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Can anyone tell me how to become a hogette?


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Sorry guys last thread of the day i am just wondering how do i become a hogette i always wanted to dress up like one and go to a game. I am a skins fan 21 yrs born and bread, this is the last step to take. Is there a club? Let me know guys!!!

Go Skins and glad to be here

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Sorry guys last thread of the day i am just wondering how do i become a hogette i always wanted to dress up like one and go to a game. I am a skins fan 21 yrs born and bread, this is the last step to take. Is there a club? Let me know guys!!!

Go Skins and glad to be here

First of all you got to gain about 100 lbs. Then after you do that, you got to buy some women's clothes and finally see if you can walk with high heels. ;)

Then if you can do all that, you have a chance to get your celebrity star embedded on Hollywood Boulevard. :laugh:

I'm just kidding you, guy. :D

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Sorry guys last thread of the day i am just wondering how do i become a hogette i always wanted to dress up like one and go to a game. I am a skins fan 21 yrs born and bread, this is the last step to take. Is there a club? Let me know guys!!!

Go Skins and glad to be here

First rule of Hogette Club - Don't talk about Hogette Club!

Rule 2: Just dress up like a chick from the 50's, throw on a hog nose, go to the game.

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There's a lot more to it than just dressing up and attending the games. The Hogettes do year round charity work and community service, all for nothing but fun and good karma.

Although their outfits are pretty crazy, I can't say I've ever seen high heels on any of them.

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First, you fire up the flux capacitor. Then once you reach 88 mph, you will travel back to 1985, where you can wear women's clothing, wear pig snouts, get real drunk, and watch our offensive line DOMINATE. If you don't have a flux capacitor though you can just go to the game dressed as a bag of dirt.

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First, you fire up the flux capacitor. Then once you reach 88 mph, you will travel back to 1985, where you can wear women's clothing, wear pig snouts, get real drunk, and watch our offensive line DOMINATE. If you don't have a flux capacitor though you can just go to the game dressed as a bag of dirt.

Sweet. :laugh:

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I sort of remember there being an innitiation process of not being allowed to sit down in a game, drinking lots of beer, and not being allowed to piss durring the game...

Could be wrong though.

cool I'm in...now if screaming at the Lions game "EFF THE GIANTS" is one of the bonus tests...I am REALLy in :doh:

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Sheesh, I feel sorry for the poor guy who asked this question and thought he might actually recieve some assistance. I mean if you don't know the answer, then you don't. But I would think you would applaud someone who has as much love for his team as he does rather than belittle him for it.

Since no one seems to want to answer his question seriously, am I to assume that most Redskins fans would prefer that Hogettes didn't exist and that someone who is trying to carry on the tradition shouldn't bother?

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Sheesh, I feel sorry for the poor guy who asked this question and thought he might actually recieve some assistance. I mean if you don't know the answer, then you don't. But I would think you would applaud someone who has as much love for his team as he does rather than belittle him for it.

Since no one seems to want to answer his question seriously, am I to assume that most Redskins fans would prefer that Hogettes didn't exist and that someone who is trying to carry on the tradition shouldn't bother?

The cowboys suck.

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Sheesh, I feel sorry for the poor guy who asked this question and thought he might actually recieve some assistance. I mean if you don't know the answer, then you don't. But I would think you would applaud someone who has as much love for his team as he does rather than belittle him for it.

Since no one seems to want to answer his question seriously, am I to assume that most Redskins fans would prefer that Hogettes didn't exist and that someone who is trying to carry on the tradition shouldn't bother?

No, the Hogettes, and Chief Zee for that matter are as much of a symbol to this team as the team itself.

Just ask a silly question get silly answers. If you REALLY want to be one, it isn't hard to find one ;)

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Sorry guys last thread of the day i am just wondering how do i become a hogette i always wanted to dress up like one and go to a game. I am a skins fan 21 yrs born and bread, this is the last step to take. Is there a club? Let me know guys!!!

Contact them directly.


Hog History

To cheer up his Grandmother, Michael Torbert borrowed her black and white polka-dot dress, put it on, and surprised her at her retirement home Halloween ('83) Tacky Tea Party. Mike dressed at work before going to his Grandmother's house.The office folks thought he was hysterical. His arrival at the retirement home as "Mikey T." created a lot of laughs from the residents. Mikey T. and his Grandmother became stars of the house. It was a very bright day for Grandma MaMarge.

The rest as they say, is history.

hogettesVISA.jpgMikey T. recruited a dozen other wild and crazy family men who'd dress up and go into Children's Hospitals in their outfits to make sick kids smile and laugh; who'd go out in public and encourage people to donate money for the care of sick children; and who'd go into the Pig Pen (RFK) and cheer for the HOGS and the rest of the Redskins.

And so, the Hogettes Team was formed. How each gent became a Hogette is a unique story in itself. The first time out, the Team put on their dresses (old-fashioned cheerleaders), pig snouts, wigs, and white "good-guy" leather hats and ventured to the Philly game (11-27-83) at the Pig Pen. The Hogettes have gone to many Redskins' games since. They have made many friends along the way. Being a part of the Redskins "12th Man" is great.

The Hogettes try to support any group that needs help, especially children. Funny looks and clowning around by these professional men has brought many a smile to a lot of people across the Washington, D.C. community and other NFL cities around the country. All the guys are committed to the team effort and have volunteered many hours to helping benefit sick kids. The Hogettes Team has made life a little brighter for many by their actions.

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