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What does HC search say about the organization? (merged)


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Around here, we spend a lot of time bantering back and forth about how Snyder runs the team, his management style and what he does right or wrong. Admittedly, none of us have first hand knowledge or actually see it up close and personal so let me break down a few things and see what kind of conclusions my fellow members can draw from it.

The Redskins are one of the most stroried franchises in the league

The Redskins are the richest franchise in the league

The Redskins are a big market team with a huge and loyal fanbase

The Redskins pay their coaches and players more than any other team

The Redskins have a solid roster of players and just made the playoffs

Now, on the face of it, it sure seems like this would be one of the most desirable jobs in all of sports. You'll get paid and have a chance to add to a glorious tradition. This should be the opportunity of a lifetime for almost any coach out there.

However, Bill Cowher turned us down. Jim Mora Jr turned us down. Pete Carroll turned us down. Spags turned us down. In short, every coach who isn't desperate for a coaching job, who isn't out of the league and off every other team's radar, turned us down. What does that say about this organization? To me, it speaks volumes about what people in the league think about the chances of being successful here and the way the team is run. I'd like your take on it and I'd like to hear some potential explanations for how the potentially greatest job in the NFL has come to be treated as a cancer to coaching careers. Please help me understand this.

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Around here, we spend a lot of time bantering back and forth about how Snyder runs the team, his management style and what he does right or wrong. Admittedly, none of us have first hand knowledge or actually see it up close and personal so let me break down a few things and see what kind of conclusions my fellow members can draw from it.

The Redskins are one of the most stroried franchises in the league

The Redskins are the richest franchise in the league

The Redskins are a big market team with a huge and loyal fanbase

The Redskins pay their coaches and players more than any other team

The Redskins have a solid roster of players and just made the playoffs

Now, on the face of it, it sure seems like this would be one of the most desirable jobs in all of sports. You'll get paid and have a chance to add to a glorious tradition. This should be the opportunity of a lifetime for almost any coach out there.

However, Bill Cowher turned us down. Jim Mora Jr turned us down. Pete Carroll turned us down. Spags turned us down. In short, every coach who isn't desperate for a coaching job, who isn't out of the league and off every other team's radar, turned us down. What does that say about this organization? To me, it speaks volumes about what people in the league think about the chances of being successful here and the way the team is run. I'd like your take on it and I'd like to hear some potential explanations for how the potentially greatest job in the NFL has come to be treated as a cancer to coaching careers. Please help me understand this.

In no way am I defending the owner but:

1. Cowher did not want to coach in 2008, he wants to spend more time with his family. No problem.

2. Mora coached with Seattle last year and is guaranteed to be the HC next year. Why pack up and move when he is getting exactly what he wants in one year to include staying with an organization he is very familiar with.

3. Carroll – IMHO not disappointed he said no – Wanted far more control and is looking for a particular situation. He has turned down other offers as well from other teams.

4. I don’t have an answer for Spags.

5. Mooch, Fassel and Meeks would not turn down the job.

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I was thinking of a thread similar to this, but I hate starting new threads in fear of getting NNTed, but anyway here's my thought...

Okay, IF you were a coach being considered for the Redskins'

head coaching vacancy and you already knew of issues within

the organization like being 20+ million over the cap, you can't hire

your own coaches(yet), the fans are going to want your head on a stick

if you don't start off well, DS (owner) and VC (VP) are

too involved for you to be successful and will never allow you to run the

show, you would inherit an aging team and possible bitterness fom

players and your name will be heckled by the meda constantly.

A. Would you STILL take the job?

B. Would you turn it down because of these reasons?


C. Screw it! Just show me the money, Mr Snyder!

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Really not much to add there. More often than not perception is reality and when you have so many people saying the same thing over and over again it's hard to argue otherwise.

This organizations tracke record under Snyder tells the story.

We were on the right path with Schottenheimer and what did Snyder do? He fired him because being the control freak he is he cannot deal with having real football people running the show.

Let's face it already, Snyder wants to be involved in every aspect of this team, and as long as he acts that way this franchise will continue to be a league wide joke.

This whole thing is awfully reminiscent of how things used to be, and still are to a certain degree with Abe Pollin and the Wizards.

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1. the Redskins roster is aging in several key areas and there are major injuries to a number of key players that may impact their ability to play in 2008.

2. the Redskins lack an established/proven front office executive that a new HC can have confidence in to rebuild the roster and develop the depth to be a true Super Bowl contender.

3. Snyder pays his coaches and players but it is a devil's bargain. Coaches have Snyder on their hip 24/7 by Blackberry and players such as Shawn Springs are made to start off the season coming off the bench because they won't take pay cuts based on the contracts they originally signed with the team.

4. the Redskins roster has a number of sacred cows including Portis and Moss that practice when they want to and play in preseason and regular season games when they want. Anyone believe that Tony Dungy or Bill Bellichick would accept this arrangement?

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Sorry after a while it shows money isn't everything. If you want to be a puppet for a HC then come here, but if you do whatever credibility you once had will be destroyed. This whole management and braintrust is a bunch of bumbling idiots. This is by far one of the worst days to be a Redskins fan. Times like this I come so close to turning in my fan card and going to the Blue and Silver with Stars.....

Atleast they win and atleast JJ has shown he is competent, far more than I can say for Daniel Snyder and Vinnie Cerrato.

Bang I AM DEAD.......

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I guess this is the "Dark Ages" of Redskins football...Althought what would u call the last 15 years?

I'd call this the enlightenment phase.

During the dark ages the powers that be would tell us for years that the coordinators were to blame, the players were to blame, the headcoach was to blame or the darned media.

Slowly but surely though the fanbase is waking up and realizing that none other than ownership is to blame.

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That the money offered by Dan is being trumped by the level of dislike for the organization?

I don't know that it's even dislike. I mean, these coaches could probably get over not liking Dan or Vinny. It seems to me that, coaches in a position to choose choose not to be here because they don't feel like they have a real chance of being successful.

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Bang I AM DEAD.......

I don't know why I should care, but so be it.

Anyway, to the original post.. as far as anyone knows, Snyder has YET to actually offer the job to anyone. He's been interviewing.

Bill Cowher is happy in retirement. This is Snyder's fault?

You should be GLAD that Jim Mora Jr walked away, he's a moron who did absolutely nothing in Atlanta except foster a me-first mentality among his players. (By the way, while we're so wrapped up in our own little pity party here, did it ever occur to the OP that the reason Mora stayed away is because he wants the Seattle job? I mean, after all it IS his hometown.)

Pete Carrol turns down teams every year. Why? Let's see.. he's the KING of football in Los Angeles.

Think that might be nice?

Of course not, who the hell wants to be a successful football coach in Southern California? It's obviously all Dan Snyder's doing.

Spagnoulo has reportedly signed a contract to be the highest paid coordinator in the NFL, right? How much of an idiot do you have to be to do THAT? what a moron he must be to want to be the highest paid coordinator on a team that JUST won the Super Bowl.

Of course, it's all Snyder's fault that he's enjoying his success.

the day this fan base pulls it's head out of it's collective ass, the POP will be deafening.


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Around here, we spend a lot of time bantering back and forth about how Snyder runs the team, his management style and what he does right or wrong. Admittedly, none of us have first hand knowledge or actually see it up close and personal so let me break down a few things and see what kind of conclusions my fellow members can draw from it.

The Redskins are one of the most stroried franchises in the league

The Redskins are the richest franchise in the league

The Redskins are a big market team with a huge and loyal fanbase

The Redskins pay their coaches and players more than any other team

The Redskins have a solid roster of players and just made the playoffs

Now, on the face of it, it sure seems like this would be one of the most desirable jobs in all of sports. You'll get paid and have a chance to add to a glorious tradition. This should be the opportunity of a lifetime for almost any coach out there.

However, Bill Cowher turned us down. Jim Mora Jr turned us down. Pete Carroll turned us down. Spags turned us down. In short, every coach who isn't desperate for a coaching job, who isn't out of the league and off every other team's radar, turned us down. What does that say about this organization? To me, it speaks volumes about what people in the league think about the chances of being successful here and the way the team is run. I'd like your take on it and I'd like to hear some potential explanations for how the potentially greatest job in the NFL has come to be treated as a cancer to coaching careers. Please help me understand this.

I don't think anyone knows for a fact that what you are saying about coaches turning down the job are true. At this point, it's all surmise. For all we know, the folks you mentioned may not have had interest in any NFL HC position or they may have withdrawn because, after the interview, they didn't think (or were told) that they weren't among the final few.

It's silly to think anyone thinks of the redskins HC position as a cancer to coaching careers. What evidence do you have to support this? NONE!

I think Dan Snyder is doing what he said he would do, conduct a very thorough search and ultimately pick the man best suited to take us to the Superbowl.

You may think you know better than him how long that process should take and who the person should be but you don't period and neither do I or anyone else for that matter.

We need to stop acting like a bunch of over anxious wusses and let the process play out before we whine like little babies and make posts like this.

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That we're maybe not quite as organized as we could be.

It may be true that Snyder's head is in the right place. Having a comprehensive coaching search, which takes in to account a variety of different options, with exhaustive study and research, is a good thing. But my problem is with the planning and execution. And its not just a style thing. There are tangible negative effects stemming from what I percieve to be the mis management of this search.

The best analogy I can make, that is the antithesis of how this has been done, is how the U.S. approaches UN resolutions. We NEVER put forth a resolution that we don't already know we're going to win. We work behind closed doors to build consensus, and only after we've "won", do we put forth the resolution. That way, we always win.

That's the kind of organization people want to be associated with. Slick operations, that win. Not operations that can't seem to get our of their own way.

At the end of the day, its wins that matter. And I ultimately will be happy when we turn out to be a winner. But why fight the uphill battle? Set your self up for sucess, and save the backlash by better execution and planning.

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I think calling people "anxious wusses" isn't deserved. It seems to me, that a lot of people are concerned that the coaching search is taking a long time. With free agency starting in a few weeks. There concerns may be valid. How long do you think it should take to evalute talent on this team and evalute the free agent talents? Remember none of this can be done until there is a new head coach. And to say this can be done with just coordinators is foolish. No head coach would take the job in name only.

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