o weapons the Colts may find themselves losing in the earlier rounds of the playoffs (much like this season).

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This is not an approach that took shape out of the blue this year. We were very conservative in FA last year as well.

Last year we made a few acquisitions in FA because there were players we wanted. London Fletcher being the main focus. I just don't see the talent out there this year. Teams have become very savvy with Franchise tags and have become successful in keeping big names off the market.

I don't buy that we have changed our philosophy this year, there aren't any players in FA that our front office covets. I guarantee you if there was a big name out there that the fan base wanted Danny would go after him.

This is not an extreme measure of restraint from our FO it is a lack of talent in FA. If we can pluck 2-3 starters out of rounds 5-7 like we did last year and the year before we will be in good shape.

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While I agree, i just want to point out that the Patriots definitely use free agency.

Of course everyone knows about their big splurge last year, but also a fact is the last time they won the Super Bowl they had 23 players they signed as free agents on their squad. Nearly half the roster.

Big names and small names.. Rodney Harrison, Corey Dillon, Mike Vrabel.

I'd say the portrayal of the Pats as a purely draft-built team is as much a fallacy as the Redskins buying every free agent every year.

A solid mix is a solid plan. If you haven't filled a need with a drafted player, fill it with a free agent.


While I agree that a mix of FA and the Draft is the best, the inflation of the contracts of mediocre FAs this year makes things difficult for a team like the Skins, who already have quite a few players with big contracts. While I believe that we could easily make as much cap space as we wanted if there was a super star we wanted, I also believe the FO has looked at the FA pool this year and realized there were no players that really fit our needs at the price we would want.

Keep in mind also that when the Patriots signed all those players, Belichick had just taken over and the team was a pretty sorry bunch. They had a bunch of cap space, and alot of needs. It's kind of like what the Dolphins are doing right now actually, only to a lesser degree.

I bet you that if guys like Mike Vrabel and David Patten came out in FA at the ages they signed with the Patriots in today's market, they'd be getting huge contracts.

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But...How do we do all this? and not do anything crazy?

I believe he was using a literary technique known as "sarcasm". Then again you may be using a technique known as "deadpan" and I am hence using a technique called "looking like a dumb***". :D

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-The Patriots didn't go 18-1 until they were a huge player in the off-season (Moss, Thomas, Welker, Stallworth) prior to that (Seau, Vrabel)

-Wasn't it the chargers who just last season had to make a move to get a "big receiver" the exact same notion you complain of other Redskins having.

-As far as the Colts go they have remained out of FA, but they also have Peyton Manning, I would also go as far as to say that not being a player in FA has hurt them. How far have they gotten in the playoffs before two years ago? Only as far as Peyton could take them, which is definitely respectable, but w/o weapons the Colts may find themselves losing in the earlier rounds of the playoffs (much like this season).

Patriots-Yeah but in year's past, when the actually won the superbowl, they were very quiet in free agency.

Chargers- yeah they needed a big time WR, but instead of vouching for a guy like Chad Johnson or Roy Williams, they were able to get a discount WR in Chris Chambers who only cost a 6th rounder, unlike the WR's who many want on this team for a first or second

Colts- Yes they build through the draft completely (which is how they got Peyton Manning. I don't get your point there) But year in and year out they contend and are in a position to go deep into the playoffs. I like where there team stands alot more than where our team stands and I would be happy if our team went to the playoffs every year, unlike us who usually are parked at home watching

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